June 9, 2009 Regular Board of Education Meeting
Board of Education 2009
President - Edward J. Gawlik Jr.; Vice President - Joel D. Bergeron;
Secretary - Paul E. Sander; Treasurer - Sue Murray;
Trustees - Patricia Graziani, Timothy S. Kachinski, Kimber L. Labadie
CHIEF OF POLICE CHARLES L. CASTLE AND FIRE CHIEF JOHN S. WLODKOWSKI - President Gawlik said we are honoring two gentlemen who are retiring this year, our Police Chief and our Fire Chief.
He introduced John Wlodkowski, Fire Chief, and said the district wanted to recognize his accomplishments and achievements for our students. Mr. Wlodkowski has been an advocate for our schools and has been involved in our schools during fire safety week. On behalf of the Board and District, he presented him with an engraved plaque.
Mr. Wlodkowski thanked everyone and said it has been a privilege to serve our community. He has been involved with the fire prevention programs, our emergency preparedness drill and the district emergency plan.
President Gawlik introduced Charles Castle, Chief of Police, and said it has been a pleasure to work with him in the past years. The District appreciates all his efforts working with our hazardous training, the SWAT training, crossing guards, crowd control at athletic events and as a liaison to the district. He presented Mr. Castle with a plaque in recognition of his service to our students.
Mr. Castle said he was very honored to receive this recognition and said it has been about students. He said he and the Fire Chief are graduates of Southgate and announced Tom Coombs will be the new Police Chief. He thanked the board for this plaque.
PTO PRESIDENTS - President Gawlik said the Board would like to thank our PTO Presidents as they volunteer many hours for our students. They are appreciated for their hard work.
He presented Lenore Sturtz, President of the Shelters PTO, a certificate to thank her and her group for raising funds to help our students and in getting more parents involved. Ms. Sturtz wanted to thank her PTO Board for making this year a success.
Melissa Minella, President of the North Pointe PTO, was then presented a Certificate of Appreciation. Ms. Minella said her Board works really well together and has for the past five years.
President Gawlik presented Lisa Demou, Chormann PTO President, with a certificate thanking her for her all their support and she thanked her board for a successful year.
Shannon Peek, Fordline PTO President, was not at the meeting and Christine Proudlock, Allen PTO President, was unable to be at the meeting.
President Gawlik once again thanked all the PTO’s for the work they do for our students.
ATHLETICS, DAVE PINKOWSKI - reported on the spring accomplishments, highlights and awards our teams received. We were asked to host the softball and baseball tournaments and it went very well. We were complimented on the condition of our facilities. Mr. Pinkowski thanked Dan Menghini and the maintenance staff for their help getting the field and facilities ready as they did a great job.
The Downriver League is ready to go with the exception of bowling which they are still reviewing. They are working with the Huron League to arrange contests for our middle schools.
2009-2010 GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET HEARING - Mr. Henegar said this is the formal budget hearing to present the budget to the school board and community. We continue to operate on a lean budget and he reported reductions made in the past to continue our current programs: high school and middle school transportation was reduced; a comprehensive retire/rehire program saving $250,000 annually; restructured the incremental steps for the UTS; reduced compensation to our custodial staff; began the pay to play; the food services program is self sustaining and no longer in need of general fund assistance; and our energy savings program netted a savings of $1.6 million.
We continue to provide our instructional program purchasing new textbooks, new technology and are currently reviewing our health care benefits offered to our employees. We will make capital improvements at Asher renovating a classroom to a science lab and adding a portable classroom.
Mr. Henegar highlighted the basis for the 2009-2010 budget which included fifty less students and no change in our foundation allowance. It includes $832,000 of the $1.1 million ARRA funds but does not incorporate the majority of the Title I Stimulus money. We have attempted to use as much of our entitlement without supplanting AARA funds which has to be used for new programs to address the needs of our students. We have laid off six custodians and reduced the elementary schools cleaning schedule; eliminated one administrative assistant; eliminated class size paras; combined the St. Pius transportation with our middle school runs; limited capital improvements to Asher School and minimal sidewalk repairs throughout the district; and a 1% salary reduction for non-represented staff. We have used our entire fund balance to balance our budget and this will make it very difficult next year and in the future to continue the programs we have.
President Gawlik said this was a public hearing and he would take questions from the Board then the audience.
Mr. Kachinski had concerns on the budget and Mr. Henegar responded to those. Mr. Henegar said the property taxes have gone down as the taxable value of homes decreased in the city and this impacts our source of revenue. We are using Title I funds where we can and to continue our current programs, we have used our fund equity balance.
President Gawlik said we are in a financial hardship and the student count will help us the most. If there are any new students in the district, please enroll as soon as possible. He is confident with the budget presented this evening and said Mr. Henegar has always been within 1% of our budget. The health care fringe benefits have increased the most and we are open to ideas, any concessions or help from the unions.
Mr. Sander said our funds are being held up with the ARRA and in two years our per student allocation will be $700 less than it is now. We will have to make more reductions in years to come.
President Gawlik said Shannon Peek, President of Fordline PTO, was in the audience at this time and presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation for her work for our students.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT - Mr. Peden said between the high school and Asher’s graduation we will have 650 new graduates. Anderson students received $2.4 million in scholarships and this was the best graduation ceremony in years.
He thanked the non represented staff for accepting the 1% reduction as this does not happen in many places. This is the first group that has taken this step.
Mr. Peden said he was in Lansing to talk with our representatives to let them know our hands are tied with the spending of the Title I and special education funds. For the 2010-2011 school year we are projecting a $3 million deficit. We could be at a time where we would have no bussing, no athletics, no specials and only offer basic programs. Lansing wants us to re-imagine our education and Mr. Peden assured our community that we are doing all we can.
We will have a Truant Officer next year funded with stimulus dollars who will focus on students who have had chronic attendance problems this year. If attendance improves, student improvement will increase.
Mr. Peden wished the staff and parents a long and enjoyable summer as this will be longest summer ever. Students will return on September 8.
DEBT RETIREMENT FUND MILLAGE RATE assessed 3.50 mills to become effective July 1, 2009
NON REPRESENTED STAFF - implemented a one percent reduction on all earnings paid to all non-represented employees from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
MHSAA RESOLUTION for the year August 1, 2009 through July 31, 2010
TSS CONTRACTS approved for Robert Eltervoog, Dan Menghini and Diane Kell
Paul E. Sander, Secretary
Board of Education