Holman Wrestling

The Basics

Practice Sessions – At least fifteen days of training for each participant shall precede his/her first meet unless the Chairperson or his designee approves an exception. Practice begins on November 11th, 2013.

Number of Meets – The number of meets shall not exceed the MSAC schedule. Teaching scrimmages may be provided within the schedule. No more than two meets shall be scheduled in any week, unless the chair or his designee approves an exception. A Holman wrestling schedule is with this packet.

Headgear, Shoes, and Mouthpieces – Properly fitted headgear and wrestling shoes must be worn in all practice sessions and meets. The wearing of mouthpieces is strongly recommended but is not mandatory (unless you wear braces.) No metal is to be worn on the wrestling mat at anytime.

Weight Certification & Allowances – During an official weigh-in for a dual meet, net weight for each weight class must be required. Contestants will certify their weight class prior to the first match on December 4th. A one-pound weight allowance will be given on December 11th, December 26th, and January 9th.

Weigh-ins on Day of Meet – (1) Weigh-ins shall be held during the morning of each match, prior to noon. (2) Each team must have an entry in each of the seventeen weight classes or forfeit the corresponding match and any resulting points to the opposing team. (3) If weigh-in records are not presented to the opposing coach upon arrival at the match, wrestlers must weigh-in at the match site.

Weight Classifications – Competitions shall be divided into the following seventeen weight classes.

70 / 75 / 80
85 / 90 / 95
100 / 105 / 112
119 / 126 / 132
138 / 145 / 155
167 / 185 / Unlimited

Length of Individual Matches – Matches shall be 4 ½ minutes in length, consisting of three periods of 1 ½ minutes each. *If at the end of a match the score is tied, there will be a one minute overtime period in which the first person to score will win. Wrestlers shall start from their feet. If no one scores during the one minute overtime period, the match will remain a tie.

Scoring – Wrestling is scored by both individual match and overall team points. A summary of each follows:

Individual Match / Dual Meet
Takedown / 2 Points / Fall, Forfeit, Default, Disqualification / 6 Points
Escape / 1 Point / Technical Fall (15 Point difference) / 5 Points
Reversal / 2 Points / Major Decision (8-14 point difference) / 4 Points
Near Fall / 2, 3 Points / Decision (fewer than 8 points) / 3 Points
Penalty / 1, 2 Points / Tie / 2 Points each

This is great information for both wrestler and parent. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Go Huskies!

Coach Willis