National Certificate in Pork Production (Stockperson) (Level 3) with strands in Grower Unit, Indoor Operation, and Outdoor Operation
/ 3Credits
/ 92-130This qualification is expiring. The last date to meet the requirements is 31 December 2012.
This qualification is for people who are involved with the care of pigs in a pork production unit.
The core compulsory section recognises the generic skills required to care for newly weaned pigs; prepare pigs for transport; and maintain the health and welfare of pigs and their environment. Holders of the qualification will also have knowledge relating to farrowing; weaning; feeds and feeding; breeding and genetics; mating, reproduction, wastage and culling; anatomy and physiology; health, behaviour, and biosecurity; waste management; and hazard identification and control procedures.
The core elective section recognises variations between pork production units. Candidates can select those standards that are relevant to their particular operation, and to their own career goals.
The Grower Unit, Indoor Operation, and Outdoor Operation strands recognise the skills required to care for pigs depending on the type of operation candidates are involved with.
This qualification builds on the knowledge and skills recognised by the National Certificate in Pork Production (Core Skills) [Ref: 0964].
This qualification provides a pathway to the National Certificate in Pork Production (Herd Manager) (Level 4) [Ref: 0098], National Certificate in Pork Production (Grower Unit Manager) (Level4) [Ref: 1236]; or other agriculture industry qualifications such as the National Certificate in Agriculture (Level 4) with strands in Arable Farming, Cattle Farming, Dairy Farming, Deer Farming, and Sheep Farming [Ref: 0986].
Replacement Information
This qualification has been replaced by the National Certificate in Pork Production (Senior Stockperson - Husbandry) (Level 3) [Ref: 1560] and the National Certificate in Pork Production (Senior Stockperson - Reproduction) (Level 3) [Ref: 1561].
Credit Range
Core Compulsory
/Core Elective
Level 1 credits
/ - / 0-1Level 2 credits / 5 / 0-10
Level 3 credits / 59 / 0-10
Level 4 credits / 7 / -
Minimum totals / 71 / 10
Grower Strand
/Indoor Operation Strand
/Outdoor Operation Strand
Level 3 credits / 11 / 49 / 42Qualification total / 92 / 130 / 123
Requirements for Award of Qualification
Award of NQF Qualifications
Credit gained for a standard may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.
Unit standards and achievement standards that are equivalent in outcome are mutually exclusive for the purpose of award. The table of mutually exclusive standards is provided in section 7 of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Rules and Procedures publications available at
Reviewed standards that continue to recognise the same overall outcome are registered as new versions and retain their identification number (ID). Any version of a standard with the same ID may be used to meet qualification requirements that list the ID and/or that specify the past or current classification of the standard.
Summary of Requirements
0· Core Compulsory standards
0· Core Elective – A minimum of 10 credits as specified
One of the following strands is required
0· Grower Unit Strand
0· Indoor Operation Strand
0· Outdoor Operation Strand
Detailed Requirements
Core Compulsory
The following standards are required
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Agriculture > General Agriculture
ID / Title / Level / Credit /18425 / Demonstrate knowledge of hazard identification and control procedures in the agriculture industry / 2 / 5
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Pork Production > Pig Health and Nutrition
ID / Title / Level / Credit /22091 / Demonstrate knowledge of pig health, health problems, behaviour, welfare and biosecurity procedures / 3 / 8
22092 / Identify health and ill health signs in pigs, and perform supervised preventative health procedures / 3 / 3
22093 / Maintain pork production unit hygiene / 3 / 7
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Pork Production > Pig Husbandry
ID / Title / Level / Credit /4454 / Demonstrate knowledge of genetics in pig breeding / 3 / 3
4456 / Demonstrate knowledge of pig anatomy and physiology / 3 / 3
4468 / Demonstrate knowledge of the pork industry / 3 / 5
22075 / Demonstrate knowledge of weaning, and grower and weaner pig husbandry / 3 / 4
22076 / Care for newly weaned pigs / 3 / 6
22078 / Prepare pigs for transport / 3 / 2
22080 / Demonstrate knowledge of pig reproduction, mating, dry sow husbandry, wastage, and culling / 3 / 8
22085 / Demonstrate knowledge of farrowing, and post-farrowing care of the litter and sow / 3 / 3
22088 / Demonstrate knowledge of pig nutrition / 4 / 7
22089 / Demonstrate knowledge of feeds, feeding systems, methods, and levels for pigs / 3 / 2
22090 / Describe the relationship between handling and behaviour of pigs, and productivity / 3 / 2
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Pork Production > Pork Production Unit Management
ID / Title / Level / Credit /22065 / Demonstrate knowledge of pork production unit waste management and environmental implications / 3 / 3
Core Elective
A minimum of 10 credits
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Agriculture > Agricultural Vehicles and Machinery
ID / Title / Level / Credit /19043 / Check and drive a basic wheel tractor on flat terrain / 2 / 2
19044 / Describe the legal requirements and occupational hazards associated with tractor use / 2 / 4
19056 / Ride a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)/All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) on flat terrain / 2 / 4
19057 / Demonstrate knowledge of the safe operation of a motorcycle and an SPV/ATV / 2 / 4
19059 / Ride a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)/All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) with trailed equipment / 3 / 2
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Pest Management > Pest Control
ID / Title / Level / Credit /21563 / Demonstrate knowledge of the HSNO Act, and NZS 8409:2004 for the use of agrichemicals / 3 / 5
21564 / Prepare to apply, and apply, agrichemicals / 3 / 5
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Pork Production > Pig Health and Nutrition
ID / Title / Level / Credit /4463 / Prepare pig feed by milling and mixing / 3 / 8
4465 / Maintain and operate a mechanical dry feeding system for pigs / 3 / 2
