Tri-Village Elementary

1st Grade Curriculum Map


Month / Word Work / Writing / Math / Phonics / Reading
September / ·  Word families
·  Categorize words
·  ABC order (all year)
·  Sight words (all year) / ·  Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom
·  Brown Bear
·  Rosie’s Walk
·  The Hungry Thing / ·  Read/write/count #s – 25
·  Number words
·  1-1 corr. 0-10
·  Patterns
·  Topic 3 – Five and Ten Relationship
·  Topic 1 – Understanding Addition / ·  Phonics Dance alphabet first week
·  Hunks & chunks
o  Week 2
§  Sh
§  Ch
§  Th
o  Week 3
§  All
§  Ing
§  Wh
o  Week 4
§  Ar
§  Or
§  Ay / ·  Decode using letter-sound matches (word attack skills)
·  Role of author & illustrator
·  Sequence of events
October / ·  Word families
·  Categorize words / ·  Begin WW
·  Intro - paper, name, date stamp, folder
·  Spaces
·  Complete thoughts
·  Stretch out words
·  Word wall words
·  Telling more
·  Reread-touch words
·  1 sent. is not a story
·  Speech bubbles
·  What to do when you're done
·  Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid / ·  Read/write/count #s – 50
·  Ordinal numbers
·  Sequencing numbers
·  Count by 5’s & 10’s
·  Topic 2 – Understanding Subtraction
·  Topic 4 Addition and Subtraction Facts to 12 / ·  Hunk & chunks
o  Week 1
§  Oy
§  Oa
§  Ow (how)
o  Week 2
§  Oo (look)
§  Ee
§  Aw
o  Week 3
§  Ir
§  Ur
§  Er
§  Oo (food)
o  Week 4
§  Ea
§  Ai
§  Ow (snow) / ·  Decode using letter-sound matches (word attack skills)
·  Visualization
·  Predicting
·  5 W's (who, what, where, when, why, which)
·  Characters & setting
·  Retell story (rest of year)
November / ·  Syllables / ·  Expanding small ideas
·  Gravel – and
·  Scattered capitals
·  One foot read (proofread)
·  Spaces
·  Complete sentences – beginning capitals and ending punctuation / ·  Read/write/count #s – 75
·  Count back from 10
·  Count by 5’s & 10’s
·  Topic 7 – Counting and Number Patterns to 120
·  Topic 8 – Tens and Ones / ·  Hunks & chunks
o  Week 1
§  Ew
§  Ace
§  Ice
o  Week 2
§  Sneaky E
§  Ou (out)
§  Oi
o  Week 3
§  Ph
§  Kn
o  Week 4
§  Wr
§  Tricky Y / ·  Predicting
·  5 W's (who, what, where, when, why, which)
·  Comprehension questions (rest of year)
December / ·  Nouns
·  Verbs
·  Pronouns / ·  Gravel – and, then
·  Capital letter and periods
·  Descriptive words
·  Adding details-small steps
·  Complete sentences – beginning capitals and ending punctuation / ·  Read/write/count #s – 120
·  Count back from 20
·  Count by 2’s, 5’s, & 10’s
·  Topic 9 – Comparing and Ordering
·  Topic 5 – Addition Facts to 20 / ·  Hunks & chunks
o  Week 1
§  Ew
§  Igh
§  Ed
o  Week 2
§  Au
§  Tion
§  Sion
o  Week 3
§  Eigh
§  Aught / ·  Predicting
·  Main idea & detail
January / ·  Main idea & detail
·  Capitalization
·  Punctuation / ·  Adding details-small steps
·  Capital letters – I, beg. of sent., names, people, months, days, holidays
·  Beginning, middle, end
·  Using carrots / ·  Read/write/count #s – 120
·  Count back from 20
·  Count by 2’s
·  Place value
·  Numbers to 100
·  Topic 6 – Subtraction facts to 20
·  Topic 10 – Adding with Tens and Ones / ·  Review hunks & chunks (rest of year)
o  word work
o  find hunks & chunks in text
o  brainstorm words w/hunks & chunks
o  spelling practice / ·  Context clues
·  Visualization
February / ·  Nouns
·  Verbs
·  Adjectives / ·  Sequence events
·  Story vs. journal
·  Beginning, middle, end
·  Write a response to story or scenario
·  Using carrots / ·  Read/write/count #s – 120
·  Count back from 50
·  Count by 2’s
·  Place value
·  Topic 11 – Subtracting with Tens and Ones
·  Topic 12 - Length / ·  Review hunks & chunks (rest of year)
o  word work
o  find hunks & chunks in text
o  brainstorm words w/hunks & chunks
o  spelling practice / ·  Context clues
·  Compare texts
March / ·  Commas
·  Context Clues / ·  Interviews
o  Write questions with a partner
o  Interview a person
·  Fiction & planning sheet / ·  Read/write/count #s – 120
·  Count back from 100
·  Measurement (in./cm./ft./non-standard)
·  Topic 13 – Time
·  Topic 14 – Using Data to Answer Questions / ·  Review hunks & chunks (rest of year)
o  word work
o  find hunks & chunks in text
o  brainstorm words w/hunks & chunks
o  spelling practice / ·  Fluency/expression
·  Main idea & detail
·  Graphic organizers
April / ·  Root words
·  Pre/Suffixes / ·  Editing checklist
·  Gravel – and, then, so, soon, first, but, next, after a while, later, at last, finally, after that, now, when, while, suddenly, a little bit later
·  Inside story – I want, wish, hope, wonder, thought, know, think
·  Poetry / ·  Read/write/count #s – 120
·  Add/subtract to 20+
·  Topic 15 – Geometry
·  Topic 16 – Fractions of Shapes / ·  Review hunks & chunks (rest of year)
o  word work
o  find hunks & chunks in text
o  brainstorm words w/hunks & chunks
o  spelling practice / ·  Fluency/expression
·  Compare texts
·  Graphic organizers
May / ·  Non-fiction text features / ·  Editing checklist
·  Friendly letter
·  Research
o  Vote on animal
o  Gather facts
o  Write 5/6 topics
o  Summarize
o  Share / ·  2nd Grade Readiness
·  Add/subtract two-digit numbers (carrying??)
·  Multiplication & division
·  Review / ·  Review hunks & chunks (rest of year)
o  word work
o  find hunks & chunks in text
o  brainstorm words w/hunks & chunks
o  spelling practice / ·  Fluency/expression
·  Non-fiction text features