PPT Teacher’s Manual

1 Goals 4

1.1 Purpose 4

1.2 Goals 4

1.3 Introduction 4

2 Why Physics At All 4

2.1 Preaching to the choir - science is important. A citizen’s knowledge of science 4

2.1.1 Patterns and Predictions 4

2.1.2 Skepticism 4

2.1.3 Energy 4

2.1.4 Force 5

2.2 Thinking/ logic 5

2.3 Preparation for further study (see below) 5

2.4 To get a job! 5

3 Why Physics First 5

3.1 Physics and Manipulatives 5

3.2 Logic of physics first sequence 5

3.3 Inquiry 5

3.4 Physics and Math, or Why NOT physics first 6

4 Why Physics, Physiology, and Technology 7

4.1 Students - engagement 7

4.1.1 Physiology 7

4.1.2 Technology 7

4.2 Teachers – cross training 7

4.3 Recapitulation (again) 7

5 Scope 7

5.1 Future use 7

5.2 Physics 7

5.2.1 Included 7

5.2.2 Not included 8

5.3 Physiology 8

5.4 Technology (?) 8

5.5 Chemistry 8

5.6 Science 9

5.7 Math 9

5.8 General interest, fun, and knowledge 9

6 Sequence 10

6.1 For familiarity 10

6.2 For math 10

6.3 For science 10

6.4 For physics 10

6.5 Spiral 10

7 Pedagogy 10

7.1 Instruction 10

7.1.1 Hands-on 10

7.1.2 Exploration/ Inquiry/ Guided Discovery 11

7.1.3 Constructivism 11

7.1.4 Summation 11

7.1.5 As Needed 11

7.2 Multiple forms of presentation 11

7.2.1 Qualitative activities 11

7.2.2 Stations 12

7.2.3 Quantitative labs and hypotheses 12

7.2.4 Predictions 12

7.2.5 Discussion 12

7.2.6 Lecture 13

7.2.7 Reading 13

7.2.8 Exercises (homework) 13

7.3 Multiple forms of expression 13

7.3.1 Diagrams 13

7.3.2 Tables 13

7.3.3 Graphs 13

7.3.4 Formulas 14

7.3.5 Words 14

7.3.6 Physical 14

7.4 Science 14

7.4.1 Experimenting and data – “Try it!” 14

7.4.2 Thinking 15

7.4.3 Community 15

7.4.4 Knowledge 16

7.5 Physics 16

7.5.1 Familiar to new 16

7.5.2 Hands on 16

7.5.3 Post equations 16

7.6 Math 16

7.6.1 Equals, = 16

7.6.2 Basics 16

7.6.3 Qualitative 16

7.6.4 Quantitative 16

7.6.5 Direct/ inverse 16

7.6.6 Linear/ exponential 16

7.6.7 Algebraic manipulation 17

7.6.8 Too much 17

7.7 Structure of lessons/ concept presentation 17

7.7.1 Intro 17

7.7.2 Qualitative 17

7.7.3 Quantitative 17

7.7.4 Prediction 17

7.7.5 Reading 17

7.7.6 Applications 17

7.7.7 Exercises 18

7.7.8 Extension 18

7.7.9 Supporting material 18 Safety 18 Measurement 18 Stopwatches 18 Graphing 18 Ratios 18 Proportions 18 3 variables 18 Pattern finding 18 How to solve problems in physics 18

8 Materials 18

8.1 No black boxes 18

8.2 Low cost 18

8.3 Available 18

8.4 Adaptable/ multi-purpose 18

8.5 Hands on 18

8.6 Aimed at Pacific Islands – no materials 18

9 Assessment 18

9.1 Formative 19

9.1.1 Homework/ exercises/ practice 19

9.1.2 Qualitative Activities 19

9.1.3 Quantitative Labs 19

9.1.4 Predictions 19

9.1.5 POEs 19

9.1.6 Quizzes 19

9.1.7 Discussion 19

9.2 Summative (tests) 19

9.2.1 Question structure 19 Answer provided 19 Answer not provided 20 Short answer 20 Long answer 20

9.2.2 Question type 21

9.2.3 Question source 21

9.2.4 Answers and Grading 21

10 Standards 22

10.1 Hawaii 22

10.2 National 22

11 Appendix: Scope and Sequence Table 23

1  Goals

1.1  Purpose

This manual summarizes the philosophy and practice of PPT. It is to be used by teachers of PPT while they are learning about the program and as a reference while they are teaching it.

