By the end of Book V you should know all the Latin that is necessary for your GCSE. You will cope well with GCSE Latin provided that you follow three simple rules:
Three Rules
· First rule : learn vocabulary : There is a set vocabulary of about 500 words for GCSE. You have already come across some 400 of these words. If you learn them thoroughly, you will find the course easy and know every word in your GCSE exam.
· Second rule: understand the endings : In Latin most words –nouns, adjectives, verbs – change their endings to show what they are doing in a sentence. To work out a translation you must notice the ending and work out what it means.
· Third rule : work out the meaning word by word, but translate sentence by sentence. Some Latin sentences have the same word order as English, but most are different. As you read therefore you should build up the meaning word by word, but only translate into English when you have worked out a group of words that makes sense.
Here is a summary of what you have learned already. Use it for revision and reference
Five Cases
· Nouns , adjectives , pronouns have five different cases that tell you what the word is doing in the sentence.
· Nominative : the subject of the sentence, the person or thing who is doing something or being described.
· Accusative : the object of a verb, the person or thing who is having something done to it. Also used after some prepositions.
· Genitive : basic meaning ‘of’. Often the second of two nouns.
· Dative : basic meaning ‘to’ or ‘for’. Used with some verbs.
· Ablative : basic meaning ‘by’ ‘with’. Often used with prepositions and passive verbs.
Five Declensions
· declension is the name given to a group of nouns that all have the same endings.
· once you have learned the endings for one example, you should be able to work out the endings for all similar nouns you come across
· there are 5 declensions (there are very few nouns in the 4th and 5th declensions)
· remember them with the endings for nominative and genitive
1. First declension : -A/AE nouns
2. Second declension : -US/I and UM/I nouns
3. Third declension : --/IS nouns
4. Fourth declension : -US/US
5. Fifth declension : -ES/EI
Declension / 1st: -a / 2nd:-us,um / 3rd : —- / 4th; -us / 5th : -espuella / servus/templum / rex / nomen / manus / dies
Sing: Nom / -a / -us -um / —- —- / -us / -es
Acc / -am / -um -um / -em —- / -um / -em
Gen / -ae / -i / -is / -us / -ei
Dat / -ae / -o / -i / -ui / -ei
Abl / -a / -o / -e (-i) / -u / -e
Plural: Nom / -ae / -i -a / -es -a / -us / -es
Acc / -as / -os -a / -es -a / -us / -es
Gen / -arum / -orum / -um, -ium / -uum / -erum
Dat / -is / -is / -ibus / -ibus / -ebus
Abl / -is / -is / -ibus / -ibus / -ebus
· the perfect passive participle (having been carried) and adjectives like bonus have the endings of the first and second declensions:
Masculine / Feminine / NeuterSing: Nom / portat-us / portat-a / portat-um
Acc / portat-um / portat-am / portat-um
Gen / portat-i / portat-ae / portat-i
Dat / portat-o / portat-ae / portat-o
Abl / portat-o / portat-a / portat-o
Plural: Nom / portat-i / portat-ae / portat-a
Acc / portat-os / portat-as / portat-a
Gen / portat-orum / portat-arum / portat-orum
Dat / portat-is / portat-is / portat-is
Abl / portat-is / portat-is / portat-is
· the present particple (carying) has third declension endings:
Masc/Fem / NeuterNom
/ portans / portansAcc / portant-em
Gen / portant-is
Dat / portant-i
Abl / portant-e
/ portant-es / portant-iaAcc / portant-es / portant-ia
Gen / portant-ium
Dat / portant-ibus
Abl / portant-ibus
Reference List for endings
Ending-a / Nominative singular 1st declension
Ablative singular 1st declension
Neuter plural nominative or accusative 2nd or 3rd declension
-ae / Genitive singular 1st declension
Dative singular 1st declension
Nominative plural 1st declension
-am / Accusative singular 1st declension
-as / Accusative plural 1st declension
-arum / Genitive plural 1st declension
-is / Dative or ablative plural 1st and 2nd declensions
Genitive singular third declension
-us / Nominative singular 2nd and 4th declensions
Nominative and accusative plural fourth declension
