(Subject to change – check the website regularly)

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CPR and First Aid Classes and Refreshers

CPR/FA Refresher / Tues April 26 / 5pm– 8pm / CPR/Fa Class / Sun April 24 / 10am – 4pm
CPR/FA Refresher / Sat May 7 / 10am - 1pm / CPR/FA Class / Mon May 16 – Tues May 17 / 5pm -8pm both days
CPR/FA Refresher / Thurs May 23 / 5pm – 8 pm / CPR/FA Class / Sat May 21 / 10am – 4 pm
CPR/FA Refresher / Sat June 4 / 10am – 1 pm / CPR/FA Class
(two day class) / Wed June 8 – Thurs June 9 / 5pm - 8 pm both days
CPR/FA Refresher / Mon June 6 / 5pm – 8 pm / CPR/FA class
(two day class) / Mon June 13 -
Tues June 14 / 5pm - 8 pm both days
CPR/FA Class
(two day class) / Wed June 15 – Thurs June 16 / 5 – 8 pm both days
CPR Pro Re-fresh For current lifeguards / Wed May 25 / 5pm – 8 pm
CPR Pro Refresh For current lifeguards / Thurs May 26 / 5pm – 8 pm


- You must pre-register (don’t just show up)

-register online or with Kelseyat least 48 hoursbefore the class starts – If you sign up online, make sure you get a confirmation email. (online sign up will begin sometime in January)

-Refreshers are required for staff with a CURRENT certification expiring 2017 (or after 8/30/2016)

-If your certification expires before 8/30/2016, sign up for a full class.

(If you’re not sure where you stand, contact Kelsey)

- 24 hours’ notice required for cancellation

- Minimum 4 students, max 8 students per class


- Contact Kelsey for more info:

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Lifeguard Training Schedule

General Information
-Candidates must be at least 15 years old

-Candidates must pass pre-course swim test
-Candidates must attend all portions of all sessions and pass all skill sessions, written and skills final exams

Pre-course Swim Test

Part I: Swim 300 yards continuously.
strokes must be continuous, no pauses between sections
a. Swim 100 yards (2 laps) of freestyle, good form, face in the water, rotary breathing
b. Swim 100 yards (2 laps)of breast stroke, good form (pull, breathe, kick, glide)
c. Swim 100 yards (2 laps) of either free or breast stroke, or a combination of the two
Note: a lap is a round trip / Part II: Timed swim
-jump in shallow end, Swim 20 yards, retrieve 10 pound brick from bottom of 10 feet, return to start holding brick withBOTH hands at all times. Exit pool from the side (no steps or ladder)
Time limit: 1 minute 40 seconds.
Part III: Tread 2 minutes without using your hands

LGT Re-certification Class: June 3 – June 8 This class is ONLY for current guards who need to re-cert

Pre-course swim, classroom review / FridayJune 3 / 4:00 – 7:30
water skills and CPR/FA / Saturday June 4 / 10-7
Shallow backboarding / Sunday June 5 / 1-4
Deep backboarding / Monday June 6 / 3 – 7
Review/skills exam / Tuesday June 7 / 3 -7
Rain date / Wednesday June 8 / 3 - 7

LGT Full Class: June 9 – June 17 (Course times/days may have to be altered due to weather)

Pre-course swim test and classroom / Thursday June 9 / 4 – 9
Finish classroom start water skills / Friday June 10 / 4– 8
Finish water skills / Saturday June 11 / 5 - 9
CPR & FA / Sunday June 12 / 1 - 7
Begin back boarding / Monday June 13 / 5 - 8
Back boarding / Tuesday June 14 / 5 - 8
Back boarding/review skills / Wednesday June 15 / 4:30 – 6:30
Final skills test / Thursday June 16 / 5 - 8
Rain Date / Friday June 17 / 5 - 9


Dates to be announced

Contact Lynn May to get on the list:

Pre-requisites:Must be at least 16 years old, Swim 25 meters of every stroke in good form, back float for 2 minutes and retrieve 10 lb. brick from 9 feet.