ПрофессорКлинтУокер/Prof. ClintWalkerSecond Year Russian

Office: LA 330, x2401 (main MCLL office)RU 201, fall 2017 in LA 234

, T, W, Thur., 11-11:50 am

Office Hours: M 10-11am, 12-1pm, W 10-11am and by appointment in LA 330

Русскийязык: Второйгод

Required Course Materials* [$40]:


Essential Russian Grammar$3.50


Носов, «Фантазёры»$10

Other booklets/materials $12

Index cards to make flash cards and/or a notebook for vocabulary

A good Russian-English, English-Russian dictionary.**

I will also be LOANING you several CDs and DVDs during the semester. I have purchased all of

these materials myself in order to save you money! Please handle them with extreme care—if a

CD or DVD is broken, you will need to pay replacement cost!

*These materials are available for purchase (at cost) from your instructor.

**If you do not yet own your own English-Russian, Russian-English dictionary,

you should purchase one. I have a number available if you need one.

Course Objectives and Learning Goals

In the two semesters of Intermediate Russian we will strive for the following.

GRAMMAR: The primary goal of this course is to reinforce the rules of Russian grammar that you learned in First-Year Russian. Having acquired an understanding of the basics of Russian grammar, you should already be familiar with most of the basic concepts that will be covered and reinforced in Russian 201. Your task, therefore, is to solidify your knowledge of Russian grammar, especially the cases (the declension and use of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives) and verbs (conjugation, tense, aspect, and case governance). In addition, you need to work toward a greater command of the "fine points" of Russian. Under this category I have in mind more advanced grammar, such as participles and verbal adverbs, and various exceptions, idioms, and stylistic nuances.

VOCABULARY: Your vocabulary acquisition will be enhanced through the grouping of vocabulary entries around specific topics. In order to enrich your lexicon in Russian, you must study vocabulary diligently and consistently. Organization is most important: I strongly suggest that you use flash cards AND a vocabulary notebook to make the job easier. In addition to basic vocab from first-year, for each chapter test you are expected to know the vocabulary that we have covered in readings and through our activities in class. Vocabulary is CUMULATIVE, so once we cover it, you are fully responsible for it (and it could appear on any tests and quizzes in the future). You are also responsible for any basic vocab from first-year (e.g., машина, читать, брат, сестра, говорить, красный, быстро, этот, тебе)

SPEAKING AND READING: This second semester of intermediate Russian places particular emphasis on improving your ability to speak and write in Russian. To this end I conduct a substantial part of class in Russian and ask that you adhere to a Russian-only policy in the classroom whenever possible. Every chapter will include opportunities to speak and write in Russian in a variety of genres.

CULTURE: One of the strengths of this year-long course is that it contains extra readings and video material on a wide array of subjects from Russian literature, history and popular culture. These materials provide a range of subject matter to read, watch and discuss and, as an added benefit, they also introduce you to a wide spectrum of Russian culture and civilization.

As you can see from this introduction, Second-Year (Intermediate) Russian is a demanding course. During two semesters you will work to improve your abilities in each of the four areas of foreign-language competence: comprehension (listening), reading, speaking, and writing. Our primary goal is to activate, reinforce and expand on the skills you learned in first-year Russian. The grammar must become second nature to you, and you will need to expand your active vocabulary rather rapidly if you are to become proficient in the language. Ultimately our aim by the end of third-year Russian (Advanced Russian) is to be ready to read, discuss, and write about authentic Russian texts in Russian in a relatively sophisticated manner. Second-year Russian should function as a bridge leading toward this goal. If YOU take some initiative and make the extra effort, I have no doubt you will be greatly rewarded! You are not competing against one another in the class, but rather all of you are working toward a common goal. Please keep this in mind and make an effort to help each other, especially if you notice that someone is having an “off” day! With hard work all of you can go from the level of a novice to the level of a student who is ready to begin taking on works of Russian literature and cinema in their original language!

Course Requirements and Guidelines

Class Participation

You are expected to attend nearly every class and to contribute actively toward its success. The value and enjoyment you obtain from this class depends on your active participation and engagement in the course material. Adequate preparation will insure that you (and others) have an enriching and enjoyable class experience.

Attendance Policy

Please be sure to bring a letter of excuse for official or excused absences (e.g., serious illness, religious holiday, family emergency). After four unexcused absences your course grade may be lowered by one step (e.g., A- to B+). Six or more unexcused absences may result in the lowering of your grade by one full letter (e.g., A- to B-). Eight or more unexcused absences may lower your grade two full letters (e.g., A to C)! Russian is a performance-based course that depends on your active participation in discussion of the material. Therefore, you should come to each class prepared to work with the material that has been assigned.

