

PHASE II Club Officer Training


Main Contributions by Sandra Parris, DTM Champions for Training November, 2012 V1.0

Guidelines Before Training

·  Read the TI Club Leadership Handbook so you can personally recommend it.
Read the Club Leadership Handbook: in the week prior to conducting officer training. This allows you to reference the handbook during training.

·  Learn about your audience
You can learn about your audience by using an email or phone survey ahead of time. This will enable you to prepare best for this particular audience.

·  Remember: All clubs are not created equal!
As a trainer, expect to speak about and use examples about your experiences in your club(s).

o  Discuss and impart Club Treasurer “Best Practices”

o  Know the difference between Community & Corporate clubs

o  Know the difference between Annual & Semi Annual clubs

·  Know how to handle discussions and problem solving session
- Designate a portion of your writing surface [Black board, Flip Chart, etc] for out of session questions. Return to this section during your Q&A session or when they apply to others sessions being covered.
- Announce that you will address each question asked and may invite others to also answer and contribute. Each person should stand when speaking, speak loud enough for everyone to hear and limit their comment to about 90 seconds.

·  - stay in control of discussion; ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute

·  - when a question is asked or problem voiced, poll attendees

·  - Recognize that all clubs are different; also acknowledge the difference between Community & Corporate clubs and present a module that is useful to all attendees.

·  - Be sure to present the ‘best practices’ of the role of Treasurer

·  Know how to answer a question you do not know the answer for
Do not panic! Do not Guess!

·  Admit you do not have the answer and promise to get back to the group with the answer…and DO so within 48 hours!

·  Plan When & How to dispense Handouts
Arrive early enough to the training to set up the room. When the session is actually scheduled to begin, arrive first and greet people. Direct trainees to sign-in and pick-up handouts before they sit down. Label each handout clearly if it is take-home or will be used during the session.

·  Have a printed Agenda
Unless you are using a projector and project it, and /or display it on a large whiteboard flip chart visible to all, prepare and distribute a printed agenda.

·  Hand out Evaluation Forms at the beginning of the session.

·  Learn about the facilities
Find out and write down these details:
WHERE: Venue : location, address, parking info, security access requirements
WHEN: Schedule/Agenda : Date and Time: Get a full agenda for the event .

·  WHAT : Facilities : Find out the location and facilities in the specific room you will use. Find out what equipment is provided (e.g. flipchart, markers, whiteboard + markers, tables, chairs) there. Find out if your training area be set up for you or if set-up is required just for this event.


·  Arrive at least 30 minutes early to setup the classroom. Try to arrive before the Registration begins. Locate & setup your Presentation Room; familiarize yourself with your presentation area - own it. Ensure that all equipment is working and all supplies [including handouts] are at hand; laid out in the order as needed. Complete your setup prior to commencement of training event so that you can be present and therefore know everything presented to attendants.

·  Display/Project a Welcome Screen to include the following:

-  Officer Session Presented

eg. Welcome to Club Treasurer Phase II Training. This ensures that trainees are in the correct training session.

Course Overview


Vision: Mission: Goal: Action Plan:

o  What is your Vision

o  Turn your Vision into you Mission

o  Set realistic & attainable goals

o  Create an action plan to accomplish goals

o  Establish a committee & delegate

o  Monitor progress

o  Coach team members

o  Club/Officer expectations

o  Motivation: Delegation: Coaching [ Hand Outs on each]

Learning Outcomes

When officers complete this course they will be able to:

·  Know the roles and responsibilities of Treasurer as defined by TMI.

·  Navigate Club Central & TI Officer Resources

·  Navigate FTH Treasurer Applications

·  Acquire Club Officer Contact resources – Facilitator, Area, Division and District.

