Kindergarten News

Week of February 26–March 2

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Norris

Room 7

We will continue our study of “My Community” this week. We will be focusing on community helpers, why people work, and wants & needs.

Our sight words for the week are run and jump.

We are participating in “Read Across America” this week. We will focus on a Dr. Seuss book each day. Monday: Dress in red and white. Tuesday: Wear your favorite or craziest hat. Wednesday: Wear crazy or mismatched socks. Thursday: Wear your favorite pajamas (and sneakers). Friday: Dress as your favorite book character. We will enjoy a piece of birthday cake for Dr. Seuss on Friday!

Children need to return their library books on Tuesday.

Progress Reports will go home on Tuesday, February 27th. Please sign and return them to school on Wednesday.

Guided Reading bags will come home Tuesday thru Thursday this week. Please return the guided reading bags each day. We need the books for our guided reading group lessons.

Children need to wear sneakers on Wednesday for PE.

Continue reading to/with your child each night. Don’t forget to write the book’s title on your child’s Book Log. Return the Book Buddy each day so your child can choose a new book. Children must read at least 18 books to be eligible for the Pizza Hut Book It coupon. March is the last month of the Book It program.

Send a small, healthy snack for your child each day. Please read the ingredients on your child’s snack…no peanuts or tree nuts.

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Don’t forget to send in a written note when your child has been absent. If I do not receive a note, the absence will be unexcused.

We have had several confirmed cases of the flu in our classroom. Please, please, please do not send your child to school if he/she is running a fever. Children should be fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to school. Thank you for helping keep our classroom a healthy place!

We want to wish Braeli and Kim very happy birthdays! Braeli’s birthday is Thursday, March 1st. Kim’s birthday is Friday, March 2nd.