Classroom Etiquette

It is essential to the learning process that students treat each other and the instructor with respect. Under the Student Conduct Code, students who are found to be disruptive may be asked to leave the classroom. Disruptive behaviors may include but are not limited to:

Using electronic communication devices, including cell phones and laptops for purposes unrelated to ongoing class activities.

Carrying on side conversations that are distracting to the instructor and other students.

Verbally interrupting the class with comments or questions not relevant to the course or to the current discussion.

Failure to participate in assigned group activities.

Significantly interfering with instructor’s work activities during or outside of class.


The final grade for this course will be calculated according to the following formula:

Attendance and Class Participation15%

Homework and small quizzes20%

Oral exam15%

Two comprehensive tests25%

Writen Final Exam25%



90%-93%A-83%-87%B73%-77%C59% and belowF


Academic Honesty

All students should practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or disciplinary sanction by the University. I expect you to adhere to the standards set forth in the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at:

Here are some guidelines for this course.

  1. You should complete all tests (including the final) and quizzes without

consulting outside sources and without help from another individual. All work on these exercises should be solely your own.

  1. Working with other students on homework can be quite helpful, and this practice is fine and even encouraged as long as you adhere to a few simple rules.

A. It is always permissible to consult with other students to review general concepts (i.e., when to use genitive case, case usage after numbers, the difference between imperfective and perfective aspect).

B. You may work on individual homework assignments with other students, but you need to make this a truly collaborative effort. The majority of answers to a given assignment must be solely your own, and when you share information, everyone must participate actively.

  1. You may consult with native or heritage speakers only on general issues of Russian grammar. You should not ask a native speaker for help on individual assignments. Feel free to practice your Russian with anyone you wish, however (and I strongly encourage you to attend Russian-related functions on campus). The more you use your Russian, the better it will become!
  1. If you are unclear about whether certain forms of consultation or common work are acceptable, please ask me.

The University of Montana assures equal access to instruction through collaboration between students with disabilities, instructors, and Disability Services for Students (DSS). If you think you may have a disability adversely affecting your academic performance and you have not already registered with DSS, please contact DSS in Lommasson 154. I will be glad to work with you and DSS to provide an appropriate accommodation.


*Nota Bene* – The syllabus which follows is intended as a general syllabus. I reserve the right to change assignments, add homework to daily assignments or to make modifications at any time during the semester. I will, however, make every effort to keep major assignments (e.g. test dates, oral exam) as they are listed below.


чт31Обзор курса: расписание, учебные материалы и т.д.

Спряжениеглаголов (Verb Conjugation Overview)

Домашка: 1) Read Essential Russian Grammar pp. 55-59 on verb conjugation

and pp. 94-100 on basic grammar concepts 2) Watch 2nd Year Russian Basic Vocab DVD Едапродукты AND Едахлебтесто (мучныеизделия)

-- watch each presentation 2-3 times, repeating the words

as you watch. Write out the words you hear the second or

third time you watch the video. Bring this sheet to class.


Vocab Groups: Foods, Colors, Countries, Clothes

Basic Verbs

Grammar Topics: Spelling Rules

Verb Conjugation and Mutation

Prepositional Sing and Plural; Accusative Singular Cases



вт5Спряжениеглаголов (Verb Conjugation Overview)

Basic Vocab Review from homework (work with food vocab)

Домашка: 1) Verb Conjugation Practice Sheets (in the coursepack, p. 88-90)

2) Read Познаеммир pp. 7-10 and study the vocab for

Овощиифрукты. Write out the words on a separate sheet

with both the Russian and English.

3) Watch 2nd Year Russian Basic Vocab DVD фрукты. Watch

the video 2-3 times and write out the words you hear.

ср6Спряжениеглаголов (Verb Conjugation Overview)

Basic Vocab Review from last night's homework (fruits and veg vocab)

Review of Country Names in Russian

Домашка: 1) Verb Conjugation Practice Sheets (coursepack, p. 91-93)

2) Watch 2nd Year Russ Basic Vocab DVD Цветa (colors)

Watch 2-3 times and write out the words you hear

3) Read Познаеммир, pp. 17-21 and study the vocab for

Магазины, одежда, обувь, головные уборы

чт7Спряжение глаголов (VerbConjugationOverview)

Basic Vocab Review from last night's homework (colors, clothes, stores)

Review of Country Names in Russian

Домашка: Verb Conjugation Practice Sheets (coursepack, p. 94-96)


Vocab Groups: Body Parts, Furniture and Dishes

Verbs that Mutate

A Few Verbs that take Dative

Grammar Topics: Verb Conjugation and Mutation

Dative Case Overview


пн11Work with Verb Conjugation Sheets

Work with Vocab for Body Parts

Обзорпадежей: Дательный (Case Overview: Dative Case)

Домашка: Watch 2nd Year Russian Basic Vocab DVD Мебель. Watch 2-3

times and write out the words you hear.

