8th grade Earth Science Syllabus
Read this through with your parent/guardian, then sign and date at the bottom.
General curriculum
1st quarter: Astronomy & Earth’s History
2nd quarter: Chemistry
3rd quarter: Geology
4th quarter: Weather
Each unit will include an environmental perspective as we try to comprehend human impact on the health of Earth and its natural environment.
Ø Try your best in class and on assignments.
Ø Practice good student skills. This means you ALWAYS bring your supplies, are on time and ready to start, participate, and practice organization and time management.
Ø Ask questions when you aren’t sure, and never give up!
Supplies needed
Mechanical pencils or blue/black pens
Spiral bound 2 subject notebook (this will be your scientific notebook)
3 ring binder
3 dividers for binder
Optional: markers, glue stick, colored pencils, scientific calculator.
Scientific notebooks
You will keep a scientific notebook which will have almost all of the information you need for class. You’ll keep it in a box in the room, and it’ll be graded each quarter. You’ll use this to study for quizzes and tests.
It makes up approximately 25% of your science grade, so it’s important that you keep it accurate, neat, and up to date.
Notebooks will not be accepted late.
Ø Weekly assignments due on Fridays
Ø Longer projects may have various due dates, and you will get these dates when the project is assigned.
Ø Homework Extensions:
If you need to hand in assignment late, YOU NEED TO DISCUSS IT WITH ME and show what you have finished so far. This needs to happen at least 1 day before the due date for weekly assignments, and 2-3 days before the due date for larger projects.
Ø If you come to class late, be sure to bring a signed pass from the teacher you were just with.
Ø 3 unexcused tardies = phone call home. Further tardies will result in lunch and recess detention.
Ø You’ll need a bathroom/locker pass to leave class.
Ø Classroom supplies: these are yours to use. Make sure to ask me first, and return them when you’re finished. See me if you need to check out a textbook or resource book.
Ø Space behind my desk = my space.
Ø All homework should be turned into the “in” basket with your homeroom teachers name on it. You are responsible for getting your graded work out of the “out” basket if you are absent the day it’s given back.
Ø Ask first if you need to use the phone in between classes. If answering the phone, be polite and use the prompt.
Ø Knock on the door and wait from someone to open it if coming from another class.
Please contact me WHENEVER you or your parents have any questions, comments, or concerns
Ms. Barr
8th grade science
Phone: (763)971-4576
Website: 8th grade science website can be accessed through the FAIR school 8th grade team website: http://www.wmep.k12.mn.us/fair/grade8.html
I understand and agree to the guidelines outlined on this syllabus.
Student Name (print) ______
Student Name (sign) ______
Parent/Guardian Name (print)______
Parent/Guardian Signature (sign) ______