Target Audience

Toastmasters elected to the serve as Club Treasurer in a Corporate or Community Club in a semi-annual or annual capacity. Club Treasurer may be serving for the first time or may have served in other club officer roles. Group consists diverse individuals from various cultural, educational and professional backgrounds.



materials and equipment

For the Instructor:
·  Participant handouts
·  Course Evaluation Form
·  Extra Pens and Pencils
·  Permanent Markers
·  Dry Erase Markers
·  Masking Tape / For the Instructor:
·  Flip charts
·  Projector (if applicable)
·  Projection Screen
·  Dry Erase Board
·  Laptop, with Remote Presenter
·  Extension Cord & Power Bar

Class Preparation Checklist

·  Task / P
·  Confirm class location, time and number of participants
·  Prepare/Print Participant Handouts
·  Equipment set up (optional)
·  Diagram of Room lay out (table & chairs)
·  Other

Participants Pre-Training Survey

TM experience: ______

1. May we share your name and email address with other trainees? Yes / No

2. Have you held the role of Club Treasurer in a previous year?

Details ______

3. Have you held any other club officer roles previously?

Details ______

4. We want to make this training session as effective as possible for club officers.
Please rank each item below 0 - 3 according to its importance to your training.

0=No interest
1=some Interest
2=Important to me
3=Critical issue
A. What are duties of my office? Rank (0-3): ____
B. Large Group discussion of issues brought up: Rank (0-3): ____

C. Small (4-5 people) Group discussion of issues brought up by attendees: Rank (0-3): ____?
D. How to / Issues of creating a Budget: Rank (0-3): ____
E. How to use TI website for Financial issues (Renwals, Pay Dues, add members...) Rank (0-3): ____

F. Other areas of important to you

General Guidelines & Approach to Phase 2 Training:
Matching Agenda to Attendees

A sample outline for a 60-minute session might cover some (or all) of the following – approximate times follow in the suggested agendas, but can be expanded to suit the time you have been allotted:

Appendix / Task/Objectives
1 / Intro/Ice Breaker then review agenda
i.e. Share an overview of your Club’s Membership building Programme with neighbour 1 minute each
2 / Review Items that every officer needs to know Review even if covered in Overview session
- DCP defined and explained
- Uses of and using TI Club Central
- Educational Track
- Presenting Moments of Truth
3 / Review official requirements of the office
4 / Review deadlines / Year calendar
Pages 18-21 of Club Leadership Handbook
Take questions from audience or bring up topics to address. This is done as full group session. Do not split into small groups.
6 / Review List of Resources /Links
7 / Conclusion:
Complete Evaluation Form
ENSURE that all trainees have signed attendance sheet for credit
Confirm/Ask for permission to send contact of other attendees - create post-event networking opportunities
Summary – Ask audience what objectives were

Know Your Audience! Groups with many ‘Novice’ attendees may require a greater review of the role responsibilities, while those who are ‘Experts’ may prefer to spend more time discussing issues of concern. When you have a better idea of the make-up of your training group, you can adjust the times to suit the needs of the group, as noted in the following tables:

Training Agenda: All Novices

Appendix / Tasks / Expected Time
1 / ·  Introduction: / Icebreaker:
Conduct Introductions /Icebreaker - MAX 5 minutes
Choose an activity that complements group size
·  Review Agenda / 5 minutes
2 / ·  Review items that every officer needs to know
Topics may include:
- DCP defined and explained
- Club Leadership Handbook
- Club Website – Free Toast Host Dues Renewal Feature
- TI Club Central- Login & Uses
- The Toastmasters Year Calendar [Treasurer & Club Timelines]
- Presenting Moments of Truth
- Fundraising
o  Tax implications
o  Is it suitable
o  Suggestions for fundraising
o  Must be revenue neutral / 10 minutes
3 / ·  Review *Inside the meeting* requirements of the office
·  Receive New member application & fees
·  Announce when Dues are due & Dues structure
·  Allow time prior to and after meetings to answer guests questions
·  Report on budget as required. / 5 minutes

