JPS Subject Index

Issue numbers 1-156 (corresponding to volume 1, number 1, Autumn 1971, through vol. 39, no. 4, Sum. 2010)

Alphabetical List of Main Subject Entries (many main entries have several sub-entries)

(To skip subject list, go to page 5)

Academic Freedom


All-Palestine Government

America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry (1946)

Antonius, George


Al-Aqsa Intifada


Arab Higher Committee

Arab-Israeli Conflict

Arab Nationalism

Arab/Palestinian Minority in Israel

Arafat, Yasser





al-Asad, Hafiz

Begin, Menachem

Benvenisti, Meron

Berger, Elmer


Camp David, 1978-79

Camp David II (July 2000)







Darwish, Mahmoud



Economy (Palestinian)





Fayyad, Salam

Foundation for Middle East Peace


Gaza Strip

Geneva Peace Conference


Golan Heights

Gore, Albert, Jr.

Great Britain

Gulf War (1991)

Habash, George


Hawatimah, Nayif



Herzl, Theodor





Human Rights


International Law

International Solidarity Movement


Intifada (1987-93)


Iran-Contra Scandal


Islamic Jihad

Islamic Movements


Israeli Peace Movement/Left

Israeli Settlements

Israeli-United States Relations,

Jabotinsky, Vladimir




Jewish Agency

Jewish National Fund



Kissinger, Henry



Latin America

Lausanne Conference




Media/Press/Public Opinion

Middle East



Nakba/1948 War


Netanyahu, Binyamin

NGOs (Non-governmental organizations)


Nuclear Weapons

Occupied Territories

October 1973 War


Oslo Accords


Palestine, British Mandate of

Palestine Liberation Organization

Palestine National Council

Palestine, Partition of

Palestinian Authority

Palestinian Refugees

Palestinian Resistance Movements



Peace Process, Arab-Israeli Conflict

Peace Process, Palestinian-Israeli

Rabin, Yitzhak


Rhodes Conference


Sabra-Shatila Massacre

Sadat, Muhammad Anwar

Said, Edward W.

Saudi Arabia


Sharabi, Hisham

Sharett, Moshe

Sinai Peninsula

South Africa

Soviet Union






United Nations

United States

United States Congress

United States,Middle East Policy of



Village Leagues

Wall/Barrier/Separation Fence


West Bank

West Bank Data Project


World Bank

World Zionist Congress




Academic Freedom

“`Taking Back’ Middle East Studies: The Case of Columbia University’s MEALAC” Special Document File in 34, no. 2 (Win. 2005): 70-84.

“Academic Freedom and the Teaching of Palestine-Israel: The ColumbiaUniversity Case, Part II” Special Document File in 34, no. 4 (Sum. 2005): 75-107.

“Academic Freedom and the Case of Beyond Chutzpah” Special Document File in 35, no. 2 (Win. 2006): 85-99.

AIPAC (see America-Israel Public Affairs Committee)


Interview with Mohammed Yazid in 1, no. 2 (Win. 72): 1-18.

All-Palestine Government

"The Rise and Fall of the All-Palestine Government in Gaza" by A. Shlaim in 20, no. 1 (Aut. 90): 37-53.

America-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

"The 1987 AIPAC Conference" in 17, no. 1 (Aut. 87): 107-


"Image and Issues and the AIPAC Conference, 21-23 May 1989" by E. Fleischmann in 18, no. 4 (Sum. 89): 84-90.

"The Rhetoric of Reassurance at AIPAC's 31st Annual Policy Conference" by L. Simarski in 20, no. 1 (Aut. 90): 92-100.

"AIPAC 1995: Politics and Priorities" by K. Elgindy in 24,

no. 4 (Sum. 95): 83-89.

"AIPAC Policy Conference, 21-23 April 2002" by D. Hearn in

31, no. 4 (Sum. 2002): 66-70.

Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry (1946)

“On Albert Hourani, the Arab Office, and the Anglo-American

Committee of Enquiry of 1946” by W. Khalidi in 35, no. 1 (Aut. 2005): 60-79.

“The Case Against a Jewish State in Palestine” statement by A. Hourani to AAC in 35, no. 1 (Autumn 2005): 80-90.

