YWCA Pacific Region Board Meeting

April 15, 2010

10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Marriot Resident Inn-Los Angeles, CA


BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING: Sharon Bettinelli, Mary Ellen Pearson, Gabrielle Hass, Allison Stanley, Muriel Smalheiser, , Helene Pizzini, Elaine Moore, Dana Campbell Saylor, Carolyn Margolies, Diane Masseth Jones, Renee Hamilton, Jeanine Atebara, Lorraine Godoy, Jennifer Ware, Margaret Checca, Tamika Farr, Dona Barber, Nancy Melendez, Julia Miele, Lisa Brabo, Heather Finley, Janet Marcotte , Heather Otto, Leticia Mendoza, Helen Hayashi

STAFF: Kay Kelley, Regional Executive Director

GUESTS: Karen Jeffrey Anthony, NCB Representative, Sally Young, Pat Wiedhopf, Kay Philips, Elsa Luna, Donna Crowder, Zondra Martin, Dawn Weinstein, Sejal Patel, Betsy Lewis

Welcome by President and Introductions / President, Sharon Bettinelli, welcomed all board members and guests to the annual meeting of the YWCA Pacific Region, and asked all to introduce themselves. / Attach all reports to copy of minutes for filing
Approve Agenda / Sharon reported that the agenda items had been re-arranged. / Motion to approve by Diane Masseth Jones
Second by Heather Otto
Motion passed
Review and Approve Minutes of April 14, 2009 / Motion to approve by Heather Otto
Second by Dana Campbell Saylor
Motion passed
Executive Committee/ Committee Reports / Sharon introduced the exec committee, both retiring and incoming.
Advocacy / Kay Philips passed out packets of information on the work of the Advocates for Action and the Regional Advocacy Committee. Kay reviewed the charge of the committee, and highlighted work that included an update on CDAW, thank you letters to Michele Obama for the work done in Haiti, and letters of support for the Child Obesity Initiatives. Kay asked the members to read the reports and let the committee know what issues they would like the group to work on. Elaine Moore reported that there are three bills in California that will affect support for Rape Crisis work. Letters for associations to sign and send to their congressional members were distributed. The committee also asked that all members tackle two advocacy issues annually.
The committee would like to see national issues placed prominently on the national website. Kay passed out a letter/ proposal that the committee will present to the NCB for consideration. The letter asks the NCB to revisit the goals and objectives of the Change Initiative. Janet Marcotte felt that the issues would be heard more effectively if two letters were sent instead of one. One letter addressing the issues of the operating model and one that is action related to the functions of the national office. Janet stated that the NCB has developed a task force to move forward on this issue. Sharon suggests that a group of people meet over lunch and try to craft two letters that would go to the NCB. The results should be a request for review of the operating model, and the other would be for review of the priorities for the national office.
Elaine Moore asked about the national office expenditures and the endowment. Janet explained that the biggest concern was around the YWCA USA losing its 501C3 status. A 501c3 must have 30 % from community support and currently 95% of the operating funds come from the investments. Dana pointed out that the national office could be both a 501c3 and 501c4 which would qualify for an advocacy exemption.
Carolyn Margolis asked that we make a recommendation to no longer use Kintera as our web server, and ask the national board to look at a new vendor. / A motion was made to approve the concept of the letter to the NCB with the suggested modifications.
Motion made by Nancy Melendez, seconded by
Heather Finlay
Motion passed / Kay Philips will send a final copy of the letter to all members
Association Services Committee

