2011 Highlights

Forestry Committee Meeting

Washington Association of Conservation Districts

National Association of Conservation Districts Forestry Resource Planning Group

1.  There will be a forestry meeting at the 2012 NACD meeting in Las Vegas, Watch for the agenda.

2.  NACD forestry priorities established for 2012, including among others: inform districts on forestry-related issues, identify emerging issues, monitor and influence legislation, regulations, and policies; deliver Forestry Notes electronically, establish web interactive-presence, advocate for expansion of forestry in 20122 Farm Bill.

2012 Farm Bill (Excerpts from: Treefarmsystem.org; Forestfoundation.org, Capital Press, and NRCS.)

The negotiation process for 2012 has barely started, so expect changes, likely reductions in the current economic and political climate. Some have speculated that it will be a 2013 FB. Renewed roughly every five years, the Farm Bill (FB) process started in 1933. The last Farm Bill was in 2008 and the 2012 bill will use the 2008 version as a starting point. Congress will start with 15 Titles (i.e. sections). Title VIII covers forestry assistance to locals and last time there was $40 million for protection and restoration.

The 2008 FB saw more emphasis on forestry than prior versions. EQIP funding for forestry for 2010 was $51 million. Note: Since 2077 nationwide EQIP funding for forestry has increased 246%.

2012 FB Issues being discussed (Expect this list to expand and contract as negotiations progress):

1.  Loss and fragmentation of forests

2.  Forest health – insects, invasives, fires.

3.  Intergenerational planning.

4.  Improve outreach, education, technical assistance.

5.  Open market opportunities: traditional products, renewable/sustainable resources, biomass and related, ecosystem services.

2012 FB Process discussions (11/18/2011 Capital Press)

1.  Agricultural leaders have agreed to cut $23 million over the next 10 years.

2.  Full House and Senate have to vote on package by December 23 or have cuts across all FB programs. They are talking $6 billion in cuts in conservation programs.

2012 FB Process Discussion (11/25/2011 Capital Press)

  1. All programs are likely to suffer.
  2. USDA chief economist Joe Glauber recently said the programs under consideration will be classed as “trade distorting” under the World Trade Organization.
  3. Some areas of cuts are “off limits” (e.g. food stamps), so with a projected $15 billion in agricultural cuts, those cuts will be concentrated on crop subsidies, crop insurance, and conservation programs.
  4. Many freshmen Republicans oppose government spending and want cuts.

5.  The 2008 FB expires 9/30/12 – no renewed FB would revert to the status of the 1949 version (which is, of course, hopelessly out-of-date).

General Discussion and Communication


2.  Do we want to have a WACD forestry facebook page? Let me know your thoughts by the end of January, 2012. (Send to: ).

3.  Has the method of information dissemination been working? Items have been forwarded that appear relevant and useful to CDs.

4.  The forestry skills inventory needs to be updated. Please review your district’s entries and update as appropriate. I will go with whatever I have on March 31, 2012.

5.  Lori McLaughlin has separated our list into east and west sides of the state, so if you have something you think would be good to share, please send it to me and I will check it out for posting (Send to: ).