Name: ______

Daily Grammar Practice (DGP) - 6th GRADE, Week 8

DGP credit is given on the basis that you TRY. To get credit for it, you must have it out on your desk when I come by to check. If it is not visible when I check, you will not receive credit that day. If you fail to complete your DGP sentences three times in one week, you may be assigned an after school DGP Study Session. Remember: USE YOUR NOTES.

Day/Date / Directions for the week’s sentence:
Identify EVERY word in the sentence as: / *nouns (4 this week!) (common OR proper)
*pronouns (1 this week!)
*Label the type of each pronoun: (relative, interrogative, possessive, nominative, objective, demonstrative, indefinite OR reflexive)
*verb (1 this week!) (helping, linking, action)
*Label the tense of each verb
*Prepositions (4 this week)
*adjective (1) & 1 article / we sailed out of miles river for
baltimore on a saturday morning
Identify sentence parts including: / *Underline the complete subject once
*Label the simple subject as SS
*Underline the complete predicate twice
*verb (transitive or intransitive)
*direct object (None this week!)
*3 prepositional phrases (adv prep ph OR adj prep phr?)
*3 object of prepositions / we sailed out of miles river for
baltimore on a saturday morning
Wednesday / Identify each clause as
*independent, adjective dependent, or adverb dependent
(1 clause this week)
*Identify the sentence type as simple, compound, or complex.
*Identify the sentence purpose as declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory. / we sailed out of miles river for
baltimore on a saturday morning
Thursday / Write out this week’s sentence.
Add capitalization and punctuation / we sailed out of miles river for
baltimore on a saturday morning