Anti-Semitism (see Judaism)

Antonius, George

"George Antonius: The Formative Years" by S. Silsby in 15, no. 4 (Sum. 86): 81-98.

Apartheid (seealso South Africa)

"Rethinking the Palestine Question: The Apartheid Paradigm" by

M. Marshall in 25, no. 1 (Aut. 95): 15-22.

“Palestine, Apartheid, and the Rights Discourse” by R. Zreik in 34, no. 1 (Aut. 2004): 68-80.

Review essay: “Palestine, Apartheid, and Jimmy Carter: Reading Past the Title” by William Quandt in 36, no. 4 (Sum. 07): 89-93.

Al-Aqsa Intifada (see also Arab/Palestinian Minority in Israel;


"The Second Uprising: End or New Beginning?" by R. Hammami

and S. Tamari in 30, no. 2 (Win. 2001): 5-25.

"Dahaysha Diary: A View from the Camp" by M. Hamzeh in 30,

no. 2 (Spr. 2001): 41-60.

"Al-Aqsa Intifada and the U.S. Media" by S. Ackerman in

30, no. 2 (Winter 2001): 61-74.

"The Impact of 11 September on the Israeli-Palestinian

Conflict" by C. Mansour in 31, no. 2 (Win. 2002): 5-18.

"Narratives of Siege: Eye-Witness Testimonies from Jenin, Bethlehem, and Nablus" by I. Audeh in 31, no. 4 (Sum.

2002): 13-34.

"The Street Reacts to Operation Defensive Shield: Snaps

from the Middle East" Special Report in 31, no. 4 (Sum.

2002): 44-65.

"Suicide Bombers: Dignity, Despair, and the Need for Hope" interview with E. El Sarraj in 31, no. 4 (Sum. 2002):


"Toward a Clear Palestinian Strategy" by R. Khalidi in 31,

no. 4 (Sum. 2002): 5-12.

"A Week in Jenin: Assessing Mental Health Needs Among the

Ruins" by S. Mansour in 31, no. 4 (Sum. 2002): 35-43.

"Looking Back, Looking Forward" interview with H. `Abd al-

Shafi in 32, no. 1 (Aut. 2002): 28-35.

“Facing Defeat: The Intifada Two Years On” by G. Usher in 32,

no. 2 (Win. 2003): 21-40.

“The Quest for Strategy” by A. Bishara in 32, no. 2 (Win. 2003):


“The Prospects of Peace in the Middle East” by W. Khalidi in 32,

no. 2 (Win. 2003): 50-62.

“Call for a Halt to the Militarization of the Intifada” by M.

Abbas in 32, no. 2 (Win. 2003): 74-78.

“Return to Rafah: Journey to a Land Out of Bounds” by J. Loewenstein in 33, no. 3 (Spr. 2004): 98-109.

“Art under the Siege” by Kamal Boullata in 33, no. 4 (Sum. 2004): 70-84.

“Resource File: The al-Aqsa Intifada: Military Operations, Suicide Attacks, Assassinations, and Losses in the First Four Years” by M. Esposito in 34, no. 2 (Win. 2005): 85-122.

“Arts, Identity, and Survival: Building Cultural Practices Under Occupation” by A. Laïdi-Hanieh in 35, no. 4 (Sum. 06): 28-43.

“International Humanitarian Law and ‘Wars on Terror’: A Comparative Analysis of Israeli and American Doctrines and Policies” by. L. Hajjar in 36, no. 1 (Aut. 2006): 21-42.

Arab-Americans (see alsoUnited States)

"Minority Rights in a Nation-State: The Nixon Administration's Campaign Against the Arab-Americans" by E. Hagopian in 5, nos. 1/2 (Aut. 75/Win. 76): 97-114.

"The Passions of Exile: The Palestine Congress of North America" by F. Turki in 9, no. 4 (Sum. 80): 17-43.

"An American Testimony from an Israeli Prison: The Case of Mike Monsour" by J. Egan in 14, no. 1 (Aut. 84): 118-25.

"Government Pressures Against Arabs in the United States" by M. Fischbach in 14, no. 3 (Spr. 85): 87-100.

