20 Questions God Wants to Ask You

Author: Troy Fitzgerald

© 2008 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 11 / Points 20

Word Count: 65,247

192 pages

1. Three convicted felons got out of jail because of _____. (Page 24)

a. bribing a parole board
b. DNA proved they were innocent
c. they got out on a technicality
d. they had completed their sentences

2. Troy’s soccer team won because they _____. (Page 31)

a. had practiced more / b. were bigger
c. both of these / d. neither of these

3. To be perfect is to _____. (Page 36)

a. be mature / b. embrace good things
c. both of these / d. neither of these

4. The white noise generator was to mask the sound of _____. (Page 53)

a. crying / b. drilling / c. loud music / d. talking

5. Melba’s family used _____ to fight the deadly infection. (Page 64)

a. apple cider / b. bread mold
c. Epsom Salts / d. none of these

6. Moses was reluctant to go to Egypt because he _____. (Page 65-75)

a. was comfortable where he was at
b. he didn’t really think of the Israelites as his people
c. he thought he was too old
d. none of these

7. TMI stands for _____. (Page 77)

a. too much information / b. totally messed-up i-pod
c. tuneful music inspires / d. none of these

8. If you _____ it can help keep you out of trouble. (Page 88-91)

a. don’t ignore the problem
b. repent when you see you are headed for trouble
c. check your core beliefs
d. all of these

9. Of the 17 people Spencer saved, only _____ thanked him. (Page 95)

a. 1 / b. 3 / c. 5 / d. none of these

10. One prisoner saw _____ the other saw _____. (Page 105)

a. bars_____stars / b. chains_____keys
c. rats _____ cats / d. none of these

11. On New Year’s Eve Troy was hit by _____. (Page 110)

a. an 89 year old lady / b. a Dodge Dart
c. both of these / d. neither of these

12. The story of hope was about some African men standing before a _____. (Page 120)

a. firing squad / b. judge / c. river / d. none of these

13.When teachers expect that their students are bright and will do more the students _____. (Page 129)

a. accomplish more / b. disappoint them
c. tire of the high expectations / d. none of these

14. Mentioning that one child didn’t have a lunch was not cruel because _____. (Page 141)

a. it was a call to action / b. he had already eaten
c. he was deaf / d. none of these

15. Many of Jesus’ disciples left when He said they would have to _____. (Page 146)

a. die for him / b. give away their money
c. leave their homes / d. none of these

16. Jesus second big fish catch was to remind the disciples that _____. (Page 154,155)

a. he would still provide for them
b. he was very powerful
c. his death didn’t change their mission
d. none of these

17. Troy stopped the snow trip because the kids _____.

a. got sick / b. had been noisy
c. lost interest / d. would not be safe

18. Mary’s discipleship was very inspiring because her _____. (Page 171)

a. commitment to supporting Jesus and staying with Him in bad times was unequalled
b. experience of victory over devils was encouraging
c. grief and joy were deeper than all others
d. all of these

19. The lawyer wanted to _____ eternal life. (Page 177)

a. earn / b. ignore / c. inherit / d. none of these

20. The story of Bart was about _____. (Page 184-186)

a. Barnabus (actually Joseph of Aramathea)
b. Blind Bartemaeus the beggar
c. Bartholomew the disciple
d. Albarticus the centurion
Correct answers: / 1-b 2-d 3-c 4-d 5-c 6-d 7-a 8-d 9-d 10-a
11-c 12-a 13-a 14-a 15-d 16-c 17-d 18-d 19-c 20-b