-um / Accusative singular 2nd declension masculine,4th declension
Nominative and accusative singular 2nd declension neuter
Genitive plural third declension
-i / Genitive singular 2nd declension
Nominative plural 2nd declension
Dative singular 3rd declension
-o / Dative and ablative singular 2nd declension
-os / Accusative plural 2nd declension
-orum / Genitive plural 2nd declension
-em / Accusative singular third declension
-e / Ablative singular third and fifth declension
-es / Nominative and accusative plural third declension
Nominative singular fifth declension
Nominative and accusative plural fifthdeclension
-ibus / Dative and ablative plural third and fourth declension
-ei / Genitive and dative singular 5th declension
-erum / Genitive plural 5th declension
-ebus / Dative and ablative plural 5th declension
-ui / Dative singular 4th declension
-u / Ablative singular 4th declension
-uum / Genitive plural 4th declension
Four Pronouns
SFX Classics
Who, which, that/ Masc. / Fem. / Neuter
/ qui / quae / quodAcc / quem / quam / quod
Gen / cuius
Dat / cui
Abl / quo / qua / quo
/ qui / quae / quaeAcc / quos / quas / quae
Gen / quorum / quarum / quorum
Dat / quibus
Abl / quibus
/ Masc. / Fem. / Neuter
/ hic / haec / hocAcc / hunc / hanc / hoc
Gen / huius
Dat / huic
Abl / hoc / hac / hoc
/ hi / hae / haecAcc / hos / has / haec
Gen / horum / harum / horum
Dat / his
Abl / his
Six Personal Pronouns
ThatMasc. / Fem. / Neuter
/ ille / illa / illudAcc / illum / illam / illud
Gen / illius
Dat / illi
Abl / illo / illa / illo
/ illi / illae / illaAcc / illos / illas / illa
Gen / illorum / illarum / illorum
Dat / illis
Abl / illis
that, him her ,it, them
/ Masc. / Fem. / Neuter
/ is / ea / idAcc / eum / eam / id
Gen / eius
Dat / ei
Abl / eo / ea / eo
/ ei / eae / eaAcc / eos / eas / ea
Gen / eorum / earum / eorum
Dat / eis
Abl / eis
SFX Classics
I / YOU / Himself / WE / YOU / ThemselvesNominative / ego / tu / nos / vos
Accusative / me / te / se / nos / vos / se
Genitive / mei / tui / sui / nostrum / vestrum / sui
Dative / mihi / tibi / sibi / nobis / vobis / sibi
Ablative / me / te / se / nobis / vobis / se
SFX Classics
Six Person Endings, Four Conjugations, Five Tenses
· in Latin the endings of verbs tell you the person who is doing the action.
· the basic scheme of the person endings is this:
m-o-i / I-s / you (singular)
-t / he/she/it
-mus / we
-tis / you (plural)
-nt / they
· tense refers to the time of the action of a verb : present , past, , future
· the present tense is used for actions happening now, in the present :I carry, am carrying
· the present tense is written out in full so that you can see how the person endings work
· in Latin there are four conjugations - groups of verbs that have the same endings
1 / 2 / 3 / 4porto / doceo / traho / audio
I carry / I teach / I drag / I hear
portas / doces / trahis / audis
you carry / you teach / you drag / you hear
portat / docet / trahit / audit
she carries / she teaches / she drags / she hears
portamus / docemus / trahimus / audimus
we carry / we teach / we drag / we hear
portatis / docetis / trahitis / auditis
you carry / you teach / you drag / you hear
portant / docent / trahunt / audiunt
they carry / they teach / they drag / they hear
· in Latin there are three past tenses
o imperfect : I was carrying, I used to carry
o perfect : I carried, have carried
o pluperfect : I had carried
· each past tense has distinctive endings summarised in this table:
I / YOU / HE / WE / YOU / THEYActive / m-o-i / -s / -t / -mus / -tis / -nt
Imperfect / -bam / -bas / -bat / -bamus / -batis / -bant
Perfect / -i / -isti / -it / -imus / -istis / -erunt
Pluperfect / -eram / -eras / -erat / -eramus / -eratis / -erant
· the future tense is used for future actions : I shall carry
· the first and second conjugations have futures with –bo, -bis etc, the third and fourth conjugations have futures with –am, -es etc
Future1,2. / -bo / -bis / -bit / -bimus / -bitis / -buntFuture 3,4 / -am / -es / -et / -emus / -etis / -ent
Four Tenses of esse
· the verb esse to be should be known by heart
Present / Imperfect / Perfect / Futuresum / I am / eram / I was / fui / I have been / ero / I shall be
