Officer Meeting

February 13, 2008

General Meeting Feedback:

SHEP were not as creative in their presentation. They should have prepared more activites. The survey was good but they should have cut it down and made more room for anonymous questions and to answer personal questions as well.

Next General Meeting

Feb 20: L&S Career Center- Edith will email Oscar with the finalized update tomorrow

Speaker Updates (tentative schedule)

Feb 20: L&S Career Center (Edith)

Feb 27: RAZA Health Fair Prep

March 5: In-Roads (Oscar and Joel absent)

March 9: RAZA Health Fair (12-4 pm)

March 12:Stress Workshop by Laura (Lydia)

March 19:

April 2:

April 9: (Oscar and Joel absent)

April 16: MIH Prep

April 26th: MIH Conference

April 23: CHE Officer Nominations

April 30: Election Day

May 7: CHE Banquet/ Introduce new officers

Fundraising Update

The Ice-Cream social will be on Thursday February 28th from 6-9 pm

Secretary Update

There are 21 members taking units. No issues!

Finance Update

Balances: ASUC fund= $2490.43

Miscellaneous fund= $110.51

CHE Merchandise: there are still a couple of shirts left

Lorane and Edith still need to get reimbursed.

Head of Committees

Nahdxyeli will send out lists for the following:

-CHE Interns

-Intern Schedule

-Share Meetings

SUMMA Conference

Feedback: there were many represntatives for UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz and Joel. Joel requested for the next meeting to be held at the MIH here at Cal. We need to make sure we forward the email from BACCO to the members.


-Website: it is up to date

LMSA Conference

It will be on March 28-29

Who’s going?No one?

Tabling at BSP Orientation: it was kinda sad 


-Room Reservations




RAZA High School contacts- Lydia will send this out to Lisandra

Red Cross Contacts- Lisandra will email her this week

Talk to BSHA & PAHC to et up committees: No committees have been set because the First meeting will be this Thursdays 8-9 pm at 1st floor Moffit! Please go if you can!

UCSF Shadow Day

This will be on a Friday

Health Fair

Tabling; Dr.Alexander (Miguel), Pediatrician (Nahdxyeli),

Location: Need to decide!

Make sure to update your contacts:

Alta Bates Hospital - Oscar

DULCE – Edith

Optometry School - Oscar

Kristin Tehrani - Lydia

Maria M. Guerrero

Ariana Casanova - Lydia

Alejandro Mendoza - Javier

Elisa Gallegos - Larane

Afroz Subedar - Larane

Patrick Montgomery- Maria

Asian TeenClinic - Maria

Amy Manta Ranger - Lisandra

Secrets to Health Living - Lisandra

Barbara Coleman - Lisandra

Somnang Sin - Joel

Kaiser - Joel

Agriculture and Natural Resource - Joel

Hope McDonell - (Karina through Joel)

Patricia D. Terry - Miguel

Pauli Ojea - Miguel

Beth Budra - Edith

MADD - Edith

Chef Ann Cooper - Eva


Store (What we're asking for)

Whole Foods (Fruit) - Nahdxyeli

Andronicos (Fruit) - Nahdxyeli

Safeway (Fruit) - Nahdxyeli

Costco (utensils, eating supplies) - Cecilia

Walgreens (glucose supplies) - Cecilia

Longs (glucose supplies) - Cecilia

Tang Center (brochures/medical supplies) - Isabel

Scholar's Workstation (raffle stuff) - Isabel

ASUC (Audio Equipment) - Isabel


folkclorico (contacting Julisa) - Maria

DANZA - Larane

jumper - Miguel

contacting other RAZA orgs to see if they'd like to perform (Maria & Lissandra)

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM