Argument Writing

Scoring Rubric

Construct Measured / Score Point 4 / Score Point 3 / Score Point 2 / Score Point 1 / Score Point: 0
Comprehension of Key Ideas and Details / -Accurate analysis of the research
- Includes relevantinformation only
- Demonstrates complete understanding of the research / - Accurate analysis of the research
- Includes relevant information
- Demonstrates some understanding of the research / - Mostly accurate analysis of the research
- Includes relevantinformation.
- Demonstrates minimal understanding of the research / - Minimally accurate analysis of the research.
- Includes information
- Demonstrates minimal understanding of the research / - Inaccurate analysis of the research
- Includes information
- Demonstrates little to no understanding of the research
Development of Ideas / - Has a clear and strong claim
- Uses 3 clear and convincing reasons for claim
- Cites at least 1relevant piece of evidence for each reason
- Writesconsistently appropriate for purpose (argument) and audience (teacher and class) / - Has a mostly clear and strong claim
- Uses 3 mostly clearreasons for claim
- Cites at least 1mostly relevant piece of evidence for each reason
- Writes mostly appropriatefor purpose (argument) and audience (teacher and class) / - Has a somewhat clear claim
- Uses 2-3 somewhat clear reasons for claim
-Cites 1 somewhat relevant piece of evidence for each reason
- Writes somewhat appropriatefor purpose (argument) and audience (teacher and class) / - Has a vague claim
- Uses 1-2 unclear reasons for claim
- Does not include cite relevant evidence for each reason
- Writes with limited appropriatenessfor purpose (argument) and audience (teacher and class) / - Has no claim
- Has no reasons for claim
- Cites no relevant evidence for reasons
- Writes inappropriately for purpose (argument) and audience (teacher and class)
Organization / - Writing flows well and is clear
- Includes a strongintroduction (with hook and preview)
- Includes a strong conclusion (with a synthesis of ideas and new learning)
- Includes 3 well-organized body paragraphs (with reason and evidence) / - Writing has flow and is mostly clear
- Includes a mostly strongintroduction (with hook and preview)
- Includes amostly strongconclusion (with a synthesis of ideas and new learning)
- Includes 3mostly organizedbody paragraphs (with reason and evidence) / - Writing has someflow and is somewhat clear
- Includes a somewhat strong introduction
- Includes a somewhat strongconclusion
- Includes a somewhat organizedbody of paragraphs (they are difficult to understand) / - Writing has limited flow and is not very clear
- Includes a weak introduction or no introduction
- Includes a weak conclusion or no conclusion
- Includes a weak organized body of paragraphs (extremely difficult to follow) / - Writing has no flow and is not clear
-Lacks an introduction and/or conclusion
- Paragraphs are not organized (argument is unclear)

Argumentative Writing

Scoring Rubric Continued

Clarity of Language (voice, word choice, sentence fluency) / - Maintains formal writing style throughout
- Uses linking and transitional words throughout / - Maintains formal writing style throughout
- Uses linking and transitional words / - Maintains a mostly formal writing style
- Uses some linking and transitional words / - Maintains a limited formal writing style
- Uses limited linking and transitional words / - Inappropriate style of writing
- Does not use linking and transitional words
Conventions / - Has few minor errors in grammar
- Has few minor errors in vocabulary usage
- Varies sentence structure. / - Has few distracting errors in grammar
- Has few distracting errors in vocabulary usage
- Varies sentence structure / - Has distracting errors in grammar that occasionally impedes understanding
- Has distracting errors in vocabulary usage that occasionally impedes understanding
- Somewhat varies sentence structure. / - Has multiple distracting errors in grammar that sometimes impedes understanding
- Has multiple distracting errors in vocabulary usage that sometimes impedes understanding / - Has multiple distracting errors in grammar that often impedes understanding
- Has multiple distracting errors in vocabulary usage that often impedes understanding
Citations / - Works Cited accurately lists at least 3 credible sources
- Includes 3 accurate in-text citations (1 for each reason) / - Works Cited lists at least 3 credible sources with minor format errors
- Includes 3 in-text citations (1 for each reason) with minor format errors / - Works Cited lists 2 credible sources with major formatting errors
- Includes 2 in-text citations with major format errors / - Works Cited lists 1 credible source and/or formatting is incorrect
- Includes 1 in-text citationand/or formatting is incorrect / - Works Cited is missing or has 0 credible sources
- There are no in-text citations