1.2  Goals

This manual should help teachers to

·  understand their audience

·  understand the content of PPT

·  understand the equipment and materials used

·  understand the pedagogy used

·  understand various assessments of success

·  believe in what they’re teaching.

1.3  Introduction

Physics, Physiology, and Technology is a high school science course. It is intended to provide the opportunity for all students to successfully complete a physics course. It is also intended as the first course in the high school science sequence of physics, chemistry, and biology.

2  Why Physics At All

2.1  Preaching to the choir - science is important. A citizen’s knowledge of science

2.1.1  Patterns and Predictions

Why has science had such a big effect on human life? Power. We can predict the future.

·  There are patterns in nature.

·  We can find them.

·  Based on the patterns, we can predict what will happen.

That’s the power of science In physics especially, the patterns can be expressed mathematically.

2.1.2  Skepticism

The philosophy of science is to test things. If it can’t be tested, if there isn’t the possibility of it being proven wrong, it isn’t scientific.

Einstein – “No number of experiments can prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”

Feynman – “The Value of Science.” The door to understanding is doubt.

2.1.3  Energy

Energy is fundamental to everything. Students (citizens) should have a good understanding that energy is involved in everything we do, that there’s a limited amount and flow of it on Earth, and that it flows downhill. In this course we look at work as the most common form of energy.

2.1.4  Force

Force is the most fundamental concept in mechanics. It is a good way of explaining why things change their motion. It is also a critical part of work (above). Students should understand the relationships between force, mass (inertia), and acceleration.

2.2  Thinking/ logic

Because physics is logical in its structure, with new concepts dependent on old ones, studying it is good practice in logic. Additionally, since some of the concepts in physics are counter-intuitive (“I’m pushing the wall! It’s not pushing me!”), students get practice at thinking in new ways.

2.3  Preparation for further study (see below)

Physics is fundamental to understanding chemistry and modern biology.

2.4  To get a job!

Just kidding. But physics is a good foundation for careers in science, medicine, and engineering.

3  Why Physics First

3.1  Physics and Manipulatives

Physics is accessible with everyday objects. Physics principles can be learned by directly handling bowling balls, balloons, ball bearings, tennis balls, tubs of water, blobs of clay, syringes, meter sticks, stopwatches, string, washers, tin cans, paper cups, tape, rubber bands, etc. This removes a lot of the mystique about it; physics can be learned in your kitchen. The materials lend themselves to hands-on learning and direct experience, which helps students of all abilities.

3.2  Logic of physics first sequence

The same physics principles apply at the atomic level in chemistry, but they are not directly observable. Biology at the organic level is directly observable, but at the fundamental cell level, it is not. If the physics principles have been learned first, it is far easier for students to picture what is going on at a level they can’t directly observe – they can create their own similes.

Historically, physics developed before chemistry, and chemistry before cellular and molecular biology, so the physics first sequence recapitulates the historical sequence. This may be a more natural flow of ideas. At least it helps the students to learn the history.

3.3  Inquiry

For the same reasons that physics works well with manipulatives, it works well for inquiry or exploration. The materials are easy to explore. The basic relationships for many concepts are easy to see. It is easy for students to work in relative quantities, e.g., more/ same/ less, faster/ same/ slower, hotter/ same/ colder. After finding relative relationships, they can proceed to find quantitative relationships.

3.4  Physics and Math, or Why NOT physics first

Physics has typically been put later in the sequence of high school science because of the math involved. There can be (is) a lot of math in physics. It is the most mathematical of the physical sciences, and some of the higher concepts can only be understood mathematically – they are beyond our capacity to envision. But understanding the math and having the ability to manipulate equations does not translate to understanding of the concepts and their application in the real world. (Some good references or examples are available here.) You don’t have to be able to manipulate refractive indices and sinQ to understand that light changes speed in different materials and that’s what makes rainbows.

It’s not as if no math is required, but we’re looking for concepts, not calculations. The necessary math can be taught as part of this course, but an introduction to algebra would be very helpful.

More/ less

The most fundamental mathematical concept is more/ less. Most physics concepts can be understood at that level. If two cars travel for the same amount of time, but one travels more distance, which one is faster? If two balls are the same mass, but they are different sizes, which has a greater density? If two objects have the same net force applied to them, but one has a greater mass, which will accelerate faster?