"Politics and Exclusion: The Arab American Experience" by H. Samhan in 16, no. 2 (Win. 87): 11-28.

"The Los Angeles Deportation Cases" by J. Gabriel in 17, no. 1 (Aut. 87): 114-28.

"An Arab American's Experience in the Occupied Territories" by K. Bennoune in 17, no. 3 (Spr. 88): 106-12.

"The American Experience: Palestinians in the U.S." by K. Christison in 18, no. 4 (Sum. 89): 18-36.

"What Do Palestinian Americans Think? Results of a Public Opinion Survey" by F. Moughrabi and P. El-Nazer in 18, no. 4 (Sum. 89): 91-101.

"Arab-Americans at a Crossroads" by Y. Shain in 25, no. 3 (Spr. 96): 46-59.

“Palestinian Weddings: Inventing Palestine in New Jersey” by Randa Serhan in 37, no. 4 (Sum. 08): 21–37.

“Secrets and Lies: The Persecution of Muhammad Salah (Part I)” by Michael E. Deutsch and Erica Thompson in 37, no. 4 (Sum. 08): 38–58.

“Secrets and Lies: The Persecution of Muhammad Salah (Part II)” by Michael. E. Deutsch and Erica Thompson in 38, no. 1 (Aut. 2008): 25-53.

Arab Higher Committee (see alsoPalestine,British Mandate)

"The Bases of Arab and Jewish Leadership During the Mandate Period" by T. Nashif in 6, no. 4 (Sum. 77): 113-21.

Arab-Israeli Conflict (see alsoInternational Law; Lebanon,Israeli invasion/occupation of; Nakba/1948 War; October War of 1973; Peace Process; Media/Press/Public Opinion; and Syria)


"Affirmation of Existence Through Rebellion. Interview with Jean Genet" in 16, no. 2 (Win. 87): 64-84.

"The Pen and the Sword. Interview with Jacques Berque" in 15, no. 2 (Win. 86): 109-18.

"Protracted Social Conflict: Theory and Practice in the Middle East" by E. Azar, P. Jureidini, and R. McLaurin in 8, no. 1 (Aut. 78): 41-60.

"The Right to Self-Determination. Interview with Claude Cheysson" in 16, no. 1 (Aut. 86): 3-12.

"Thoughts on the Roots of the Arab-Israeli Conflict" by G. Corm in 21, no. 3 (Spr. 92): 71-79.

June 1967 War:

"The 1967 Arab Oil Embargo Revisited" by M. Daoudi and M.

Dajani in 13, no. 2 (Win. 84): 65-90.

"The Fall of Jerusalem, 1967" by A. Schleifer in 1, no. 1 (Aut. 71): 68-86.

"The June War: Whose Conspiracy?" by R. Parker in 21, no. 4 (Sum. 92): 5-21.

“The June 1967 War and the Palestinian Refugee Problem” by Tom

Segev in 36, no. 3 (Spr. 07): 6-22.


"Changing Rationales for Political Violence in the Arab-Israeli Conflict" by I. Lustick in 20, no. 1 (Aut. 90): 54-79.

"Implications of the Arab-Israeli Arms Race" by D. Tahtinen in 8, no. 3 (Spr. 79): 46-64.

"The Middle East Conflict: The Military Dimension. Interviews with Riad Ashkar and Haytham al-Ayyubi" in 4, no. 4 (Sum. 75): 3-25.

"Military Options in the Middle East: an Interview with Riad Ashkar and Kassim Jaafar" in 7, no. 4 (Sum. 78): 99-114.

"The Military Situation in the Middle East: An Interview with Riad Ashkar" in 9, no. 1 (Aut. 79): 121-27.

Palestinian Dimension:

"A Palestinian Perspective on the Arab-Israeli Conflict" by W. Khalidi in 14, no. 4 (Sum. 85): 35-48.

"Israelis and Palestinians: Can They Make Peace?" by S. Flapan in 15, no. 1 (Aut. 85): 19-42.

"The Burdens of Interpretation and the Question of Palestine"

by E. Said in 16, no. 1 (Aut. 86): 29-37.

