Remarks by President Jacob Zuma on the occasion of the Site visit to the Westonaria Agri-parkBekkersdal11 April 2017

Ministers of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, MrSenzeniZokwana

Minister of Land Reform and Rural Development, MrGugileNkwinti

And all Ministers present,

Acting Premier of Gauteng Ms Barbara Creecy

Honourable MECs, mayors,


Community of Westonaria and surroundings,

Good morning to you all,

Sanibonani, dumelang!

We are happy to visit this important project today in your community.Government has taken a conscious decision to revitalise the agricultural sector. We look up to this sector to create more jobs for our people.It is for this reason that we have decided to establish the Agricultural Parks or Agriparks, such as this Westonaria Agri-parks.

This programme is part of our drive to radically transform the South African economy so that it brings millions of African people including women, youth and people with disabilities into productive activities and ownership within the mainstream economy.

The Apartheid spatial exclusion of rural areas still mars our landscape today. Our rural communities sadly remain the most excluded from participation in the country’s economy and are the most food insecure portion of the population.The key pillars of the programme include supporting producers and helping them to get markets to sell their produce. It is also about fast tracking land reform.

Through the Agri-Parks Programme we want to bring three hundred thousand new small holder farmers into the agricultural sector and to create one hundred and forty five thousand new agro-processing jobs. It is also aimed at bringing one million hectares of land into production. It is therefore a very important programme for government and the people.

It is furthermore, the intention of the Agri-parks programme to ensure that farmers own at least 70 percent of the wealth creation opportunites created by the programme!

The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform working together with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and other spheres of government has embarked on rolling out the Agri Parks programme to all 44 Districts in the country.

Most importantly, the programme forms part of our investment in the development of smallholder farmers so that they can move from the informal sector towards greater integration and participation within the mainstream, commercial agricultural economy.

For far too long, small-holder farmers, in particular black farmers, have been strictly confined to economic participation in the informal sector with a focus on primary agriculture while large commercial farmers are operating within the formal economy with footprints right along the value chain.

We are thus working to change this situation and bring about much-needed transformation.TheAgri-Parks Programme is underpinned by the following 10 Guiding Principles:

There will be One Agri-Park per District Municipality.

  1. Agri-parks are managed and owned bysmall holder farmers.
  1. Agri-parks act as the catalyst around which rural industrialization will takeplace.
  1. Agri-parks will be supported by government for 10 years to ensure economic sustainability.
  2. Agri Parks will strengthen partnerships between government and private sector by ensuring increased access to services such as water, energy and transport as well as production, while strengthening existing markets and creating new markets to develop and expand value-chains.
  1. Agri-Parks will maximise benefits to existing state land with agricultural potential in the provinces, where possible.
  2. Agri-Parks will maximise access to markets for all farmers, with a bias to black farmers and rural communities.
  1. Agri-Parks will catalyse the use of high value agricultural land. Too much of it lies fallow in rural areas.
  1. Agri Parks will widen the use of existing agro-processing, bulk and logistics infrastructure, including having availability of water, energy and roads.

10 Agri-parks will support the revitalization of rural towns and promote rural urban linkages.

These are important guiding principles for the programme and working together we can achieve these goals.

Westonaria is one of three partially operational sites. I am highly impressed with the progress made by the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Municipalities and the farmers in developing this Agri-Park.

This park takes advantage of the West Rand’s high-value horticulture and aquaculture potential, by focussing on agri-business and agro-processing.

The use of technology is exemplary and lessons can be shared with other Agri-Parks throughout the country.

This Agri-Park facility is one of a number being developed in the province. It is an important contribution towards unlocking the value chain for smallholder farmers, cooperatives and SMMEs so that they too can participate in a meaningful manner in our country’s agricultural economy.

These are just some of the few interventions we are making in order to develop and grow our agricultural sector so that it makes maximum contribution to economic growth and job creation amongst our previously disadvantaged and economically excluded people.

We want to see the Agri-Park programme contributing to the growth and development of the economy.We remain resolute in our commitment to build a better South Africa and create opportunities for all of our people.

We congratulate all for a successful programme here in Westonaria.

I thank you.