REGISTRATION 2016 – 2017


Class sizes are limited—First Received, First Enrolled.


The 2016-2017 religion year will begin on August 31st with an opening Mass for all families at 6:30PM. We are blessed to live in an area that gives us the opportunity to share our faith both in and out of the classroom. We would love to see all families participate; please plan to attend.

Each year we strive to increase the faith lives of our volunteers, students, and families through the religion program. Please take a moment to read our expectations and mission statements.

Our Expectations

Our teachers will teach the doctrines of the Catholic faith including, but not limited to, the Bible and Tradition, the Sacraments, the Ten Commandments, Prayer Life, the Life of Jesus, Saints, Church History, and Living Our Faith.

a.  All teachers/aides and monitors are volunteer. Without them, we would not be able to teach our faith.
They deserve our gratitude and respect.

b.  Outside of the classroom we expect, not only our volunteers, but, you as a family, to reinforce the teachings of the faith and be living examples of our faith. We expect you to attend church on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, as these are mandatory days of attendance for all Catholics.

Our teachers will do their best to create an educational and enjoyable environment.

c.  Discipline issues which cause the teacher to constantly interrupt the lesson are not enjoyable for the teacher, the student, or the rest of the class.

d.  Discipline issues have increased over the years. Any assistance you can give us in reinforcing respect is appreciated.

Our Mission

Holy Trinity Parish will strive to become a truly Christian Catholic community by working together with our families, to educate our children, and grow in our faith. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we, as Holy Trinity Parishioners, will share in God’s love and friendship as we gain the confidence necessary to be a witness to others by our God-centered actions and words.

We look forward to a wonderful year of faith and fellowship.

Fr. Richard Walling Fr. Tim Ralston Charmaine Bettinger Amy Hess

Registration Information

Please fill in the information for each child that will be attending the Religious Education Program on
the enclosed goldenrod form. Return the form with payment by August 5th to: Holy Trinity Parish Office,
120 E. Main, P.O. Box 107, Coldwater, OH 45828.

1.  Please review the information and indicate any changes, additions, or deletions so we can update our records. Make sure you indicate the preferred time AND provide a current email address and cell phone number and carrier information (we need carrier information in order to do blast texting)! Class sizes will be limited. WE WILL BE COMMUNICATING ELECTRONICALLY ONLY. NO PHONE CALLS, SO PLEASE HAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS OR TEXTING CAPABILITY.

2.  List any special needs information.—This is very important to make sure our teachers are prepared and informed of any special circumstances.

3.  Complete, Sign, and Date the Medical Power of Attorney section (back of registration form).

4.  Sign & Date the Activity Permission section (back of registration form).

5.  Return completed & signed registration form with payment to the CCD Office.

o  Payment—must accompany registration in order to reserve your child(ren) a seat in the class.

§  Financial arrangements can be made—Call the CCD Office at 419-678-3328 prior to submitting registration and payment.

§  Discount—If you are a full-time adult religion teacher, classroom aide, or building monitor for 2016-2017, you may be eligible for a discount. (Call to confirm prior to submitting registration and payment).


Pre-School and Kindergarten $ 50.00

Grades 1-12 $ 60.00

Maximum limit per family $200.00


·  Wednesday Afternoon Session

o  Grades 1-6, 3:15-4:30PM

·  Wednesday Evening classes

o  Grades 1-8, 6:30-7:30PM

o  Grades 9-12, 8:00-9:00PM

·  Kindergarten & Pre-School

o  Scheduled Sunday Mornings 10:30-11:30AM

**Class times are based on teacher availability. Your child(ren) may
be asked to attend at a different time and/or different day if we do not have enough teachers.

Eligible Students

Pre-School-12th grades students are eligible to enroll in classes.

·  Pre-School program—Students must be 4 years old by September 30th to enroll.

·  Kindergarten program—Students must be attending Kindergarten this year.


Class sizes are limited—First Received, First Enrolled.


1.  Go to www.coldwatercluster.org.

2.  Select Holy Trinity Parish

3.  Select Religious Education

4.  Click on Link to online enrollment.

a.  Complete the fields as indicated. Make sure you register all your children by using the “add another student” prior to submitting the form.

b.  Make sure you select a class for your students by grade and time.

c.  Complete payment information. You will be assessed a service charge for choosing the online option.