"Forty Years since the Seizure of Palestine" by S. Jiryis in 18, no. 1 (Aut. 88): 83-95.

"What Went Wrong in Palestine?" by M. Adams in 18, no. 1 (Aut. 88): 71-82.

"The Palestine Problem: An Overview" by W. Khalidi in 21, no. 1 (Aut. 91): 5-16.

“Humanism, Scholarship, and Politics: Writing on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict” by Sara Roy in 36, no. 2 (Win. 07): 64-65.


“The Gun and the Olive Branch Revised” by D. Hirst in 32, no. 3 (Spr. 2003): 39-52.

Science and Technology (seealso Nuclear Weapons):

"The Science and Technology Gap in the Arab-Israeli Conflict" by A. Zahlan in 1, no. 3 (Spr. 72): 17-36.

War of Attrition:

"The War of Attrition" by A. Khalidi in 3, no. 1 (Aut. 73):


Arab Nationalism

"Arab Cultural Nationalism in Palestine during the British Mandate" by A. Abu-Ghazaleh in 1, no. 3 (Spr. 72): 37-63.

“Soldiering for Arab Nationalism: Fawzi al-Qawuqji in Palestine” in 36, no. 4 (Sum. 07): 33-48.

Arab/Palestinian Minority in Israel (see alsoIsrael)


Special Document file “The Democratic Constitution”, Shafa

‘Amr,Israel, 27 February 2007 [Excerpts] in 36, no. 4 (Sum.

07): 86-93.


"Anthropological and Sociological Studies of the Arabs in Israel: A Critique" by K. Nakhleh in 6, no. 4 (Sum. 77): 41- 70.

"Israel and the Bedouin of the Negev" by K. Goering in 9, no.

1 (Aut. 79): 3-20.

"How Israel Controls the Bedouin" by G. Falah in 14, no. 2

(Win. 85): 35-51.

"IsraeliState Policy toward Bedouin Sedentarization in the

Negev" by G. Falah in 18, no. 2 (Win. 89): 71-91.


"Oral History: The Story of a Palestinian under Occupation" by S. Baransi in 11, no. 1 (Aut. 81): 3-30.

Culture and Society:

"Arab Youth in Israel: Their Situation and Status Perceptions" by E. Zureik in 3, no. 3 (Spr. 74): 97-108.

"The Arabs in Israel, 1973-79" by S. Jiryis in 8, no. 4 (Sum. 79): 31-56.

"Domination by the Law" by S. Jiryis in 11, no. 1 (Aut. 81): 67-92.

"Sulha Peacemaking and the Politics of Persuasion" by Sharon Lang in 31, no. 3 (Spr. 2002): 52-66.


"Transformation of Class Structure Among the Arabs in Israel: From Peasantry to Proletariat" by E. Zureik in 6, no. 1 (Aut. 76): 39-66.

"Changes in the Employment Structure of Arabs in Israel" by N. Makhoul in 11, no. 3 (Spr. 82): 77-102.

"The Arab Economy in Israel: Dependency or Development?" by R. Khalidi in 13, no. 3 (Spr. 84): 63-86.

“Sixty Years after the UN Partition Resolution: What Future for the Arab Economy in Israel?” by Raja Khalidi in 37, no 2 (Win, 2008): 6-22.


"Problems of Palestinians in Israel: Land, Work, Education" by A. Elrazik, R. Amin, and U. Davis in 7, no. 3 (Spr. 78): 31-


"The Future of Palestinian Arab Education in Israel" by S. Mar'i in 14, no. 2 (Win. 85): 52-73.

"Prospects of the Palestinians in Israel: I" by E. Zureik in

22, no. 2 (Win. 93): 90-109.

"Prospects of the Palestinians in Israel: II" by E. Zureik in

22, no. 4 (Sum. 93): 73-93.


"The Fate of the Arabs in Israel" by T. Zayyad in 6, no. 1

(Aut. 76): 92-103.

"Israel Revisited, 1976" by F. el-Asmar in 6, no. 3 (Spr. 77): 47-65.


"Bridging the Green Line: The PA, Israeli Arabs, and the Final Status" interview with Azmi Bishara in 27, no. 3 (Spr. 97):


"Reshaping Druze Particularism in Israel” by K. Firro in

30, no. 3 (Spr. 2001): 40-53.