Bylaws Committee / Pat Wiedhopf highlighted her written report. She announced to the group that all Associations have completed the first five year cycle of Peer Reviews. She also reported that mandatory training would take place for all new executive directors and board presidents. All members of the region will be invited. Leticia Mendoza also suggested that training is provided prior to a review. Pat stated that training is part of the plan, and webinars will be conducted for all associations having a review this year. New reviews will begin starting January 2011. Pat announced that the committee will be sending out an RFP for the hiring of a Peer Review Consultant. Sharon commented that the reasoning for the consultant is to provide consistency in the way reviews are conducted. Each review will still have a committee member or trained team member attending the reviews. Diane asked what the skill sets will be for the position. Sharon announced that a committee has been formed to review the criteria and the RFP process.
Kay Kelley reported for Mary Douglas. The committee requested a change in the date for electing the nominating committee members and to adopt the new mission statement / Motion was made y Elaine Moore to approve the suggested bylaws changes. Seconded by Gabriele Hass
Motion passed
Treasurers Report / Incoming Treasurer, Margaret Checca for Treasurer Keri McLain, made the report. Margaret asked for any questions or clarification of the current financial statements. Janet Marcotte asked that we move some of our investments to make sure that they are in secured accounts, for we have exceeded the limitations in some.
Margaret discussed the placement and distributions of the lobbying fees and incoming repayments of those fees. Margaret went over the current 2008/2009 audit. Margaret asked for a motion to approve current financials and audit.
Margaret presented the proposed budget and budget narrative. She explained that the committee budgeted for complete compliance of all members paying the estimated support fees for next year. The committee realizes that some associations will not meet this requirement, but felt that our budget needed to reflect what was actually invoiced to Associations. Margaret reported that the committee would be working with individual Associations to develop payment plans on past due support fees owed to the region.
A question was raised about an association that may have significant changes to an income statement. It was reported that if an association can show a more current audit that indicated substantial differences in expenses, that the committee will review and make adjustments to the invoiced amount. However, the request must come from the Association to the committee in writing.
It was also stated that if we need to have revisions to the budget, we can do so via email voting. / Motion made to accept Treasurers Report by Janet Marcotte and seconded by Heather Finlay
Motion passed
A motion was made to approve the 2010/2011 budget by Janet Marcotte
Seconded by Heather Otto
Motion passed / Budget and narrative will be posted to the regional website
Leadership Development / Elaine Moore, Chair highlighter her report. She said that the committee will be planning training for new executive directors and board chairs as requested by the Association Services Committee. The Committee is further recommending that the Pacific Region set aside additional funds to assist our YWCA’s in the Hawaii Islands. It is suggested that the region supplement airfare costs for the Hawaii Island Associations based on what the average airfare would cost our members on the mainland.
For example:
Just about everyone can fly Southwest Airlines to most of our meetings. If the member gets their ticket in advance, the average cost is approximately $262.00 to anywhere in our region.
If the airfare is $600.00 for our Hawaii members, then the region would pay the difference between the two. The committee feels that this will help to assure participation in these mandatory trainings and regional meetings, which are usually scheduled on the west coast.
This line item is reflected in the current budget so no motion was required since the budget was approved.
Elaine also reported that the committee would be offering a Program Directors Institute to be held in conjunction with the YWCA Berkeley's Young Women and Money conference held November 5th, 2011. Save the date postcards will be sent out soon to reserve this date as well as one for Tech Gyrls, and other webinar trainings.
NCB Report
National Coordinating Board / Janet Marcotte and Karen Jeffrey Anthony made the report. Janet gave a brief history on the NCB for all of the new members. She highlighted from her written report, the virtual annual meeting on April 29, 2010. It was reported that this meeting would be for voting delegates only.
Karen and Janet reported that the CEO of the YWCA USA, Lorraine Cole had been given a very clear work plan and that the NCB voted not to renew her contract. A team is in place to facilitate a smooth transition to take place in September when Lorraine’s contract is up. It was also stated that up until now contracts have been signed in three year increments. The move to a new location was discussed and because of the economic down turn the contract to buy a condo was terminated.
The Pacific Region challenged the NCB motion on brand compliance, and was withdrawn. All NCB representatives are asked to fully comply with the brand standards that can be found on the YWCA USA website. A member asked that if an exit interview would be done as a learning experience for the NCB. Janet and Karen will bring this up to the transition team.
Nomination Committee / Julia Miele, as Co Chair of the current Nominating Committee asked for a vote of the new Pacific Region Board members. See attached list of new members. Margaret Checca reviewed the nomination process. She announced the new officers that were voted on prior to the meeting via email. The new officers are as follows. Dana Campbell Saylor, President, Diane Masseth Jones Vice President, Lisa Brabo, Secretary, Margaret Checca, Treasurer and members at large, Jennifer Ware, Lorraine Godoy, Helen Hayashi. The Nominating Committee will meet in September to start the NCB election process to be completed by December.
Executive Director’s Review / Diane Masseth Jones as Vice President has the duty to perform the annual review of the Regional Executive Director. Diane summarized the process used and made a recommendation for a strategic plan to have concrete goals and objectives for the Regional Director. / Diane will send summary report to those that request the report
Executive Directors Report / Kay Kelley, Executive Director reported on the current status of the appropriation process. She went over some forms that need completing and asked that all new members sign an email voting form. She passed out the 2008/2009 Annual Report that was prepared by the regional office. Kay also suggested that all associations start a Face book page to advertise their Associations activities.
Old Business / Heather Finlay asked for some feedback from members on cutbacks that other Association’s have experienced. The group gave some general feedback. Sharon then opened the floor for members to share what is taking place in their Associations.
Sejal Patel, regional representation to the National Youth Task Force, has been assigned to find out what the needs of young women in our region are. Members were asked to send her any information they have on young women’s initiatives that they are offering.
Sharon announced that Muriel Smalheiser would do an optional presentation on the World Relations Committee immediately following the business meeting adjournment.
Next meeting will be announced after the new executive committee has met.
Meeting Adjourned / The Business Meeting was adjourned at 3:10 P.M.