February 23 to 27, 2015
Medellin, Colombia / OEA/Ser.L/XVII.4.2
CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 3736/15 cor.1
16 February 2015
Original: English
(Item on the Agenda:3.1)
(Document submitted by the spokesperson: Mr. Alexander Roytblat)
The sixth meeting of the Project Team A-Conference Preparatory Group (CPG) for WRC-15 of the European Conference of Post and Telecommunications (CEPT) was held on 13-16 January 2015. The highlights/decisions of this meeting are summarized below.
Agenda Item 1.3:to review and revise Resolution 646 (Rev.WRC12) for broadband public protection and disaster relief (PPDR), in accordance with Resolution 648 (WRC12);
CEPT agreed to nominate ranges of suitable spectrum for PPDR operations with specific frequency arrangements through non-mandatory reference to Recommendation ITUR M. 2015 in accordance with the draft CPM Method D 1/1.3/6.4. CEPT identified the frequency ranges 400 MHz (380-470 MHz), and 700/800 MHz (694-869 MHz), and 4940-4990 MHz, and 5850-5925 MHz to be considered by regional organizations and administrations for their PPDR operations. Further details and explanation on regionally harmonized use of those bands, such as the specific bands and frequency arrangements adopted by individual administrations and the regional organizations are provided in Recommendation ITU-R M.2015, containing a set of frequencies and ranges as identified by regional organizations and administrations. Additionally, CEPT is of the view that spectrum generally identified for IMT may be considered as a national solution to enhance the regionally harmonized measures.
In order to provide this flexibility on the future handling of ranges and frequencies identified regionally for harmonized PPDR use, CEPT proposes that Resolution 646 (Rev. WRC-12) should consist of general frequency ranges covering the bands and frequencies currently contained in Resolution 646 (Rev. WRC-12) and those as indicated for regional harmonization of broadband PPDR at WRC-15.
In order to fulfil the second invite of WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.3 to conduct further appropriate technical studies in support of possible additional identification of other frequency ranges to meet the particular needs of certain countries in Region1 CEPT will provide for a revision of Recommendation ITU-R 2015 to include details on the ranges and frequency bands used for PPDR within CEPT at a later stage after WRC 15.
Agenda Item 1.11to consider a primary allocation for the Earth exploration-satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the 7-8 GHz range, in accordance with Resolution 650 (WRC-12)
CEPT supports the allocation of the frequency band 7190-7250MHz on a primary basis to the Earth exploration-satellite service (Earth-to-space).
CEPT supports Method A – Option 1 (non-geostationary satellite systems only) since geostationary applications currently are not foreseen. Nevertheless CEPT do not object to the extension to also geostationary systems (Method A-option 2 or 3) if required by other administrations.
CEPT considers that the consequential changes in the ITU-R Radio-Regulations Table 21-2 proposed under Method A are not required for the solution of this Agenda Item, as the channelization arrangements for the Fixed Service in the range 7235-7250 MHz have the same characteristics than those in the range 7145-7235 MHz.
CEPT recognizes that EESS (Earth-to-space) cannot share with SRS (deep space) in the 7 145-7 190 MHz band and, therefore, does not support allocation of the frequency band 7145-7190MHz on a primary basis to the Earth exploration-satellite service (Earth-to-space).
Agenda Item 1.12to consider an extension of the current worldwide allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite (active) service in the frequency band 9 300-9 900 MHz by up to 600 MHz within the frequency bands 8 700-9300MHz and/or 9 900-10 500 MHz, in accordance with Resolution 651 (WRC 12)
CEPT supports the allocation of additional radio frequency spectrum of 600 MHz in the frequency bands 9200-9 300 MHz with a [primary] status and 9.9-10.4 GHz with a primary status to the Earth Exploration-Satellite Service (active).
CEPT supports, that stations in the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) shall not cause harmful interference to, nor claim protection from, stations operating in the Radio Determination Services allocated in the same frequency bands. The extension band should be only used by SAR systems requiring more than 600 MHz bandwidth.
CEPT supports, that provisions for the protection of Fixed and Mobile Services from EESS (active) need to be implemented, as appropriate.
CEPT supports, that the Space Research Service (deep space) operating in the band 8 400 - 8 450 MHz and the Radio Astronomy Service operating in the band 10.6 - 10.7 GHz will be protected through the implementation of mitigation techniques, and, if not sufficient, through operational coordination, as described in Recommendations ITU-R RS.2065 and RS.2066.
Agenda Item 1.13to review No. 5.268 with a view to examining the possibility for increasing the 5 km distance limitation and allowing space research service (space-to-space) use for proximity operations by space vehicles communicating with an orbiting manned space vehicle, in accordance with Resolution 652 (WRC 12)
CEPT support removal of the distance restriction in RR No 5.268 on the extra vehicular activities while keeping the pfd limit at the Earth’s surface.
Agenda Item 1.14to consider the feasibility of achieving a continuous reference time-scale, whether by the modification of coordinated universal time (UTC) or some other method, and take appropriate action, in accordance with Resolution 653 (WRC 12)
CEPT supports the necessary studies on the feasibility of achieving a continuous reference time-scale, by modification of UTC or by other methods, for dissemination by radiocommunication systems. CEPT also supports studies on issues related to the possible implementation of a continuous reference time-scale (including technical and operational factors. CEPT does not support CPM Method B.