“Embattled Identities: Palestinian Soldiers in the Israeli Military” by R. Kanaaneh in 32, no. 3 (Spr. 2003): 5-20.

“The Palestinian Question: Themes of Justice and Power Part II: The Palestinians in Israel” by R. Zreik in 33, no. 1 (Aut. 2003): 42-54.

Intifada (1987-93):

"The Intifada and the Palestinians of Israel: Resurrecting the Green Line" by N. Rouhana in 19, no. 3 (Spr. 90): 58-75.

Intifada II (al-Aqsa, 2000- ):

"Reflections on October 2000: A Landmark in Jewish-Arab Relations" by Azmi Bishara in 30, no. 3 (Spr. 2001): 54-67.

"Azmi Bishara, the Right of Resistance, and the Palestinian Ordeal" by R. Falk in 31, no. 2 (Win. 2002): 19-33.

"Being Palestinian in Israel" review essay of report on October 2000 violence by E. Zureik in 30, no. 3 (Spr. 2001): 88-96.

Islamic Movement:

“The Islamic Movement Inside Israel: An Interview with Shaykh

Ra’id Salah” by Jamil Dakwar in 36, no. 2 (Win. 07): 66-76.

Israeli Jewish Perceptions of:

"Palestine into Israel" by U. Davis in 3, no. 1 (Aut. 73): 88- 105.

"Palestinians and Israelis" by F. El-Manssoury in 5, nos. 1/2 (Aut. 75/Win. 76): 115-26.

"The Palestinians Seen through the Israeli Cultural Paradigm" by A. Haidar and E. Zureik in 16, no. 3 (Spr. 87): 68-86.

“Redrawing the Boundaries of Citizenship: Israel’s New Hegemony” by N. Rouhana and N. Sultany in 33, no. 1 (Aut. 2004): 5-22.

Land Expropriations and Displacement:

"The Legal Structure for the Expropriation and Absorption of Arab Lands in Israel" by S. Jiryis in 2, no. 4 (Sum. 73): 82- 104.

"Refugees within Israel: The Case of the Villages of Kafr Bir`im and Iqrit" by J. Ryan in 2, no. 4 (Sum. 73): 55-81.

"The Zionist Left and `The Day of the Land'" by K. Nakhleh in 7, no. 2 (Win. 78): 88-100.

"ArabLand and Israeli Policy" by B. Abu Kishk in 11, no. 1 (Aut. 81): 124-35.

"IsraeliLand Seizure under Various Defense and Emergency Regulations" by H. Nakkara in 14, no. 2 (Win. 85): 13-34.

"Israeli `Judaization' Policy in Galilee" by G. Falah in 20, no. 4 (Sum. 91): 69-85.

"The Invisible People Come to Light: Israel's `Internally Displaced' and `Unrecognized Villages'" by J. Schechla in 31,

no. 1 (Aut. 2001): 20-31.

“The `Internally Displaced': Seeking Return within One's Own Land" interview with W. Wakim in 31, no. 1 (Aut. 2001): 32-38.

"`Ayn Hawd and the `UnrecognizedVillages,'" Interview with M. Abu al-Hayja' in 31, no. 1 (Aut. 2001): 39-49.


“Choice of Law, Fragments of History: On Litigating in the Israeli Legal System” by M. Dalal Open Session: Strategizing Palestine eds. B. Doumani and G Bisharat in 35, no. 3 (Spr. 06): 57-62.

MADA al-Carmel—The Arab Center for Applied Social Research:

Special Document File “The Haifa Declaration,” Haifa, 15 May

2007 in 36, no. 4 (Sum. 07): 94-99.

National Committee for the Heads of the Arab Local Authorities

in Israel:

Special Document File “The Future Vision of the Palestinian

Arabs in Israel,” Haifa, December 2006 [Excerpts] in 36, no. 4

(Sum. 07): 75-85.


"Recent Knesset Legislation and the Arabs in Israel" by S. Jiryis in 1, no. 1 (Aut. 71): 53-67.

"The Making of a Political Movement. Interview with M.

