RReturn of Jesus Christ

The Return of our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the fundamental teachings of the Word of God. For the believer, the coming of Christ is referred to in Titus 2:13 as the B______H_ _ _.

The promise of Christ’s coming

  1. Read John 14:1-4. Jesus said to His disciples in verse 3, “I W_ _ _ C_ _ _ A_ _ _ _.”
  2. Read Acts 1:11. The two angels said to the disciples, “This _ _ _ _ Jesus…shall so _ _ _ _ in

_ _ _ _ manner…”

  1. Read Hebrews 9:28. This promise states that Christ shall appear the S _ _ _ _ _ T_ _ _.

The first coming of Jesus Christ

Major prophecies concerning the First Coming of Christ:

Old Testament ProphecyNew Testament Fulfillment

Isaiah 7:14Matthew 1:23

Micah 5:2Luke 2:11,15

Zechariah 9:9Matthew 21:4-5

Isaiah 53:9Matthew 27:57-60

The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is in two stages

The First coming of the Lord Jesus was in two parts: Cradle…30 years…Cross

Thus, the Second coming of the Lord Jesus will be in TWO distinct stages:

Rapture…7 years…Revelation

Christ coming Christ coming

FOR His saints WITH His saints

The rapture of the saints

  1. The term “rapture” is not found in the Bible, but its meaning “caught up” most certainly is. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51,52; Philippians 3:20, 21
  2. According to 2 Peter 3:3-9, the only reason the Rapture has not yet taken place is that the Lord wants to save sinners.

Between the rapture and the revelation

  1. The Old Testament prophet, Daniel, indicates there will be a seven-year period between the two phases of the Second Coming of Christ.
  2. Daniel 9:24 speaks of a time period of 70 weeks
  3. Daniel 9:25 shows that these “weeks” are in fact “heptads” or seven-year periods. From the going forth of the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem to Messiah (Christ) would be 69 weeks. From 445 B.C. to 30 A.D. equals 69 x 7, or 483 Jewish years, or 475 sidereal years. This part has been fulfilled.
  4. Daniel 9:27 speaks of the 70th week yet to begin. The present Day of Grace has stopped God’s prophetic clock at the end of the 69th week when Messiah was cut off, i.e., crucified.
  5. The final seven years of Daniel’s prophecy will begin with the rapture when the Day of Grace ends and Judgment begins.

Judgment Seat Marriage Supper


TodayGreat Tribulation Millenium

  1. Read carefully 1 Corinthians 3:11-15. The fire of this Judgment will try the W _ _ _ _ of the Christian.
  2. From John 3:29 and Revelation 22:17, one of the metaphors used of New Testament churches is “The B _ _ _ _ of Christ.”
  3. The union of Bride and Bridegroom occurs at the rapture and the wedding is called in Revelation 19:7-9 the M______of the _ _ _ _.
  4. Read Matthew 24:15-24.
  5. According to Daniel 12:1, this period will be “…such as _ _ _ _ _ W_ _ since there was a nation.”
  6. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:3-9, the M _ _ of S_ _ will be revealed during this time. This person is commonly referred to as The Antichrist. He is the Devil incarnate.

The Millennium

  1. According to Revelation 20:2-3, Satan will be bound for ______years.
  2. According to Revelation 20:4, Christ will reign on the earth for ______years.
  3. According to Isaiah 2:4, the Millennium will be a time of ______.
  4. Read Isaiah 11:1-10 and Zechariah 14:16