Agenda Item 2to examine the revised ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations communicated by the Radiocommunication Assembly, in accordance with Resolution 28 (Rev.WRC-03), and to decide whether or not to update the corresponding references in the Radio Regulations; in accordance with principles contained in Annex 1 to Resolution 27 (Rev.WRC-12)
CEPT supports ITU-R studies on the revision of ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference.
CEPT is examining the compliance with the principles of Annex 1 to Resolution 27 (Rev-WRC-12) of the references to ITU-R Recommendations in the Radio Regulations.
CEPT supports update of the RR Volume 4 cross references list taking into account its possible role in new arrangement of RR mentioned in noting b) of Resolution 67 (WRC-12), see also AI 9 Issue 9.1.4.
Agenda Item 4in accordance with Resolution 95 (Rev.WRC07), to review the Resolutions and Recommendations of previous conferences with a view to their possible revision, replacement or abrogation
CEPT encourages the constant review of Resolutions and Recommendations from previous conferences and will follow activities, in particular of ITU, associated with this effort.
- CEPT proposes to suppress Resolution 51(REV.WRC-2000), 98(WRC-12), 142(WRC-03), 806(WRC-07), 807 (WRC-12), 900 (WRC-03).
- CEPT proposes to modify Resolution 18(REV.WRC-12), 28(REV.WRC-03), 207(REV.WRC-03). 229 (REV.WRC-12), 418 (REV.WRC-12).
- CEPT proposes to suppress Recommendation [TBD].
- CEPT proposes to modify Recommendation 75 (WRC-03), 207 (WRC-07)
Agenda Item 9.1.4Updating and rearrangement of the Radio Regulations. Resolution 67 resolves to initiate studies for possible updating, review and possible revision of outdated information, and rearrangement of certain parts of the Radio Regulations, except for Articles1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23 and59 and those parts which are being revised on a regular basis, as appropriate
CEPT proposes NOC to the Radio Regulations under this issue. CEPT notes the consideration of the issue in WP 1B.CEPT is of the view that there is no need update and rearrange the Radio Regulations under this issue.
Agenda Item 9.1.6Resolution 957 (WRC-12) resolves to review the definitions of fixed service, fixed station and mobile station for possible modification and invites ITU-R to conduct the necessary studies including on the potential impact of such modifications
CEPT proposes NOC to the Radio Regulations under this issue. CEPT is of the view that there is no need to modify the existing definitions of fixed service, fixed station and mobile station. Furthermore, CEPT opposes any modification which may have any negative regulatory impact on existing allocations to radiocommunication services.
Agenda Item 9.1.8Regulatory aspects for nanosatellites and picosatellites
CEPT proposes NOC to RR Articles 9 and 11. CEPT plans to ask ITU-R to develop material containing detailed information that would help to improve the knowledge of the applicable procedures for submitting filings of satellite networks to the ITU, in particular among new entrants to the space sector. CEPT is considering a Resolution to the 2015 Radiocommunication Assembly to address the issue of limited knowledge of the applicable regulatory procedures for the nano/pico satellites. Also, CEPT intends to inform the CPM that it plans to submit a Resolution to the Radio Assembly.
Agenda Item 10to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the next WRC, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the subsequent conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences, in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention.
CEPT is considering inclusion of the following agenda items for WRC-19:
- to consider upgrade of the secondary allocation to the EESS (space-to-Earth) by footnote RR 5.289 in the band 460 – 470 MHz to primary, proposed by France/Germany.
- to consider harmonization of 1800 – 2000kHz in Region 1 to align with Amateur service in Regions 2 and 3, proposed by IARU/Netherlands.
- to consider allocation of 50-52 MHz to the amateur service and amateur satellite service in Regions 1, proposed by IARU/Netherlands.
- to consider harmonization of amateur microwave sub-bands – notably 3400-3410MHz in Region 1 with Regions 2 and 3, proposed by IARU/Netherlands.
- to consider introduction of IMT identification in bands above 6 GHz, proposed by UK.
- to consider studies on frequency-related matters on very high bitrate mobile broadband applications in the frequency range 6.5 GHz to 100 GHz, proposed by Sweden;
- to consider allocations in frequency bands between 1427 – 5000 MHz in order to enable the development and introduction of new mobile and fixed wideband applications, and if necessary consider additional spectrum allocations, in accordance with Resolution YYY (WRC-15) , proposed by Sweden,
- to consider a primary allocation to the mobile service in the frequency band 47 – 68 MHz [in accordance with Resolution [47-68 MHz], proposed by Sweden,
- to consider regulatory actions, including spectrum allocations, to support GMDSS modernization and implementation of e-navigation in accordance with Resolution 359 (WRC-12);
- to consider modifications to Article 5 to accommodate the growing number of small satellites under development and launched”, in accordance with Resolution 757 (rev. WRC 15), proposed by Netherlands.
- to consider sspectrum for RLANs in 5350-5470 MHz, proposed by UK.
- Power limits within the uplink satellite bands, especially those in some frequency bands below 1 GHz, proposed by France.
- to consider spectrum requirements and harmonization for the Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) in the band 1 656.5-1 660 MHz, proposed by Switzerland.
The documents from this meeting are available at:
Next meeting:
The 7th meeting of CEPT CPG PT-A is scheduled to take place 27-30 April in Douglas, Isle of Man, UK. The final, 8th, meeting of PT A for the WRC-15 cycle will occur 20-24 July, location TBD.