4466 / Maintain and operate an automatic liquid feeding system for pigs / 3 / 3
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Pork Production > Pig Husbandry
ID / Title / Level / Credit /4459 / De-tusk a boar under supervision / 3 / 2
4460 / Ring a sow or boar under supervision / 3 / 2
22079 / Assist with carrying out performance testing of replacement pig breeding stock / 3 / 3
22084 / Carry out pregnancy testing of sow breeding stock / 3 / 2
Health > Health Studies > Core Health
ID / Title / Level / Credit /6400 / Manage first aid in emergency situations / 3 / 2
6401 / Provide first aid / 2 / 1
6402 / Provide resuscitation level 2 / 1 / 1
Grower Unit Strand
The following standards are required
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Pork Production > Pig Husbandry
ID / Title / Level / Credit /22077 / Care for grower pigs / 3 / 7
22082 / Catch, restrain, lift, and move weaner and grower pigs in a finishing unit / 3 / 4
Indoor Operation Strand
The following standards are required
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Pork Production > Pig Husbandry
ID / Title / Level / Credit /22073 / Assist sows to farrow, under supervision in an indoor unit / 3 / 10
22081 / Catch, restrain, lift, and move pigs / 3 / 6
22083 / Carry out checks, oestrus detection, mating, and culling of sow breeding stock in an indoor unit / 3 / 8
22086 / Care for the sow and litter from birth to weaning in an indoor unit / 3 / 25
Outdoor Operation Strand
The following standards are required
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries > Pork Production > Pig Husbandry
ID / Title / Level / Credit /22074 / Assist sows to farrow, under supervision in an outdoor unit / 3 / 7
22081 / Catch, restrain, lift, and move pigs / 3 / 6
22087 / Care for the sow and litter from birth to weaning in an outdoor unit / 3 / 21
22096 / Carry out checks, oestrus detection, mating, and culling of sow breeding stock in an outdoor unit / 3 / 8
Transition Arrangements
Version 5
Version 5 was issued to indicate that this qualification is expiring.
This qualification has been replaced by the National Certificate in Pork Production (Senior Stockperson - Husbandry) (Level 3) [Ref: 1560] and the National Certificate in Pork Production (Senior Stockperson - Reproduction) (Level 3) [Ref: 1561].
For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.
Previous versions of the qualification
Version 4 was issued following a review of the Pork Production standards. Changes to structure and content included: the credit value of the qualification has decreased from 152 to 92-130 credits depending on the strand; a new strand for Grower Units has been added, and the title has changed accordingly; standards 4453 and 4464 in the core compulsory section have been deleted and have not been replaced because their content is covered by other standards; standards 497 and 4467 in the core compulsory section have been deleted as they are no longer required by industry; standards 4455, 4461, and 4462 in the core compulsory section have been replaced by 22080; 22091 and 22092; and 22093 respectively; standard 4452 in the core elective section has been replaced by 22079; standard 15585 in the Outdoor Operation Strand has been replaced by 22087; standards 4447 and 4457 in the core compulsory section have been replaced by 22073 and 22074, and 22081 and 22082 respectively, and have been moved to the relevant strands; standard 4450 in the core compulsory section has been replaced by 22077 and moved to the Grower Unit Strand; standard 15582 in the Indoor Operation Strand and core elective section has been replaced by 22083, which remains in the Indoor Operation Strand, and 22084, which remains in the core elective section; standard 15584 in the Indoor Operation Strand has been replaced by 22085, which has been moved to the compulsory section, and 22086, which remains in the Indoor Operation Strand; standards 4, 19, 21, 30, 31, 561, 572, 573, 9677, 19046, 19047, and 19049 in the core elective section have been deleted as they are no longer required by the industry sector; standards 5059, 5060, and 5064 in the core elective section have been deleted. Standards 21563 and 21564 have been added as they cover similar skills; standard 4449 in the core elective section has been replaced by 22075 and 22076, and both standards have been moved to the compulsory section; standard 15583 in the Outdoor Operation Strand, and core elective section has been replaced by 22096 and remains only in the Outdoor Operation Strand; standards 18425, 22065, 22078, 22088, 22089, and 22090 have been added to the compulsory section; and standards 19056, 19057, and 19059 have been added to the core elective section.
This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards – see table below.
Credit for / Exempt from /4447 / 22073, 22074
4449 / 22075, 22076
4450 / 22077
4451 / 22078
4452 / 22079
4455 / 22080
4457 / 22081, 22082
4461 / 22091, 22092
4462 / 22093
4483 / 22065
15582 / 22083, 22084
15583 / 22096
15584 / 22085, 22086
15585 / 22087
15586 / 22088, 22089
The Primary Industry Training Organisation anticipates that no existing candidate is disadvantaged by the introduction of the new version of the qualification.
People currently enrolled in version 3 of the qualification have until June 2008 to complete the qualification.
The last date for entry to training programmes or courses for version 3 of the qualification is December 2006.
The Primary Industry Training Organisation encourages people who are part way through a previous version of the qualification to transfer to the new version of the qualification.
Version 3 was issued in July 2003 to take into account changes as a result of the review of the Agriculture subfield standards.
Version 2 was issued in October 2000 following the review of the Pork Production standards.
NQF Registration Information
/Last Date for Assessment
/Registration / 1 / October 1995 / December 2002
Review / 2 / October 2000 / December 2003
Revision / 3 / July 2003 / December 2008
Review / 4 / March 2006 / December 2012
Review / 5 / June 2010 / December 2012
Standard Setting Body
Primary Industry Training Organisation
PO Box 10383
The Terrace
Wellington 6143
Telephone 04 801 9616
Other standard setting bodies whose standards are included in the qualification
This certificate will display the logos of NZQA, the Primary Industry Training Organisation and the accredited organisation.