IAS Research Workshop Application Form
IAS RESEARCH WORKSHOP APPLICATION FORM 2017/18Please complete and send electronically to
- Applicant Details
Title / Surname / First Name / Position / Department/School / Email address
- Research Workshop Proposal
Title of Workshop Series:
Please describe (on no more than 2 sides of A4) the proposed Workshop or Workshop series, indicating: the interdisciplinary nature of the research area (range of departments/faculties that it spans);format and intellectual rationale; a list of participants; research goals;how the workshop will strengthen the research profile of the individuals and the University.
You should also indicate how often you plan the workshop to meet, with, if possible, a proposed timetable. Workshops are expected to take place in the Verdon-Smith Room, Royal Fort House but can be held elsewhere if more appropriate, please specify your venue.
Summary of Workshop Series for IAS website (500 words):
- Collaborators
Please identify any core collaborators who have already agreed to participate.
Title / Surname / First Name / Position / Department/School / Email address
- Research Students and Post-doctoral Researchers
Please indicate if the involvement of research students or post-doctoral researchers is envisaged.
Yes (number and department) / No
Research Students
Post-doctoral Researchers
- Budget
Please give an indication of how the budget for the proposed workshop will be allocated (to a maximum of £1K per research event; up to £2.5K for a series, and up to £5K for a joint IAS/WUN workshop series). This should include anticipated costs for accommodation (up to £100 per night), travel by the most economical means, refreshments, printing, etc. We recognise that not all activities can be confirmed yet, but a detailed budget statement will be required in due course.
If a workshop series extends across more than one financial year, please break down your costs by year.
Details / Cost
Subtotal (to 31 July 2018)
Details / Cost
Subtotal (1 August 2017 – 31 July2019)
Total Budget
- Outcomes
Please give an indication of the likely outcomes of the Workshop (e.g. research outcomes, publications, bids for research funding, etc.). All conveners are asked to return a brief report after each Workshop in addition to a Workshop Evaluation form at the conclusion of the Workshop series.
Please submit forms by the dates indicated on our website.
Please note that successful applicants must claim research workshop funding within 2 months of receiving the award.
This form should also be used for applications for the continuation of funding for current Workshops. Please include a statement addressing the relationship between this year’s activities and those proposed for the following year. No guarantee of continued funding can be given.