Offer of service form

Quaker Meetings are not run by professionals, priests or ministers. They continue to gather to witness to the Spirit In the world because we, the attenders, whether in membership or not, take on the many and varied roles that need to be filled.

Some of these roles are within the Local Meeting but many involve the Area Meeting and beyond. Our Area Meeting appoints people to fulfill such responsibilities either for set periods or to attend a conference on a specific subject. To avoid impossible amounts of time being taken up at Area Meetings, a Nominations Committee (noms. for short) discerns the names of people who are willing and able to take on the roles in question. The names are then forwarded to the Area Meeting.

The Nominations Committee comes up with names mainly through personal acquaintance of those who attend Local and Area Meetings. This means that some who are in a position to play a greater role in the life of the Society are overlooked because the members of the Committee do not know what these people have to offer.

This form has been devised to make this information available to the Nominations Committee. If you are ‘form phobic’ then you could write a letter giving information you would like the Committee to have. In such a letter please state that you are willing to have the information you given kept on paper of electronically for 5 years, your consent for this is required by law,

Name Date

Local Meeting;

Details of Preferred Contact;

Availability; evenings/weekdays/weekends

Willingness to travel; North Scotland/Scotland/Britain

Please tick areas where you have current interest, experience or expertise.

Children and young people Clerking Conflict resolution Crime and Justice Economic justice/poverty Eldership/oversight Environmental issues Financial management Fundraising Health and Healing Human equality and rights Interfaith relations Library and Archives Meeting Houses Nominations Outreach Parliament/public affairs Quaker learning Quaker Schools Racism Scottish Affairs Trusts/Trusteeship Drug and Alcohol issues The Arts

Please add more about your interest and experience if you wish, continuing overleaf.

Please return this form to Carel Goodheir, 4,Penifiler,Portree, Isle of Skye, IV51 9NF

I give consent to this information being kept on paper or electronically for a maximum of 5years