Miari" in 14, no. 1 (Aut. 84): 36-44.

"The Political Coming-of-age of the `National Minority'" by E. Touma in 14, no. 2 (Win. 85): 74-83.

"The Political Transformation of the Palestinians in Israel: From Acquiescence to Challenge" by N. Rouhana in 18, no. 3 (Spr. 89): 38-59.

“The Arab Leadership in Israel: Ascendance and Fragmentation”

by A. Jamal in 35, no. 2 (Win. 2006): 6-22.

“`Jewish and Democratic’? The Price of a National Self-

Deception” by N. Rouhana in 35, no. 2 (Win. 2006): 64-74.

“Underclass Citizens: Palestinians in Israel” by J. Dakwar Open Session: Strategizing Palestine eds. B. Doumani and G. Bisharat in 35, no. 3 (Spr. 06): 62-67.

Arafat, Yasser (see also Nationalism)

"A Discussion with Yasser Arafat" in 11, no. 2 (Win. 82): 3-15.

Interviews in 13, no. 1 (Aut. 83): 3-7; and 15, no. 4 (Sum. 86): 17-33.

"The Successions of Yasir Arafat" by J.-F. Legrain in 28, no. 4 (Sum. 1999): 5-20.

"The Bush Administration's Media Campaign to Pressure Arafat" in 31, no. 3 (Spring 2002): 90-98.

“Yasir Arafat, the Political Player: A Mixed Legacy” by M. Nofal

in 35, no. 2 (Win. 2006): 23-37.

“Arafat and the Journey of the Palestinian Revolution: An Interview with Shafiq al-Hout” by A. Khalifeh and M. Soueid

in 39, no. 1 (Aut. 2009): 45-57


"Archaeology as Cultural Survival: The Future of the Palestinian Past" by A. Glock in 23, no. 3 (Spr. 94): 70-84.

"Cultural Bias in the Archaeology of Palestine" by A. Glock in 24, no. 2 (Win. 95): 48-59.

“Crossroads and Contexts: Interviews on Archaeology in Gaza,” Fareed Armaly with Marc-André Haldimann, Jawdat Khoudary, Jean-Baptiste Humbert, and Moain Sadeq in 37, no. 2 (Win. 2008): 43-81.


"Israel's Military Relationship with Ecuador and Argentina" by B. Bahbah in 15, no. 2 (Win. 86): 76-101.


"Herzl and the Armenians" by M. Buheiry in 7, no. 1 (Aut. 77): 75-97.


"`Asim Abu Shaqra: The Artist's Eye and the Cactus Tree" by K. Boullata in 30, no. 4 (Sum. 2001): 68-82.

“Artists Remember Palestine in Beirut”by K. Boullata in 32, no. 4 (Sum. 2003): 22-28.

“Art under the Siege” by Kamal Boullata in 33, no. 4 (Sum. 2004): 70-84.

“Arts, Identity, and Survival: Building Cultural Practices Under Occupation” by A. Laïdi-Hanieh in 35, no. 4 (Sum. 06): 28-43.

Book review essay “In the Mirror of the Occupier: Palestinian

Art Through Israeli Eyes” by Adila Laïdi-Hanieh in 36, no. 4

(Sum. 07): 65-72.

al-Asad, Hafiz

Interview in 15, no. 4 (Sum. 86): 3-16.

"Asad's Regional Strategy and the Challenge from Netanyahu" by P. Seale in 26, no. 1 (Aut. 96): 27-41.

Balfour Declaration (seeGreat Britain)

Begin, Menachem

"Zionist-Revisionism: The Years of Fascism and Terror" by L. Brenner in 13, no. 1 (Aut. 83): 66-92.

Benvenisti, Meron

"Benvenisti's Palestine Project" by E. Zureik in 14, no. 1 (Aut. 84): 91-105.

Berger, Elmer

"Memoirs of an Anti-Zionist Jew" in 5, nos. 1/2 (Aut. 75/Win. 76): 3-55.


"Palestine and Israel: The Binational Idea" by I. Gendzier in 4, no. 2 (Win. 75): 12-35.

