Roland Park Elementary/Middle School

School Family Council Meeting Minutes – December 19, 2016 @ 3:30 pm

Attendees: Heidi Mozoki, Justin Holbrook, Melanie Carter, Amir Arnold, Curtisha Wilson, Beth Marshall, Nick D’Ambrosio, Kristen Bowden, Daniel Bowden, Jaime Roberts, Tim Chang, Lisa Beavous, Kim Lee Bedford, Margot Candelaria, Amy Bonitz Palmer, Stephanie Safran, Jeffrey Johnson

Committee Check-ins


·  November was 95.04% - down from last year

·  December 95%

·  We have sent letters and made phone calls to parents

·  The at-risk students will be referred to SST

·  Next meeting is January 11th at 3:00pm


·  Our lunch and recess periods are improving

·  We will have a Buddy Day in January for all students at RPEMS

·  We promoted the Art Walls designed by Ms. Repass

·  We are designing new buttons with RPEMS logo

·  We are planning two sixth grade mixers


·  Student interns are finished for 2016

·  Ms. Walker retired

·  Student interns will begin again in the Spring on Tuesdays and Thursdays


·  We had a fabulous cookie exchange for the teachers

·  Clubs are finished for now – discussion was had about the teachers not knowing about the dates, times, and locations of clubs, especially for Kindergarten students – teachers would like to receive communications about clubs

Family & Community

·  We held open meetings about the roof project

·  We went to the board and made a statement

·  Keith Scroggins missed the meeting

·  We now have word that Whiting Turner will complete the project

·  There will be phases – not firm on deadlines at this time

·  Aiming for a Spring Break completion time

·  Feeling optimistic

·  Waiting for a permit

·  Will work 6:30 am – 4:00pm

Differentiated Learning

·  We will have evening meetings

·  We talk about the Gifted and Talented program at RPEMS

·  We are short on resources

·  Kids have taken pre-tests but no assignments

·  STEM Kits – Where are they? Mr. Holbrook said that they are being used in 4th and 5th grade

·  We will provide resources and communications for parents

·  We want to recruit more parents

·  Trying to plan ways to help teachers in the classroom

·  iReady results – come up with a guide to explain the test to parents

·  Goals: fundraising, reach out to Madeline Egan, schedule a panel, determine the positives of GT program

Mr. D

·  Working on enrollment projections for next school year

·  There is a budget gap in the City Schools

·  With the extra funds from this years’ budget we hired a recess and lunch person and office support


·  Getting ready for Pennies for Patients

·  We have a holiday committee who held a bake sale and helped with American Education week

Next Meeting – Monday, January 23, 2017