Distance Learning Quality Matters Faculty Development Stipends
Fall 2013: Columbus State University is encouraging faculty to improve the design and delivery of their current and future online courses by completing in Quality Matters certification and workshops. Listed below are online courses offered through the Quality Matters program this fall. Full descriptions of each course are provided online via the links provided.
Quality Matters Program Certifications and Stipends
Online Certification Courses
Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR) / $200 Fee / $200 StipendPeer Reviewer Course (PRC) / $200 Fee / $400 Stipend
Master Reviewer Certification (MRC) / $300 Fee / $800 Stipend
Note: The APPQMR is the pre-requisite for the Peer Reviewer Course, which is the required course to become a QM Certified Peer Reviewer. QM Certified Peer Reviewers will be eligible to participate on internal and national QM Course Reviews.
Application and Reimbursement Instructions:
1. Complete the Distance Learning/Quality Matters Faculty Development Stipend Application.
2. Submit application to the Distance Learning Committee in care of Dr. Jennifer Pitts .
3. After notification of approval, complete the QM registration process at the link above. You will need to set up an account with Quality Matters if this is your first course and pay the course registration fee at the time you register. You will be reimbursed for the registration fee upon successful completion of the course. The courses are online and take two weeks to complete. A schedule of courses is located on the QM website at the link above.
4. After you have completed the course, please complete and send the following two forms to Terry Moshier in the Provost’s Office.
- Reimbursement for Registration
Make a copy of your registration receiptand include it with the CSU Reimbursement Form (located on CougarNet in the Administrative forms section).
- Stipend
Print a copy of your QM Certification of Completion for the completed course and submit the copy along with the Request for Additional Payment Formfound on the HR website at
Note: QM courses can only be reimbursed for the registration fee one time. If you have taken a QM course previously and did not complete it, the registration fee for the second attempt will not be reimbursed. The stipend will still be awarded upon successful completion of the course.
If you have any questions, please contact: Jennifer Pitts, Chair,Distance Learning Committee at
DL/Quality Matters Faculty Development Stipend Application
Name: ______CSU ID#: ______
College: ______
Department: ______
Do you currently teach DL Courses? Yes ____ No _____
Do you plan on teaching DL Courses in the next 1-2 semesters? Yes ____ No _____
What previous QM Courses/Workshops have you successfully completed? ______
Please indicate courses for which you wish to apply. See Quality Matters Link or click on each course below for descriptions.
Quality Matters Program Certifications and Stipends
Online Certification Courses
( Check Box or Boxes)
Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR) / $200 Fee / $200 StipendPeer Reviewer Course (PRC)(prerequisite APPQMR) / $200 Fee / $400 Stipend
Master Reviewer Certification (MRC) (prerequisite APPQMR and PRC) / $300 Fee / $800 Stipend
I understand it is my responsibility to register and pay for the course/workshop. After I have provided proof of successful completion of the workshop/course, I will be awarded the stipend and be reimbursed for the cost of registration. I also understand the course must be completed and proper paperwork submitted to receive reimbursement/stipend.
Faculty Signature: ______Date: ______
Approval of
Department Chair; Signature: ______Date: ______