"The Future of Israel/Palestine: Embracing the Broken Middle" by M. Ellis in 26, no. 3 (Spr. 97): 56-66.

"4 May 1999 and Palestinian Statehood: To Declare or Not To Declare?" by A. Bishara in 28, no. 2 (Win. 99): 5-16.

"A Binational State? God Forbid!" by U. Avnery in 28, no. 4 (Sum. 99): 55-60.

"The Dubious Lure of Binationalism" by S. Tamari in 30, no. 1 (Aut. 2000): 83-87.

Camp David, 1978-79 (see also Peace Process)

"The Arab World at the Crossroads: The Opposition to Sadat" by

S. Jiryis in 7, no. 2 (Win. 78): 26-61.

"The Camp David Agreement and the Palestine Problem" by F.

Sayegh in 8, no. 2 (Win. 79): 3-40.

"Egypt Breaks the Deadlock" by D. Nes in 7, no. 2 (Win. 78):


"Options and Risks After Camp David: an Interview with Eric

Rouleau" in 8, no. 2 (Win. 79): 41-54.

"Sadat's Initiative: The Reaction in Israel" by E. Shoufani in 7, no. 2 (Win. 78): 3-25.

"Sadat and Camp David Reappraised" by Z. Mahmood in 15, no. 1 (Aut. 85): 62-87.

Camp David II (July 2000)

"Special Document: The Camp David Papers" by Akram Hanieh in 30, no. 2 (Win. 2001): 75-97.

"Special Documents: The Palestinian-Israeli Camp David Negotiations and Beyond: `Camp David, Tragedy of Errors'" by R. Malley and H. Agha in 31, no. 1 (Aut. 2001): 62-74.

"Special Documents: The Palestinian-Israeli Camp David Negotiations and Beyond: `Quest for Middle East Peace, How and Why it Failed'" by D. Sontag in 31, no. 1 (Aut. 2001): 75-85.

"Report on the Taba Negotiations, January 2001" by EU Representative M. Moratinos in 31, no. 3 (Spr. 2002): 79-89.


"Development of Public Opinion on the Palestine Question" by M. Suleiman in 13, no. 3 (Spr. 84): 87-116.

"The International Consensus on the Palestine Question" by F. Moughrabi in 16, no. 3 (Spr. 87): 115-33.


"History's Verdict: The Cherokee Case" by N. Finkelstein in 24, no. 4 (Sum. 95): 32-45.


"China and the Palestinians" by J. Cooley in 1, no. 2 (Win. 72): 19-34.

"China's Relations with the PLO" by L. Harris in 7, no 1. (Aut. 77): 123-54.

"Development of Public Opinion on the Palestine Question" by M. Suleiman in 13, no. 3 (Spr. 84): 87-116.

"Sino-Israeli Relations" by X. Han in 22, no. 2 (Win. 93): 62-77.


"A View from Within: Amos Gitai's The House and A Field Diary" by T. Voskeritchian in 13, no. 2 (Win. 84): 91-96.

"Art and Politics in the Cinema of Youssef Chahine" by J. Massad in 28, no. 2 (Win. 99): 77-93.

"A Cinema of Nowhere" Interview with Elia Suleiman in 29, no. 2 (Win. 2000): 95-101.

“The Occupation (and Life) through an Absurdist Lens” interview with E. Suleiman in 32, no. 2 (Win. 2003): 63-73.

“The Stone at the Top of the Mountain: The Films of Rashid

Masharawi” by N. Gertz in 34, no. 1 (Aut. 2004): 23-36.


“’Taking Back’ Middle East Studies: The Case of Columbia

University’s MEALAC,” Special Documents in 34, no. 2 (Win.

2005): 70-84.

“Academic Freedom and the Teaching of Palestine-Israel: The

ColumbiaUniversity Case, Part II, Special Documents in 34, no.

4 (Sum. 2005): 75-107.


“Popular Culture, Relational History, and the Question of Power in Palestine and Israel” by R. Stein and T. Swedenburg in 33, no. 4 (Sum. 2004): 5-20.

“Arts, Identity, and Survival: Building Cultural Practices Under Occupation” by A. Laïdi-Hanieh in 35, no. 4 (Sum. 06): 28-43.