Situation Manual

Florida Public / Private Sector Summit

Time Allotted / 335Minutes
Formidable Footprint – Scenario – # 001 / Image of Vacation / Hurricane Flag
Day 1
It is late July and local citizens have been complacent in their hurricane preparedness activities because this year’s hurricane season has not even seen its first tropical storm. Families are making their last minute plans for their summer vacations while local business owners and government agencies are thinking that the hurricane season could be very inconsequential. However weather forecasters are predicting a major change in the atmosphere that could see a sharp increase in the number and severity of hurricanes within the next few weeks.
By early August local community / neighborhood residents, business owners and government officials begin to follow the projected path of the season’s first tropical storm.
National Hurricane Center -Tropical Storm Adam
Advisory # 5 -Tuesday -8/6/2013-11:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Depression # 1 to Tropical Storm Adam. The storm continues its forward movement and is expected to become a hurricane in the next 24 to 48 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
37 MPH / 11 MPH / Tropical Storm
The National Hurricane Center continues to monitor the storm via satellite and Hurricane Hunter planes as it continues to move along its projected path.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 002 / Image of Preparedness Activities
Does your workplace have a plan as to how it will prepare for Tropical Storm Adam as it approaches the region?
(Note: Access Business Hurricane Preparedness Planning Information / Access Business Continuity Information) / Yes / No / Unsure
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the actions outlined in your workplace's preparedness plan.
Do all employees have a role in carrying out the activities associated with the preparedness plan? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Identify and briefly describe these activities.
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why, andthen identify potential preparedness roles that employees could have.
Does your workplace encourage employees and their families to be prepared for hurricanes and other disasters?
(Note: Access Family Disaster Planning Information) / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – List individual and family disaster preparedness actions employees are encouraged to undertake at home.
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why,and then identify opportunities your workplace could initiate which would encourage employees and their families to prepare for future disasters.
Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 003 / Image of Flooded Zone
Determine if your workplace has a high, moderte or low Flood Risk Profile by accessing
Does your workplace have a high Flood Risk Profile? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. –Briefly describe the actions your workplace has taken to mitigate the potential flooding.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Scenario – # 004 / Image of National Hurricane Center
Day 3 / Landfall Minus 72 Hours
National Hurricane Center -Hurricane Adam
Advisory # 12 -Thursday -8/8/2013-5:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Storm Adam to Hurricane Adam. The storm continues its forward movement and is currently expected to make landfall within the next three to four days.
The hurricane will continue to intensify over the next 12 to 24 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
76 MPH / 14 MPH / 1
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 005 / Image of NOAA Weather Radio
With Hurricane Adam approaching the region identify the trigger that your workplace will use to launch its preparedness activities.
Posting of a Tropical Storm or Hurricane Watch for the region. / Yes / No
Posting of a Tropical Storm or Hurricane Warning for the region. / Yes / No
Arrival of cloudy weather over the region. / Yes / No
Arrival of rainy weather over the region. / Yes / No
Arrival of Tropical Storm force winds over the region. / Yes / No
If not listed above identify the trigger that your workplace will use to launch its preparedness activities.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 006 / Image of Training
Having the knowledge that employees are trained and ready to assist with disaster preparedness, response and recovery is vital for ensuring that your workplace can safely and swiftly re-open after Hurricane Adam has moved through the area.
Assess the level of disaster preparedness and response training which has been conducted at your workplace.
Has First Aid / CPR / AED training been made available to all employees? / Yes / No / Unsure
Have all employees received training on the workplace disaster plan? / Yes / No / Unsure
Are all new employees provided with training on the workplace disaster plan during their job orientation? / Yes / No / Unsure
Are employees cross-trained in job responsibilitieswherever possible? / Yes / No / Unsure
Identify any other training that has been facilitated at your workplace.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Scenario – # 007 / Image of National Hurricane Center
Day 4 / Landfall Minus 60 Hours
National Hurricane Center -Hurricane Adam
Advisory # 17 -Friday -8/9/2013-11:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Hurricane Adam to a Category 3 storm; however the storm is expected to lose strength over the next 24 hours.
The storm continues its forward movement and is now expected to make landfall in a couple of days.
Sustained Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
120 MPH / 15 MPH / 3
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 008 / Image of Computer
Does your workplace have written documentation that outlines critical data system backups? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. –At what point do you activate your critical data system back-ups and / or stand-by computer resources?
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 009 / Image of Phone
Having the ability to communicate with your employees, clients, vendors, customers and others will be vital for your workplace to remaining operational following Hurricane Adam.
Briefly describe the backup plans for the following critical communications systems:
  • Mobile Phone Service
  • Phone Service
  • Cable Service
  • Satellite Service
  • E-Mail Service
  • Internet Service

Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 010 / Image of Computer
Following Hurricane Adam striking the region the internet could be down for several days or longer.
How long can your workplace maintain operations without access its computer based data and the internet?
  • 24 Hours
  • 1 to 2 Days
  • 3 to 5 Days
  • 1 Week
  • As long as needed.

Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Scenario – # 011 / Image of Hurricane Warning
Day 5 / Landfall Minus 24 Hours
National Hurricane Center -Hurricane Adam
Advisory # 21 -Saturday -8/10/2013-11:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has down-graded Hurricane Adam to a Category 2 storm. The storm continues its forward movement along its projected path towards the region's coastline. The storm is expected to remain a strong Category 2 hurricane until it makes landfall.
The Hurricane Watch for the region has been up-graded to a Hurricane Warning indicating that the storm should arrive in the region within the next 24 to 36 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
109 MPH / 11 MPH / 2
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 012 / Image of Clients
Will your workplace make contact with its clients / customers prior to Hurricane Adam striking the region? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the means you will use to make contact with your clients / customers.
(Example: We will send an e-mail to all of our clients / customers.)
What information will you provide to them?
(Example: We will provide our clients / customers with information on how to contact us following the storm in case our normal communications systems are disrupted due to the hurricane.)
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 013 / Image of Mission Essential Function
Fully understanding your workplace Mission Essential Functionsand having the resources required to implement and maintain these functions is the foundation of a viable Continuity of Operations Plan. Recognizing the importance of these functions along with having the appropriate resources will allow your employees to focus their efforts to remain operational following Hurricane Adam.
Itemize your workplace Mission Essential Functions.
Itemize the resources (Supplies / Equipment / Space / Staff) that you will need to carry out your Mission Essential Functions.
Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 014 / Image of Disaster Supplies
Does your workplace have a Disaster Supplies Kit? / Yes / No
Prepare an itemized list of supplies that should be in your workplace kit.
This list must identify the items along with the quantity of each item.
(Example: Item – Tarp to cover roof if damaged / Quantity – 3)
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 015 / Image of Contact
Does your workplacehave at least two methods of contacting its employees when they are not in the office? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the various methods to be used to contact your employees before, during and after Hurricane Adam strikes the region.
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why your workplace does not have this capability.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Scenario – # 016 / Image of Reporter
Day 6 / Landfall
National Hurricane Center -Hurricane Adam
Advisory # 24 -Sunday -8/11/2013-5:00AM
Hurricane Adam is just now beginning to move through the region.
Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
103 MPH / 12 MPH / 2
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Scenario – # 017 / Image of Emergency Responders
As the storm begins to move through the region wind and rain begins to pound the community / neighborhood.
Emergency agencies (EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement) have all closed down their response operations due to the increasing wind speed associated with the hurricane.
As the wind begins to up-root trees, destroy utility distribution systems and damage homes and businesses, residents who have evacuated the area continue to monitor the conditions on CNN and the Weather Channel wondering if they will have a home return to.
National Hurricane Center -Hurricane Adam
Advisory # 25 - Sunday -8/11/2013-11:00AM
Hurricane Adam continues to move through the region.
Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
98 MPH / 13 MPH / 2
Video Library –General – Video # 2 – Hurricane Winds
The winds from Hurricane Adam begin to subside as the storm moves out of the area.
Once conditions permit, local and regional emergency response personnel initiate life safety operations.
From conducting needs assessment to carrying out search and rescue operations law enforcement agencies, fire departments, EMS, emergency management departments and various volunteer agencies are working together to meet the immediate storm-caused needs of the region’s residents.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Scenario – # 018 / Image of Hurricane Damage
Preliminary Damage Assessment – Essential Services
  • Electricity is out to 70% of the region including the building in which your workplace is located.The region’s electrical utility provider has estimated that it could take between three and seven days before electricity is fully restored to the area.
  • Downed utility poles and trees along with other storm debris have blocked 50% of the roads leading to your workplace.The local roads and streets department estimates that most of the roads should be cleared of debris and made passable within the next two days.
  • The water tower supplying drinking water to your workplace was heavily damaged.
  • Local phone and internet providers have estimated that 65% of the their services are out and that it could take as long as ten days before full access to these communications services could be restored to the region.
  • The Public Information Officer with the local health department has released a media advisory that a boil water notice is now in effect for the area in which your workplace is located. The reason for this action is due to the damaged water tower and the resulting contamination of the water supply.
  • Mobile phone service is out in the area surrounding your workplace because cell towers have been badly damaged.
Workplace Damage
  • The building in which your workplace is located in has sustained moderate damage.
  • Several of the building’s windows have blown out and the office area close to those windows has sustained heavy damage due to the wind.
  • A small portion of the roof has been damaged.
  • 35% of the building’s interior has been damaged due to wind or water from the leaking roof.

Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 019 / Image of Damage Assessment
Briefly explain how your employees will conduct workplace Damage Assessment and Needs Assessment.
(Note: Damage Assessment refers to damage to your workplace and its contents. Needs Assessment refers to expendable supplies, equipment, staff, etc. that will be needed to remain operational following Hurricane Adam.)
Have your employees been trained on how to conduct Damage and / or Needs Assessment? / Yes / No
Does your workplace have forms for collecting Damage and / or Needs Assessment?
(Note: Access Sample Damage Assessment Form – Facility / Access Sample Damage Assessment Form – Contents) / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Identify the location in which the forms are stored.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 020 / Image of Storm Damage
Prepare a prioritized action plan (Incident Action Plan) outlining in detail activities that will need to be undertaken to ensure your workplace remains operational based on current information and planning assumptions for the next FIVE DAYS.
In preparing the Incident Action Plan (IAP) list any equipment, supplies and / or human resources that will be needed to undertake the activity.
(Note: It will be important to prepare a phased approach to developing the IAP. Remember everything associated with COOP implementation cannot be completed on the first day. In addition you should focus on your Mission Essential Functions when preparing the IAP.)
(See the following Example)
Day One:
Activity: Activity – Make contact with all staff members to determine when they will be able to return to work. / Equipment – Phone.
Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three:
Day Four:
Day Five:
Time Allotted / 30 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 021 / Image of Money
The top two managers of your workplace were injured as Hurricane Adam moved through the region and neither are available to oversee disaster response and recovery activities.
Identify the individual who is next in the line of succession to oversee your workplace’s response and recovery efforts.
What is the financial authority (dollar amount)that this individual has to undertake workplace response and recovery efforts? (In other words, how much money can this person spend?)
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Biz – Inject – # 022 / Image of Demobilization
In the days following the storm your workplace activated its Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) to ensure that it could remain operational and continue to service its clients / customers.
It has been several weeks since Hurricane Adam moved through the region and conditions are beginning to return to normal.
Identify the triggers that would indicate that it is time to deactivate the COOP and return to normal operations.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes

Situation Manual – Tabletop Exercise 1 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –