Phoneme Segmentation - Breaking a word into its separate sounds. Can say each sound while tapping, clapping, or holding up fingers. Example: What are the sounds in hat? /h/ /a/ /t/.

Phoneme segmentation is a phonemic awareness skill.

Intervention Activities:

1.  The Slinky Slide


1. One slinky for each student


Give each child a slinky. Have each child hold the slinky in two hands pushed together. Say a c-v or c-v-c word. Have the students orally segment each sound as they pull the slinky apart. Then have them repeat the whole word (fast) pushing the slinky back together.

2.  Move – It – Say - It


1. Move It & Say It Card

2. Manipulatives (counters, blocks, bingo chips, pennies, cheerios, Goldfish)

3. List of 1-syllable words


Have student place one finger on a manipulative. Give the student a word to segment. The student pulls one manipulative at a time down to the arrow while orally segmenting the given word Example: For the word mop, students moves a token when saying /m/, moves a second token when saying /o/, moves a third token when saying/p/. Then student blends the sounds back together at the end to make the word. Don’t forget to use nonsense words here too!

3.  And They All Fall Down

Back to Sound-to-Letter Segmentation


1. List of 1- syllable words


1. Have a group of children stand up in a row in front of the class.

2. Say a 1-syllable word.

3. Ask a volunteer to break the word into individual parts.

4. For example, if the word is cat, the child will say /c/ /a/ /t/.

5. Then ask another volunteer to tell how many phonemes are in the word.

6. Then have the same number of children as there are phonemes fall to the

ground (if 3 sounds, 3 children sit down).

4.  Head, Waist, & Toes


1.  List of 1- syllable words


Students practice segmenting phonemes by touching their head for the first sound, waist for the middle sound, and toes for the final sound in a word.

5.  Beginning, Middle, End

Phonological Awareness / Sound-Letter Segmentation


1. Three-pocket folder

2. Letter cards

3. A list of familiar 3- phoneme words


1. Choose a word from the list and place the letters needed to spell the word face down in each pocket of the folder.

2. Focus on one of the phonemes.

3. Say the word and then sing the following song to the tune of “Are You Sleeping, Brother John?”:

“Beginning, middle, and end; beginning, middle, and end; Where’s the ___ sound? Where’s the ____ sound? Let’s find out! Let’s find out!”

4. Have the children take turns coming forward to pick a position and turn the letter card around to see if they are right.

6.  Let’s Count Sounds


1.  List of 1- syllable words


Students count sounds in words by raising a finger for each sound in a word.

7.  Beanbag Toss


1. Beanbag


1. Have students stand in small circle with you.

2. Say a CVC word such as bag.

3. Toss the beanbag to the first student who must segment word into sounds.

4. He tosses it to the next student who must blend the sounds back into a word.

5. Repeat with new words.

Move – It – Say - It