es / you are / eras / you were / fuisti / you have been / eris / you will be
est / he is / erat / she was / fuit / he has been / erit / she will be
sumus / we are / eramus / we were / fuimus / we have been / erimus / we shall be
estis / you are / eratis / you were / fuistis / you have been / eritis / you will be
sunt / they are / erant / they were / fuerunt / they have been / erunt / they will be
Four Principal Parts
· you need to know the four principal parts of each verb to be able to work out all the endings
Present / Infinitive / Perfect / Perfect Passive Participleport-o / port-are / port-avi / port-atus
I carry / to carry / I carried / having been carried
doceo / docere / docui / doctus
I teach / to teach / I taught / having been taught
traho / trahere / traxi / tractus
I drag / to drag / I dragged / having been dragged
audio / audire / audivi / auditus
I hear / to hear / I heard / having been heard
Three Participles
· verbs have three participles in Latin : present, perfect passive and future
portans / docens / trahens / audienscarrying / teaching / dragging / hearing
portatus-a-um / doctus-a-um / tractus-a-um / auditus-a-um
having been carried / having been taught / having been dragged / having been heard
portaturus-a-um / docturus-a-um / tracturus-a-um / auditurus-a-um
going to carry / going to teach / going to drag / going to hear
One Gerundive of Obligation
Recognise by the -nd- ending and translate ‘must’.
portandus-a-um / docendus-a-um / trahendus-a-um / audiendus-a-ummust be carried / must be taught / must be dragged / must be heard
Two Subjunctive Tenses
· you have come across subjunctive verbs in some sentences
· cum=when; indirect questions; purpose clauses, result clauses, indirect command
Recognise the pluperfect subjunctive by -isse- + person endings .
portav-issem / docu- issem / trax- issem / audiv- issemportav- isses / docu- isses / trax- isses / audiv- isses
portav- isset / docu- isset / trax- isset / audiv- isset
portav- issemus / docu- issemus / trax- issemus / audiv- issemus
portav- issetis / docu- issetis / trax- issetis / audiv- issetis
portav- issent / docu- issent / trax- issent / audiv- issent
Recognise the imperfect subjunctive by the infinitive -re + person endings.
porta-rem / doce- rem / trahe- rem / audi- remporta- res / doce- res / trahe- res / audi- res
porta- ret / doce- ret / trahe- ret / audi- ret
porta- remus / doce- remus / trahe- remus / audi- remus
porta- retis / doce- retis / trahe- retis / audi- retis
porta- rent / doce- rent / trahe- rent / audi- rent
Passive Verbs
.Learn the difference between active and passive verbs by studying these examples in English: :
Active / PassiveHe is carrying
/ He is being carriedThey drag / They are being dragged
He was teaching / He was being taught
They were carrying / They were being carried
I heard his shout / His shout was heard by me
They kill the Romans / The Romans are killed by them
Metella was eating the dinner / The dinner was being eaten by Metella
Notice that with passive verbs
· the action is done to the subject
· ‘by’ is used for the person (or thing) doing the action
Present, Imperfect, Future
· these tenses correspond to the active tenses you have already learnt
· all these passive tenses also have the same person endings:
-r / -ris / -tur / -mur / -mini / -nturI / you / he/she / we / you / they
Present Passive
porto-r / doceo-r / traho-r / audio-rI am being carried / I am being taught / I am being dragged / I am being heard
porta-ris / doce-ris / trahe-ris / audi-ris
you are being carried / you are being taught / you are being dragged / you are being heard
porta-tur / doce-tur / trahi-tur / audi-tur
she is being carried / she is being taught / she is being dragged / she is being heard
porta-mur / doce-mur / trahi-mur / audi-mur
we are being carried / we are being taught / we are being dragged / we are being heard
porta-mini / doce-mini / trahi-mini / audi-mini
you are being carried / you are being taught / you are being dragged / you are being heard
porta-ntur / doce-ntur / trahu-ntur / audiu-ntur
they are being carried / they are being taught / they are being dragged / they are being heard
Imperfect Passive