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Notes of Committee Meeting held Monday 6th January 2014

Present Apologies

Corrine White (Chair) Brian Herdman (Vice Chairman)

Andy Langman (Treasurer) Diane Wicks

Caroline Moysey (Secretary)

Fran Herdman (Bookings Secretary)

Anita Perry

Gary White

Darin McLean

David Browne

Phil King

Agenda Items / Action / By Whom / By Date
1.  Apologies
2.  Minutes and Matters Arising / Apologies were received from Brian Herdman and Diane Wicks.
2.1  Minutes of 2nd December 2013 - Enquiry to hire Hall for Christmas Lunch on 25th December by Cottrell’s should have been minuted under Any Other Business.
2.2  Hall insurance had been approved and renewed.
2.3  Passageway locks still to be done.
2.4  Fire training still to be done.
3. Treasurers Report
(See attached) / 3.1 AL presented December’s Report. End of December available funds: £3,861.68.
Designated funds - £1,000 for tables/seating in bar; £200 donated by Lloyd and Alison Wing for anything to do with Film Nights – gantry had been agreed.
Xmas party had been a success and made more than target profit. More money due from Hannah’s party.
Events – February – Quiz/Pub Night
March – Possible Film Night
4. Health & Safety Report / 4.1 PK fixed broken corner on front step.
5. Facilities Report
/ 5.1 Dishwasher not working – GW to look at it.
5.2 Xmas decorations needed taking down – DB, DMcL, PK to stay after meeting to do.
5.3 Saturday 11th January 10.00 am – It was agreed Ctte members would carry out cleaning of yard/hall so access can be gained for servicing of boiler. / GW
5. 6. Events/Bookings / 6.1 Bar Rotas – FH put forward idea of drawing up rota for the year. It was suggested there may be other people on the mailing list who might man the bar. It was agreed that FH to send out dates of events as a form and ask people to fill in when they can do the bar (2 for each event). DMcL to send out request via Mailchimp to those not on the Ctte willing to man the bar.
6.2 Events in December went well. Home for Christmas well attended. Ball very successful – Selling tickets for tables worked well, food was good, young people who served were excellent. Purity barrel left in Hall after 25th Dec private event.
6.3 25 Jan – Burn’s Night Ceilidh and Haggis Supper – Cranachan included as dessert.
15 Feb – Quiz. Tickets and posters needed – PK agreed to do this. Tickets £5 to include hotdog. CW to contact Tony Pitt.
1 Mar – Shindig event – “Something Fishy” by Ginny Davis. Tickets £8.50 without food, £12.50 with food. Could do mackerel pâté ploughman’s.
6.4 1914/18 Project – DMcL informed the meeting that Committee had been created by the Lenches to organise events to commemorate the Great War. 2014 – The focus will be on entering the war:
- Exhibition in Church Lench Village Hall. Could be moved around eg. to Rous Lench Hall.
- Old-fashioned Music Hall. DMcL asked if could use Hall for this. Proceeds from ticket sales would go to Help for Heroes/Poppy Appeal. Would be 12th or 13th September.
2016 - Exhibition again
- “Journey’s End” play by GLADS in Rous Lench
Hall (if agreed)
2018 – Another event.
DMcL agreed to obtain more detail re events/
rehearsals etc. FH to put in Newsletter. / FH
7. PR/Website/Newsletter / 7.1 Mailchimp – DMcL informed this was going well. “Open” rate was 45%. Contact address is .
8. Planning & matters arising / 8.1 Plans for extension – DB spoken to Steve Marchant (architect). GW to contact. / GW
9. Any Other Business
9. Any Other Business (cont’d) / 9.1 Security – Too many keys to the Hall seem to be
available. Dave Burns apparently has a key. CW to ask for it to be returned. Only Ctte members should have keys, keys for events need to be signed for.
9.2 Succession Planning - AL stepping down as
Treasurer and Ctte member in April. Some duties could be distributed to other members:
-  DMcL – Distribution List
-  CM – Charities Commission
-  DB – Licences
9.3 Wychavon Grant – worth about £1,000. Theme –
sustainable futures. We have until March to submit
an application. See next meeting.
9.4 Pig Roast 2014 – This will be last Saturday in June
(28th), DB and James Lacey to organise as usual.
-  FH to ask BH about providing live music.
-  BSA Car Rally organised.
-  Alpacas.
-  Buying a banner was suggested. Prices given to DB.
-  Use of The Court field – possible use as car park.
-  Raffle prizes needed.
9.5 Calendars – AP to obtain money taken for calendars taken in church.
9.6 Summary of Actions agreed
Dishwasher – GW (AL has spare)
Clearing of yard – All
Rota for bar – FH
Mailchimp request for bar volunteers - McL
Tickets and Posters for Quiz – PK
Tony Pitt Quiz Night – CW
Purity Barrels – FH
Details re 1914/18 event - DMcL
Article in Newsletter re 1914/18 event - FH
Planning/contact architect - GW
Keys to Hall – CW
Request for Music, Pig Roast - FH
Money for Calendars – AP
Raffle prizes for Pig Roast - All / CW
10. Date of Next Meeting / Tuesday 4th February 2014 at 8.00pm (please note change of date)