Read Познаеммир, pp. 22-27 мебель, посуда and study the vocab

Dative, Prepositional and Accusative translations

вт12Work with Vocab from last night's homework (Furniture and Dishes)

Обзорпадежей: Дательный (Case Overview: Dative Case)

Домашка: Прочитайте небольшой текст «Важный разговор»

(in the coursepack, p. 125) иответьтенавопросы (all nine)

Short worksheet with Dative Case (handout)

ср13Работа с текстом «Важный разговор»

Работа с дательным падежом (Work with Dative Case)

Домашка: Worksheet with Dative Case


Домашка: Using your coursepack (suggested: look over pp. 47-47, 38,

42-43) and any other materials, make a 2-3 page overview

in which you explain how dative case is used in Russian.

Provide examples to illustrate uses of dative case that you cover.


Vocab Groups: Clothes and Weather

Grammar Topic: Genitive Case

Text: «Трудныйэкзамен»

пн18Work with Vocab for Clothing and Weather

First Major Vocab Review by Category (prep for quiz tomorrow)

Домашка: Study vocabulary for the word groups that we have had thus far

and make flash cards for those words that you do not know automatically (suggested: look over pp. 4-7, 12-13 in coursepack and materials we have used with vocab categories). Prepare for the quiz tomorrow! (20 mins)

вт19VOCAB QUIZ (20 mins) over any vocab topics that we have had thus far

Обзор: Родительныйпадеж (Begin Overview of Genitive Case)

Домашка: прочитайте текст «Трудный экзамен» (coursepack, pp. 126-127;

gloss, p. 128) и ответьте на вопросы 1-7 and 1-5, p. 127.

ср20Работа с текстом «Трудный экзамен»

Родительныйпадеж (case endings and usage)

Домашка: worksheets on Genitive Case

чт21Родительныйпадеж (case endings and usage, coursepack p. 37, 42, 46)

Домашка: Using your coursepack (p. 37, 42, 46) and any other materials,

make a 2-3 page overview in which you explain genitive case in Russian. Provide examples to illustrate specific uses of genitive.


Vocab Groups: House and Apartment

Tools and Implements

Grammar Topics: Instrumental Case (coursepack, 45, 51-54)

Basic Prepositions (coursepak, 55-56)

Basic Motion Verbs

Text: «Каконипознакомились»

пн25Vocab Work: House and Apartment, Tools

Basic Motion Verbs (coursepack, 110-111)

Домашка: Try the translations of basic motion verbs (coursepack, 107-108)

Make flashcards of vocab that we have had thus far that you do not

yet know automatically. Study your flash cards and quiz yourself.

вт26Instrumental Case: Endings and How Used (coursepack, 45, 51-54)

Describing a House (active work with vocab)

Домашка: Прочитайте текст «Как они познакомились» (inthecoursepack,

pp. 129-130) и ответьте на вопросы 1-9, p. 130

ср27Работа с текстом «Как они познакомились»

Work with Instrumental Case, Tools, Prepositions, Basic Motion Verbs

Домашка: worksheet on Instrumental Case (coursepack, p. 41)

чт28Work with Instrumental Case, Tools, and Prepositions (coursepack, 54-59)

In-Cass Work With Describing a House and Rooms/Things in a House (54-59)

Домашка: Draw a multi-room house and describe the house and each room in

Russian (what is in each respective room and what you do there).

Try to use several prepositions of location with various cases.



Vocab Groups: Review All Vocab and Grammar for First Test

Grammar Topics: Review Verb Conjugation and Mutation

Review All the Cases and their Uses and Endings

Review Basic Motion Verbs AND Basic Prepositions

Text: «Верноесердце»

пн2Work with Essays on Houses

Vocab Work for the text «Верноесердце»

Домашка: прочитайте текст «Верное сердце» (inthecoursepack,

pp. 130-132; vocab on p. 133). Oтветьте на вопросы 1-7, p. 132.

