Inject Drivers into Windows PE 2.0 Master Document

to be used as an internal resource only

HOW TO GUIDE: (this is more for XP and VISTA, use DISM for Windows 7)

This tutorial assumes that you’re running Windows Deployment Services and want to update the GOLDENIMAGE.WIM file to enhance platform compatibility.
You’ll need a full install of the WAIK, as it contains the necessary tools to manage WIM files. This can be done on any system, but if you’re running WDS it will install properly on the WDS server. Insert the DVD and select “Windows AIK Setup” and install WAIK.

WAIK Install

*** Before you begin make a backup of your current WIM that you will NOT use.

Step #1
Next you’ll need to create a folder to easily modify GOLDENIMAGE.wim. I found it easiest to create a c:\Temp folder, and then two more folders within that called c:\temp\Mount and c:\temp\Drivers.
Step #2
Then copy your custom wim file GOLDENIMAGE.wim to the c:\temp folder.
Step #3
Now download the drivers you need, and extract them to c:\temp\Drivers.

You’re not after DOS drivers – remember that this is Windows PE 2.0 so XP drivers and VISTA Drivers are the ones you should be using.

Most driver manufactures have an EXTRACT option on their drivers. Extract their drivers to the driver folder you created above. You will see the .inf, .cat, dll, and sys files.
Step #4
Now type in:
imagex /mountrw C:\Temp\GOLDENIMAGE.wim C:\temp\Mount
This mounts your image of GOLDENIMAGE.WIM into the c:\temp\Mount folder in read/write mode. You can navigate to this folder and browse the contents and make any changes you like.
Now go back to the command window and type in:
peimg /inf=C:\Temp\Driver\NIC\*.inf /image=C:\temp\Mount
peimg /inf=C:\Temp\Driver\VIDEO\*.inf /image=C:\temp\Mount
peimg /inf=C:\Temp\Driver\MODEM\*.inf /image=C:\temp\Mount
peimg /inf=C:\Temp\Driver\INTEL\*.inf /image=C:\temp\Mount
Where the NIC/VIDEO/MODEM/INTEL is the appropriate folder which contains the INF driver files, which you have extracted already. This injects the drivers straight into the mounted image. You can manually specify which driver is to be installed, or just use the wildcard to install all the drivers found in that folder. Repeat this process for all the drivers you want to install.
* I like installing 1 driver at time.
You will see that the INF is being installed, and completedly successfully once done.

Once that’s done, type in:
imagex /unmount /commit c:\temp\Mount
This unmounts the image from the c:\temp\Mount folder and commits the changes you made. Do NOT forget the /commit statement or you’ll have to do the whole thing all over again.
Now go back to the WDS console and right-click on the GOLDENIMAGE.WIM, then select Disable. Right-click again and select Replace Image, then browse to C:\temp\GOLDENIMAGE.WIM. I like just browsing to c:\temp, copying the imaging to clipboard, then navigating to where my Server WIM is located-rename the server wim as a backup---if you already haven’t done so, and pasting from the clipboard my new, updated WIM. Also, don’t forget that you will also need to update your boot.wim once you have completed these steps, recreating USB/CDR bootable media for tech use.


7/12/2011 WIM_INJECT_DRIVERS_MASTER_DOCUMENT.doc Computer Systems Engineer