Attachment 1 - Technical Proposal

I.  Attestations

1.  Please place a check mark in each and every box to indicate acceptance of the attestation and provide the required original signature on the next page as indicated.

Failure to do so will result in automatic rejection of the proposal.

The applicant attests that:

It is a duly incorporated, for profit or not for profit, public or private sector, healthcare employer, or a union- sponsored training organization.

The applicant’s business is headquartered in New York State or has at least one site located in New York State.

They have the capacity to provide participant data and reports on a timely basis.

They have demonstrated an ability to properly document payment of training costs.

The proposal targets the use of funds to provide tuition reimbursement to upgrade the nursing skills of employed LPN’s or RN’s.

The trainees targeted under this proposal are at least 18 years old, employed by the applicant or a member of the applicant union-sponsored training organization, practicing as a LPN or a RN in New York State and agree that participation under this RFP is voluntary.

All trainees targeted under the proposal, who are part time (less than 35 hours per week) or per diem (per day or per shift) employees, have a permanent, year round attachment to your business.

If the training takes place during the employee’s regularly scheduled work shift, trainees will be compensated by the employer, at no less than their normal rate of pay while they are attending training.

If the training takes place on employee time, the applicant will pay the trainees’ tuition/fees.

It anticipates that trainees will remain employed in New York State and have the potential to be upgraded to a more responsible position, at a higher wage rate, once their new nursing degree is obtained and a position is available.

The total funding request for the applicant’s proposal is $250,000 or less, which includes possible contract extensions.

Attachment 1

Any funds being requested under this proposal will not be used in connection with the relocation of employment from facilities in other locations, which have resulted in any employee losing his or her job at the original location.

The proposal was developed independently by the applicant business. No outside contractor or consultant has written or contributed wording to the proposal or solicited the applicant business, as their customer, to apply for these monies.

They will comply with New York State Labor Law.

They have disclosed all Department grants that they have received during the past five (5) years. Failure to make such disclosures will result in an automatic failure of the proposal.

Please note that requests will not be entertained from businesses which have received funds under previous training initiatives and for which the terms of those prior contract outcomes have not been met or completed.

Acceptance of Attestations:

(Signature and Title of Officer Submitting the Proposal) (Date)

Attachment 1

2.  If the applicant has received funds for training from the New York State Department of Labor, any State Agency or other Governmental Source within the last five (5) years, please provide the information by completing the following chart:

Source Agency / Date of Receipt / Amount Received / Trainees/Course of Study / Status of Funding
  1. Additional pertinent information relating to governmental funding (i.e., outcomes, best practices, findings, etc.):

II.  Training/Program Description (up to 30 points)

1.  The Need for the Proposed Training (5 points): Please describe the current needs of your business or membership that dictate the need to upgrade the training and competencies of LPNs and/or RNs with the funds requested.

2.  The Program Framework (5 points): Please identify and describe the necessary steps, timeframes, resources and responsibilities for implementing the proposed training.

Please describe your current tuition reimbursement policies and provide a copy of the policy document (if applicable).

Please identify the activities (such as recruitment, securing training provider(s), participant registration, development of tracking mechanism, etc.) and the proposed start date and projected completion date in the chart below.

Project Activity / Proposed Start Date / Proposed Completion Date

Attachment 1

3.  Demonstrated Commitment to Diversity (20 points):

Please describe how your business has demonstrated a commitment to diversity through your standard operating procedures.

Please describe any methods or best practices on how the business encourages, increases, manages and maintains diversity through your daily operations.

Please describe any proactive outreach among all employees, including minority workers, to encourage them to commence training which will advance their careers.

Please describe any proactive methods to recruit employees from minority populations, including flexible leave/benefit policies, which encourage different cultural observances, and promotion of minority candidates on a level consistent with your community composition.

III.  Proposed Outcomes (up to 25 points)

Awardees will be required to submit program reports, which will include specific data elements regarding program services, individual demographics and performance measures (see RFP Section II, D.). In addition, the New York State Department of Labor will review such items when monitoring grantees.

1.  Trainee Outcomes

Please describe:

How will you measure and track trainee outcomes?

Please complete all columns of the table below to show the expected outcomes for the trainees as a result of this training opportunity.

Expected Trainees Outcomes / Yes / No / If “Yes”, Amount, Percentage
or Type of Increase or Decrease
Salary/promotional increases for trainees
Increased job security for trainees
Increased retention of trainees
Increased trainee satisfaction
Other (please specify)

Please complete all columns of the table below to show the estimated outcomes.

Project Training Indicator Estimated Outcomes
LPN to RN / Associate or Diploma RN to BSN / Grand Total
Total Number of Participants to be Served During the Project
Total Number of Participants Already Enrolled in a Training Program
Total Number of Participants Expected to Start Education/Training Activities Next Semester
Estimated Percent of Participants to Complete a Program Within the Grant Period

2.  Business Outcomes

Please describe:

How proposed program outcomes for the business will be measured and tracked by the applicant.

Complete all columns of the table below to show the expected outcomes for the business because of this training.

Expected Business Outcomes / Yes / No / If “Yes”, Amount, Percentage
or Type of Increase or Decrease
Increased productivity
Increased efficiency
Increased profitability
Increased patient satisfaction
Decreased cost
Decreased waste
Decreased employee turnover

H-1B Registered Nurse Upgrade Project RFP #T-05 1 | Page