вт3Работа с текстом «Верное сердце»

Домашка: Review Sheet for First Text on Thurs

ср4Review for First Exam on Thursday (tomorrow)

Домашка: Study for Exam One



Vocab Groups: Roots and Suffixes (deep structure and vocab building)

Grammar Topics: Use of КОТОРЫЙ

Forming Imperatives/Commands

Text: «Ступеньки»

пн9Vocab Building: Roots and Suffixes

Домашка: Study Vocab for Roots and Suffixes and Make Flash Cards

вт10Use of КОТОРЫЙ (coursepack, 60-61)

Imperatives/Making Commands/Requests in Russian (p. 65)

Домашка: Прочитать рассказ «Ступеньки» ( coursepack, p. 136-137,

gloss 138-139) и прослушать текст на MP3. As you are reading the story, answer the questions (по-русски) in the coursepack, p. 140-141

ср11Работа с текстом Н. Носова «Ступеньки»

Work with КОТОРЫЙ, imperatives (p. 66)

Домашка: Worksheet/s with КОТОРЫЙ, imperatives (coursepack, 62-64)

чт12Work with бы, чтобы

Practice with пересказ (retelling the plot) of «Ступеньки»

Домашка: Retell the basic plot of the story «Ступеньки». Try not to merely copy the text—try to retell it and feel free to add or embellish. The goal is to use your Russian and the vocab from the story as much as possible. DO NOT GET OVERLY COMPLEX—keep it clear.


Vocab Groups: Roots and Suffixes (deep structure and vocab building)

Expanding Motion Verbs (fly, swim, carry, crawl, etc)

Animals and their offspring

Grammar Topics: бы and чтобы, imperatives

Expanding Motion Verbs

Text: «Леденец»

Cartoon/Video: «Мама для мамонтёнка»

пн16Vocab Building with Roots and Suffixes

Vocab with Motion Verbs (fly, swim, carry, crawl, climb)

Домашка: Study the vocab from today's class and make flash cards.

Quiz yourself and try to memorize the vocab.

вт17Work with бы and чтобы, imperatives

Work with Motion Verbs (fly, swim, carry, etc)

Домашка: Прочитать рассказ «Леденец» (coursepack, 143-144) и

прослушатьтекстна MP3. Answer the questions on p. 145-148

as you are reading/listening.

ср18Работа с рассказом Н Носова «Леденец»

Work with бы, чтобы, motion verbs

Домашка: Video material assignment (see text box below)

Watch the cartoon «Мамадлямамонтёнка»
(on the DVD). Read the corresponding text in the coursepack,
pp. 172-176 and complete the materials, pp. 177-180.

чт19Работасмультфильмом (Work with the cartoon)

Class Discussion: Моямамаимоёдетство

Домашка: Essay in Russian about your mother and your childhood.


Vocab Groups:Motion Verbs (incl. with prefixes)

Reflexive Verbs

Grammar Topics: Motion Verbs with and without Prefixes

Reflexive Verbs

Text: «Прятки»

пн23Vocab Work: Motion Verbs with Prefixes

Reflexive Verbs

Домашка: Worksheet on Reflexive Verbs (coursepack, 115-117)

вт24Motion Verbs with Prefixes

Reflexive Verbs

Домашка: Прочитать рассказ Н. Носова «Прятки», p. 151-153 и

прослушатьтекстна MP3. Complete the questions

that go with «Прятни» in the coursepack, p. 154-157


ср25Работа с рассказом Н. Носова «Прятки»

Work with Motion Verbs and Reflexive Verbs

Домашка:Worksheet based on Vocab and Grammar from «Прятки»

чт26Discussion of Worksheet on «Прятки»

Practice with пересказ of «Прятки»

Домашка: Retell the basic plot of the story «Прятки». Try not merely to

copy the text—try to retell it in your own words and feel free to

add or embellish. The goal is to use your Russian and the vocab from the story as much as possible. DO NOT GET COMPLEX—keep your language clear..


Vocab Groups: Talking about History

War and Peace

Roots (vocab building)

Grammar Topics: Motion Verbs with Prefixes

The particle TOT as case filler

Text: «Как Ленин учился»

Video: «Баллада о солдате»

пн30History Vocab and Root Work

Домашка: Study for a general vocab quiz on all vocab since the first exam

(including vocab from today's class).

вт31VOCAB QUIZ (based on all vocab work since Exam One)

Motion Verbs with Prefixes

Домашка:«Рассказотом, какЛенинучился» (in the coursepack,