4 / ·  Review *Outside the meeting*
·  Standards; Dues; Financial; deadlines, Club/Treasurer Calendar; Handouts
·  Standards:
·  - Attend District COT
·  - Attend Executive Meetings
·  - Establish a committee
·  - Prepare budget
·  - Bank – update Signature Cards
·  - Prepare your successor
·  Dues: - Process Applications & Pay Fees within 48 Hours
·  - Send Dues Renewal Notices
·  - Collect Dues & issue Receipts
·  - Remit dues to TI [ minimum TI requirement]
·  *Outside the Meeting cont’d:-
·  Financial: - Pay a/c payables as due
·  - Financial Record keeping
·  - Establish purchasing protocol
·  - Provide quarterly verbal & written financial reports to club & executive committee
·  - Prepare & submit accounts to audit committee
·  - Establish protocol for application & dues processing
·  - Reconcile deposits, expenditures & cash-on-hand
·  - Transfer complete records to incoming treasurer
·  - Interconnectedness of treasurer & other executive offices:-
o  President {Revenue/Expense – Club Goals]
o  Education [Expense/Revenue]
o  Membership [Revenue]
o  Public Relations [ Expense]
o  Secretary [Administrative]
o  SAA [ Expense]
·  - Toastmasters Liability Insurance
·  Budget Review:
o  Progress of club goals set
o  Expenses
o  Record Keeping method
o  Budget Approval
o  Zero credit/overdraft = Funds in Funds out
o  Funds spent only on budgeted items
o  Funds spent only on items that support the club
·  Review deadlines / Year calendar
Have a handout with important dates: Budget, Dues Renewal. Include Treasurer’s Calendar/Checklist is possible
·  Hand out List of Resources or web URLs / 15 minutes

6 / ·  Discussion Exercises, Scenarios & Group Activity
See Appendices H; I;N; S; and S-1
·  Invite every trainee to become a club officer trainer for the next session
·  Confirm/Ask for permission to send contact of other attendees - create post-event networking opportunities
·  / 15 minutes

5 minutes
7 / Conclusion:
·  Complete Evaluation Form
·  ENSURE attendees signed attendance sheet for credit
·  Optional - award a small door prize for attending to one person
·  What’s Next / 5 minutes

Training Agenda: Mixed [Novices & Experts]

Tab/Appendix / Tasks / Expected Time
·  1 / ·  Introduction: / Icebreaker: Choose an activity that compliments
·  group size.
Conduct Introductions /Icebreaker - MAX 5 minutes
Choose an activity that complements group size
·  Review Agenda / 5 minutes
·  2 / ·  Review items that every officer needs to know
Topics may include:
- DCP defined and explained
- Club Leadership Handbook
- Club Website – Free Toast Host Dues Renewal; Membership Status
- TI Club Central- Login & Uses
- The Toastmasters Year Calendar [Treasurer & Club Timelines]
- Presenting Moments of Truth
- Fundraising
o  Tax implications
o  Is it suitable
o  Suggestions for fundraising
o  Must be revenue neutral / 10 minutes
·  3 / ·  Review *Inside the meeting* requirements of the office
·  Receive New member application & fees
·  Announce Dues due & dues structure
·  Allow time prior to and after to answer guests questions
·  Report on budget as required. / 5 minutes

·  4 / ·  Discussion Exercises, Scenarios & Group Activity
See Appendices H; I;M; S; and S-2
·  Invite every trainee to become a club officer trainer for the next session
·  Confirm/Ask for permission to send contact of other attendees - create post-event networking opportunities / 15 minutes

5 minutes
7 / Conclusion:
·  Complete Evaluation Form
·  ENSURE attendees signed attendance sheet for credit
·  Optional - award a small door prize for attending to one person
·  What’s Next / 5 minutes

Training Agenda: All Experts

Tasks / Expected Time
·  / ·  Introduction: / Icebreaker:
Conduct Introductions /Icebreaker - MAX 5 minutes
Choose an activity that complements group size
·  Review Agenda / 10 minutes

·  / ·  Review items that every officer needs to know
Field questions around the following:-
- Any areas of challenge or uncertainty and discuss
- Free Toast Host Dues Renewal Feature
- Club Central- Login & Uses
- The Toastmasters Year Calendar [Treasurer & Club Timelines]
- Fundraising / 5 minutes

·  / ·  Review *Inside the meeting* requirements of Club Treasurer
·  Receive New member application & fees
·  Announce Dues due & Dues structure
·  Allow time prior to and after to answer guests questions
·  Report on budget as required. / 5 minutes

·  / ·  Discussion Exercises, Scenarios & Group Activity
See Appendices H; I; Exp; S; and S-3
Invite every trainee to become a club officer trainer for the next session
·  Confirm/Ask for permission to send contact of other attendees - create post-event networking opportunities / 15 minutes

5 minutes
·  Complete Evaluation Form
·  ENSURE attendees signed attendance sheet for credit
·  Optional - award a small door prize for attending to one person
·  What’s Next / 5 minutes