Telopea P&C Ordinary Meeting 26 July2017
Subject Matter: / P&C Association Meeting
Purpose: / Ordinary Meeting / Date:Wed, 26 July2017
Time:7.10pm – 8.40pm
Location: Secondary Staff Room, NSW Crescent, Barton
Colombe Bories
Justin Brown
Catriona Dove
Ann Evans
David Pullen
Philippe Moncuquet / Anita Gardner
Vanessa Lynch
Audrey Michiels
Sarah Milligan
Robin Egerton
Peter Clayden / Pauline Cullen
Nicola Smith
Apologies: / Chris Farmer
Nancy Waites
Sophie Beauvais / Clair Bannerman
Lisa Wallace
Lisa Lockey / Kerry Blain
Peter Roberts
Discussion / Action
Apologies & Attendance / Apologies were received from:
- Chris Farmer
- Lisa Wallace
- Nancy Waites
- Sophie Beavais
- Kerry Blain
- Clair Bannerman
- Lisa Lockey
- Peter Roberts
Acceptance of minutes / Moved by Catriona Dove; Seconded by Philippe Moncuquet
Actions Arising / Considered under agenda items
Report –P&C President / Correspondence from the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects – ACT Chapter
An email was received from the ALIA – ACT inquiring as to whether the school would like to participate in the opening of the new area currently being developed in Telopea Park. The opening is on 20 August 2017 (Sunday). There was general interest in running a BBQ if it was able to be a fundraising opportunity.
Colombe will contact the ALIA and seek clarification from the ALIA.
Representation from parents – re Christian Education in Schools organisation
Some parents have contacted Colombe requesting that the P&C promote of the Christian Education In Schools project, which is a project of the ACT Churches Council.
VOTE for (2) against (5)
A survey will be provided to parents to seek an idea of how many people are likely to purchase. An approach will also be taken to seeing how many secondary parents and staff may be interested in purchasing the Keep Cups. There is the potential to set up a stall on the school grounds at particular times to advertise/sell the cups. It is important the final design is checked and approved by the Principal to ensure the latest version of the logo is used.
Representation from parents – Year 6 celebration
Some parents have suggested that there be a special celebration for Year 6 at the end of the year. There was discussion about what might be suitable and it was suggested that the Year 6 students could attend the secondary Term 4 Dance Party.
Ms Egerton and Mr Clayden to investigate.
Raffle & Fete update – Peter Roberts has sent his apologies
- No one has volunteered to be the fete coordinator. There are several volunteers willing to split the roles but no one with the capacity to be the contact point between now and the fete in November.
- There was some discussion about the capacity of someone from the school to assist in the planning and organising.
- Mr Clayden also noted that the SRC may have some capacity to assist.
Colombe will contact the school and make a targeted request for assistance that outlines exactly what the P&C is seeking.
Report –Principal / The Acting Principal highlighted some points from his written report:
- Baccalaureat and Brevet results were very successful
- The Future of Education initiative is a key project being driven by the Minister. Parents are encouraged to input into this consultation. From the perspective of Telopea School, the focus will be on bilingual education being a key component of the education of the future – seeking input from the P&C
- Pathways planning – an initiative of the ACT Education Directorate.
- Road Safety – a request that someone from the P&C please contact Mary Ryan at the school re the pedestrian crossing
- School review process took place in week 9 and the school’s input isnow finalised for both systems.
- There have been more applications than places at the school however it is pleasing to note that approval was given for a fourth Kindergarten class in 2018. A portable classroom for secondary will be placed during the summer holidays.
- There was a Ministerial Launch of the ACT Government Policy and Plan for Managing Occupational Violence for Staff – a focus on ensuring that all staff and students are safe at school.
Report - Treasurer / Treasurer report highlights
- The P&C is in good financial shape to meet its commitments with approximately $120 000 in the bank
- All expenses are now paid and the audit is complete from last month
- There was a very successful Disco held with a profit of $3300
Report – Before and After School Care /
- All going well, a subcommittee meeting was held recently
- The school has given approval for a shed for storage which is a constant issue.
- Holiday program was very successful
Colombe to talk to Mary Ryan regarding where the playground is up to.
Report – P&C Communications Officer /
- Still working on refining email distribution lists and the P&C Facebook page.
- Considering reinstating the newsletter in a short, sharp format
AOB / Lost Property Sales
All encouraged to volunteer to help this valuable recycling project by hanging up the jackets and taking home the lunch boxes to rinse them and return.
The Year 6 students do return labelled items most weeks.
Earn and Learn
- This needs to be advertised in Telopea Topics but should be made more widely known.
- Justin Brown queried whether the student had received an iPad as a prize, it was resolved that it had not happened. There was also a family group who sold the same amount of booklets and it was decided that they would receive a voucher from somewhere like Paperchain for $50 per student ($100 in total)
Justin Brown attended the P&C Council meeting and saw a presentation from the Pathways Planning initiative from the Education Directorate. They have offered to come and present to parents about how to assist students from years5/6 upwards with career planning.
Meeting closed / 8.55pm
Prepared By: / PC / 27 July 2017
Approved By: / P&C Exec / Not yet approved
Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 26 July 2017Page 1/4