Expression of Interest

YWCA Canberra Youth Engagement

Y-Aspire Program

What is Y-Aspire?

Y-Aspire is a young women’s leadership program for girls in years seven and eight. The program aims to inspire young women to build confidence and skills that will assist them in their journey through adolescence and beyond. It is during adolescence that the construction of identity is at its most dynamic, and for this reason the topic of Identity is prevalent throughout the program. Recognising who we are, including aspirations, talents and weaknesses is key to our process of self-awareness and empowerment[1].

Participants will be supported to take part in activities designed to identify and achieve their goals, build positive self-esteem and encourage selfexploration.

Y-Aspire Structure

Y-Aspire will be held at the Mura Lanyon Youth and Community Centre over involving oneweekly two-hour session after school timefor eight consecutive weeks during Term 4 2016,. The group will consist of 10 to 14 young women from years seven and eight.

Sessions are conducted in a ‘circle time’ model in order to create an environment where everyone feels they belong, as well as to nurture a sense of community. Participants are given a personal journal at the outset of the program. This journal includes questions that scaffold their reflective thinking about what they have learned each session, as well as allow space for their own reflections.

At the end of the eight weeks, participants are given the opportunity to share these reflections with the group, revealing how the program has impacted them. They will also receive a portfolio of their work.

When:Term 4 2016*

Where:Mura Lanyon Youth and Community Centre, 22 Sydney Nolan Street Conder, ACT 2906

Cost: FREE

* Times and dates to be confirmed.

To register, please fill out the attached form and send to Annie-Lea Rowley at .

Personal Details
Name / DOB
Phone / Home: / Mobile:
School / Year
Referrer’s details / (Self-referral, school, service, etc.)
Interest in Y-Aspire
What are your personal development goals?
What is the reason for wanting to be a part of Y-Aspire?
What are some of your strengths?
Program Delivery
Preferred day of delivery / M T W TH F
    
Days unavailable (if applicable) / M T W TH F
    
Preferred time of delivery / 3:30 – 5:30 
4:00 – 6:00 
Expectations and Consent
Y-Aspire is designed to nurture a sense of belonging and safety within the group. As such, participants are encouraged to share and develop friendships. As a participant of the Y-Aspire program, participants will be expected to treat both staff and the other participants with respect - as such any discriminatory, abusive, or violent behaviour will not be tolerated. Engagement in this behaviour will result in removal from the program.
To support participants gaining the most benefit from the Y-Aspire program, and to help build trust amongst the group, we encourage participants to attend a minimum of six sessions. Attending less than six sessions will not meet the criteria of completing the program.
Successful applicants will be mailed an official permission form with further details about the program, including the dates and time the program will be delivered.
I …………………. ………..parent/guardian of ……………………………… give consent for:
 My child to participate in a phone call with the Y-Aspire program coordinator to assess suitability for the program.
 YWCA Canberra to discuss this referral and phone call (if applicable) to asses my child’s suitability for the program
Sign……………………….. Date…………………..

[1]Instituto Promundo, Salud y Henero, ECOS, Instituto PAPAI & World Education, 2008