Direct/ inverse

Direct/ inverse is a natural sequent to more/ less. If everything else stays the same and voltage increases, does current increase or decrease? If the distance between two objects increases, does the gravitational attraction between them increase or decrease? Sometimes the result increases, but sometimes it decreases. Why? Are they directly or inversely related?

Ratios and proportions

Once you apply some experimental numbers, both more/ less and direct/ inverse lead to ratios and proportions. Here we need some familiarity with division, fractions, and decimals.


All of the above lead to the most useful mathematical concept in physics, the 3-variable equation. Students first need to know what a variable is, so they may have to be taught. How much does this stone weigh? This one? The weight of the stone is x. Once they understand one variable, they can proceed to two. Distance/time = ? Two numbers yield a third. Then to three. We can give that third number a name – speed in this case. Besides understanding variables, students should know or learn how to manipulate a 3-variable equation to solve for any of the three variables. It’s a formula family. Basic algebra – understanding variables and their manipulation is a huge help for physics.

The goal is to emphasize the relationships between the quantities, not the ability to manipulate numbers. Relations, not ‘rithmetic.


Graphs are another very useful tool. They are pictorial. They show patterns, including more/ less and direct/ inverse quite simply. At a more abstract level, they show three variable relationships.

4  Why Physics, Physiology, and Technology

4.1  Students - engagement

4.1.1  Physiology

It’s about ME! How fascinating!

4.1.2  Technology

Possible titles

Physics for Every Body

Physics and Me

Living Physics

The Body of Physics

Physics, Me, and Cars

4.2  Teachers – cross training

Physics or biology training

4.3  Recapitulation (again)

Physics and physiology developed simultaneously

5  Scope

See the scope and sequence table for details.

5.1  Future use

Since this is envisioned as the first course in a physics, chemistry, biology sequence, we have tried to include concepts that are (in more or less this order)

·  necessary to understand basic physics and fundamental to further study of physics

·  applicable in chemistry

·  applicable to human biology and personal health(?)

·  essential to a citizen’s understanding of science

·  interesting and fun.

5.2  Physics

Because inquiry takes more time than lecture, and because this course is aimed at students in early high school, some topics have been left out. We intend to cover fewer concepts in greater depth – post-holing.

5.2.1  Included

See the scope and sequence in the Appendix for details.

5.2.2  Not included

Here are some of the major topics not covered in the course.

·  Statics - Statics, with stresses and strains is interesting, and can be applied to bone strength, but it is more of an application or engineering function than a basic concept. There are many activities to do with simple machines, but we limit those to levers and inclined planes. Statics is not very applicable in chemistry.

·  Scaling – Scaling has many applications in life functions relating to size of animals, but it is not key to chemistry. There are some wonderful activities to do with scaling, including an introduction to exponential functions. It could be taught in biology.

·  Pendulums – Pendulums are another great topic with a wonderful lab and a fascinating history, but the information doesn’t lead to other concepts, and it’s not needed for chemistry or biology.

·  Rotational motion – Rotational motion is a difficult topic for early high school students. Although rotational motion consists of direct analogs to linear motion, it’s not easy. We cover rotational speed and torque, and we touch on other parts of rotational motion in the periodic motion section. Rotational motion is somewhat important in chemistry for conservation of energy, but the basic idea of conservation is covered elsewhere.

·  Atomic structure – Atomic structure can be covered in chemistry. Here we touch on electrons to get static charge.

·  Quanta – Quanta can be covered in chemistry.

·  Relativity – This can be covered in a more advanced physics course.

·  Astrophysics – We don’t cover astronomy except for gravitation.

5.3  Physiology

We have tried to use physiological examples of physics principles where applicable. Physiological applications are much easier in the latter part of the course after the fundamentals of mechanics are complete.

·  Musculo-skeletal system – force, levers

·  Circulatory system – hydraulics

·  Respiratory system – pneumatics

·  Nervous system – electric

·  Hearing – waves and sound

·  Vision – light

Additionally, we use the human body to exemplify mass. We discuss injuries relating to impulse and momentum, and the digestive system is part of energy.

5.4  Technology (?)

We really don’t have much here. Frank’s definition is that any application of physical principles to achieve some end is technology. This includes dance. There’s not time for a lot of technology in the course.

5.5  Chemistry

Here is a list of physics concepts for chemistry.

Covered in this course