This year our class will be implementing “Oen’s Scholar Dollars”discipline/ behavior plan to coincide with Ms. Sanders students. The plan revolves around verbal and written warnings, loss of special free time, pay cuts (see below), and parent and/or principal conferences, etc…yet, we have added the concept of money (bonuses/payments). The students will be participating in “Scholar Dollars,” a life-like system in which students are paid for doing their job of attending school, completing homework on time, and being responsible citizens of our school. The students are employees of the school and must do their jobs to receive a paycheck and pay bonuses. I want the students to get a feeling of being hard-working employees, independent, and maintaining an income.

As in real life, the students are responsible for paying “bills” at the end of every month. They will need to pay a $12 monthly bill for instruction-$5, workspace rental-$5, and cleaning fees-$2. Students will also be docked pay daily/weekly for late or incomplete work, inappropriate school behavior, and of the following miscellaneous fees:

  1. $10 Environmental Fee charged when a student leaves a mess behind in the classroom or on his/her desk
  2. $10 Recovery Fee for personal items or school materials carelessly left in the classroom or on school grounds and is returned to them by others
  3. $5 Day Late Homework Fee **fee doubles each day thereafter with $20 max fine
  4. $20 Additional Homework Fee for NEVER turning in assignment
  5. $5 Additional Assignment Fee for additional copies of homework
  6. $5 Hall Fine for inappropriate behavior in the hallways
  7. $5 Unprepared Fee for not bringing needed materials to class/having to go get supplies
  8. ???? amount for talking in class etc.
  9. Other fees at teacher’s discretion

Note **If the child is a “good employee” none of these fees will be applied.

The students will also be rewarded with $5 behavior bucks (unless otherwise noted) for the following plus other teachable moments including:

*good behavior

* working quietly

* using good manners

* being positive role models

*merit pay for improved or good grades

* receiving compliments from other adults in building

* work ethic

* really working towards a personal goal (academically, behaviorally, socially)

* being selected Student of the Month-- $25 bonus

* random clean desk checks

*attendance--$1 per day

*homework completion-- $1 per assignment

*classroom job completion--$1 per day

*no usage of monthly homework pass--$20 bonus

* Birthday Bonus-$20

* Other bonuses awarded per teacher discretion.

At the end of each quarter, the students will be able to spend their “pocket cash” at the class store where we have brainstormed a list of free items the students want to purchase (ie: sit where you want, free homework pass, electronics day, private lunch with a friend, gum, pop, use of swivel chair, share your talent pass, etc.. . )Also, at our store I want to have some products to purchase as well. With the holidays near, sales everywhere, and everyone out and about shopping,if you see a deal and would like to donate any small school/fun item(s) for the store it would be greatly appreciated. Think of small cheap things like bouncy balls, silly putty, sports things, nail polish, bag of chips, Dollar Store items, or the Target dollar section items, etc.. I’ll sell anything Food is always a win win! I’m sure all donations will be a hit no matter what!!!!

The students will learn about keeping a checkbook and saving money in a savings account. They may also unfortunately learn the consequences of being a poor employee with little pocket money at the end of the quarter. Students may go into debt, but must be out of debt by field day. Worst case scenario, the students still in debt come last week of school, will have to volunteer a portion of their time to help on field day, versus participate, to pay off their debt.

I feel this system correlates nicely with our math curriculum, as we have already problem-solved with deposits, withdrawals, checks, and charges. If we become really successful employees, the students will also receive their own checks, deposit slips, and withdrawal slips to use later in the year. All I would need then would be an ATM machine. HAHA

With this system taking place in class and lots of discussion revolving about it, your child may ask you several questions regarding your own banking policies or may want to join you in a trip to the bank. I encourage you to discuss these matters with your child. It is a lifelong, essential skill to be able to maintain and balance your finances. I continue to stress to the students daily in math class the importance of them being accurate when calculating, but even more accurate when dealing with money. They must also be able to analyze “ money coming in” versus “money going out.” I will be giving them multiple scenario problems with various decimal placements, showing the tremendous impact the decimal has on the value of a number. This money system should also reiterate the same skills, but ata more basic, whole-number approach. I thank you in advance for any donations and can’t wait to start playing Bank Teller

I have read and understand the class rules, discipline, and “Scholar Dollar” policy.

Parent signature/DateStudent signature/Date
