



Bella Center, Copenhagen

Room 18



1.Introductionand StatusReportofActivities (G. Arduini) – 12:45 – 13:05

2.Peer Review Pilot Project at IPAC’17 (R. Assmann) – 13:05 – 13:20

3.Report of the EPS-AG Treasurer (A. Jansson) – 13:20 – 13:30

4.Report of the EPS-AG Internal Auditors (M. Vretenar or G. Bisoffi) - 13:30 – 13:40

5.Anyotherbusiness – 13:40 – 13:45


Gianluigi Arduini () - Chair of the EPS-AG Board

Mike Seidel () – Chair Elect of the EPS-AG Board


Deepa Angal-Kalinin,Gianluigi Arduini, Ralph Assmann, Giovanni Bisoffi, ReinhardBrinkmann (EPS Fellow), Sara Casalbuoni, Frederic Chautard, Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie, Angeles Faus-Golfe, Andreas Jansson, Juliana Pranke (IPAC’17 Scientific Secretariat), Mike Seidel.

  1. Introduction and StatusReportofActivities(Gianluigi Arduini, CERN) - Slides

Gianluigi welcomes everybody and reminds participants that the meeting is repeated every 3 years during IPACand open to all EPS-AG members. Please note that the website has been moved to

He goes on to thank those members of the Elected Board whose mandate ends at the end of conference, and welcomes the new members(see PPT). Gianluigi then talks about the main task of EPS-AG, which is the organization of IPAC. One of the points pending from the last meeting was the formalization of the MoU of activity and role of IPAC coordination committee. Andy Wolski had a major role in the development of said MoU. See slide 8 of Gianluigi’s presentation. The next slides are dedicated to the aspect of promotion of our field (e.g. via EPS-AG Prizes, and Fellows) and engagement with students. He congratulates Reinhard Brinkman for his election as EPS Fellow. EPS-AG is also participating in the IUPAP Working Group 14, in an attempt to “recommend to the IUPAP what structure (Working Group or Commission) it should put in place at its 2017 General Assembly to adequately cover accelerator science”.After a short note on open access and in relation to that the pilot project peer reviewing which is was implemented at IPAC’17, Gianluigi reviewed briefly the results of a recent PRAB Survey, and asks for volunteers for referees.

  1. Peer Review Pilot Project (Ralph Assmann, DESY) - Slides


Sara Casalbuoni states that the review criteria are not really clear (not everybody has similar judgement), to which Gianluigi replies that the rules were clear and could be further improved but that we need to get used to this type of peer review. Ralph Assmann concedes that there can never be a case of total, “mathematical” agreement, and that it is therefore good to have two referees. Gianluigi points out that we’ll probably have to go through one full circle of IPACs before the rules and processes are working flawlessly. Ralph admits that the 2 week-review duration is demanding lot of good will and thanks everybody who helped reviewing.

  1. Report of the ESS Treasurer (Andreas Jansson, ESS) – Report


The surplus in the budget was there in the past to cover potential financial losses of EPAC/IPAC conferences. However, there has been no need of money for such purpose and with the institution of IPAC the organizing institutes have been asked to cover potential losses..During the discussion it was proposed to use some of this surplus money to finance student grants.

Marie-Emmanuelle states that she was happy with the per diem amount the grant students received this as it had been too high in her opinion in Busan.

  1. Report of the EPS-AG Internal Auditors (Giovanni Bisoffi, LFN) - Report

Giovanni reads out the letter. There are no questions or comments, except a thank-you to Andreas for preparing the audit very well.

The next General Assembly will be during IPAC’20 in Caen, May-June 2020 (exact date tbd).