Outline Out of Many


Chapter 4 -1441-1770

  1. The Beginnings of African Slavery
  2. How did the West African slave trade first begin?
  3. Why were slaves brought to the Americas by the Spanish?
  4. How did Slavery grow with the spread of sugar production?
  5. What were West African societies like before they were torn apart by slavery?
  6. The African Slave Trade
  7. When did the Atlantic Slave trade begin and end?
  8. Approximately how many Africans were shipped to America as slaves?
  9. Where did most slaves go as a final destination? (see map pages 96 and 97)
  10. What groups of people and businesses participated in the slave trade?
  11. Where did most slaves come from in Africa?
  12. How did many Africans fall into slavery?
  13. What was the Middle Passage?
  14. Describe the experience of the Middle Passage.
  15. What was the experience like once slaves arrived in the Americas?
  16. What happened to Africa as a result of the slave trade?
  17. The Development of North American Slave Societies
  18. When did the first Africans arrive in Virginia?
  19. Why did slavery not initially take hold in North America?
  20. How were Africans initially treated in the Virginias?
  21. Why did the Chesapeake society change from a society with slaves to a slave society?
  22. How did slavery grow with tobacco?
  23. Contrast treatment of slaves between Chesapeake and the Caribbean?
  24. Why did Slavery thrive in South Carolina and why weren’t Indian slaves used?
  25. Initially how was slavery treated in Georgia?
  26. How did slavery vary in the Spanish colonies?
  27. What was the role of slavery in French Louisiana?
  28. In what areas of the North was slavery more significant?
  29. Who were the first colonists to speak out against slavery?
  30. African to African American
  31. Who were the creoles in the African community?
  32. Describe the daily life of slaves?
  33. What was the purpose of slave codes?
  34. What toll did slavery exact on slave families?
  35. How did the slaves work to maintain a sense of community and kinship?
  36. What was the attitude toward the conversion of slaves to Christianity during the 1700’s?
  37. What were some of the most powerful cultural aspects within the African American community?
  38. How could it be said that the South became Africanized?
  39. What role did violence play in the life of a slave?
  40. What were some of the ways in which slaves manifested resistance?
  41. What were some of the key slave uprisings of the 1700’s?
  42. Slavery and Empire
  43. How did slavery contribute to the economic development of Great Britain?
  44. What was mercantilism?
  45. How did the goals of mercantilism lead to warfare?
  46. What were the main colonial wars that Great Britain fought to maintain its economic control?
  47. How did these wars lead to more regulation of trade in the colonies?
  48. How did colonial economies adapt around the laws of the British?
  49. What were enumerated goods?
  50. What role did trade play in the colonial economies?
  51. Slavery and Freedom
  52. What social structure evolved in slave colonies
  53. What laws were gradually passed that took away rights from Africans?
  54. What role did racism play in colonial society?