Request Delivery Service:
Intercampus Resource Sharing via Staff-mediated Title-Level Holds
Table of Contents
WorkFlow Property Settings4
Borrowing 5-23
Lending 24-32
Statistics 32
- Sample Bookmarks 33-35
- Useful Resource Documents 36
The purpose of the IndianaUniversityuser-initiated request delivery system is to provide fast, efficient access to available items. This configuration assumes that in most cases faculty, staff, and students need requested items as soon as possible. The goal is to fill most requests immediately within the IU system, and, if a request cannot be supplied, users have the option to request via ILL/DDS or to ask staff to place a copy-level hold/recall. The circulation and holds map defining holdable and non-holdable locations and item types have been configured to allow users to request delivery of items for which they can expect success, i.e., on shelf and circulating items. It prevents them from requesting delivery of items that cannot currently be supplied by the system, i.e., checked out or non-circulating items. In addition, LITS has created a series of reports to improve tracking and completion of holds transactions in a timely manner. Holds persist in Unicorn until they are filled or manually removed or expired. These reports alert the borrowing (pickup) library of unfilled holds, so that the appropriate action can be taken. The expectation is that requests will either be filled or users notified of unavailability of items and then given the option then to obtain through ILL/DDS or ask staff to place a copy-level hold/recall on the item. In the case of a hold this would mean that the user was essentially agreeing to wait for the item to become available, no matter how long that might be.
The purpose of this manual is to assist staff in understanding and implementing the Request Delivery service at their library. Procedures may vary at each institution. In addition, the manual tries to alert staff to problems that may arise when using systemwide, title-level holds and suggest solutions. However, not every problem has been experienced or anticipated.
For further assistance or questions contact:
Randy Lent, IU Bloomington Main Library, SIRSI Circulation Working Group Co-Chair
E-mail: ; phone: 812-855-8249
Steven Schmidt, IUPUIUniversity library, SIRSI Circulation Working Group Co-Chair
E-mail: ; phone: 317-274-0470
Rita Rogers, IU Bloomington Main Library, SIRSI ILL Working Group Co-Chair
E-mail: ; phone: 812-855-4397
Cheryl Truesdell, SIRSI ILL Working Group Co-Chair
E-mail: ; phone: 260-481-6506
WorkFlow Property Settings
Holds Wizards
Place Holds – Defaults
Holds level: Title
Range: Group
Remove User Holds – Defaults
Print available holds slips
Print hold comment on hold slip
Print transit slip
Remove Item Holds – Defaults
Print available holds slips
Print hold comment on hold slip
Print transit slip
Trap Holds – Default
Display user name
Print available holds slips
Print hold comment on hold slip
Print transit slip
Transit Wizards
What’s in Transit
Print available holds slips
Print hold comment on hold slip
Print transit slip
Receive Items in Transit
Print available holds slips
Print hold comment on hold slip
Print transit slip
Print available holds slips
Print hold comment on hold slip
Print transit slip
NOTE: These settings should be in place on all workstations that perform circulation transactions.
Placing Title-level Holds
1. Search requests in WorkFlows. Either the user or item can be searched first. If searching for the user first, open Place Hold wizard, and look up user.
NOTE: Some users have two or more records in Unicorn. Holds will be linked directly to the patron record used to place the hold. Duplicate patron records should be merged if at all possible. When users request delivery in IUCAT the request will be linked to the record on which they were authenticated, which should be the record with their staff, faculty, or student ID number.
2. Locate and select the appropriate title record.
3. View the volume/copies information to identify copies available for holds.
- List of libraries currently participating in the intercampus resource sharing service is located at:
- List of holdable locations is located
- General circulation collection item types are holdable. Noncirculating and short-term loans (less than 14 days) are non-holdable
4. Select Place Hold.
NOTE: If you have searched and located the title first, and then used Place Hold wizard to find the user, once you select the user for the hold the title you need will be the current copy.
NOTE: There are still a large number of duplicate records in IUCAT. In addition, the Ruth Lilly Medical Library ad Dentistry library do not share a bibliographic record with the other participating libraries. Select the title record with the most number of eligible items to fill the hold.
The above title has two bibliographic records. The first one has multiple items eligible to fill a title-level hold, but the second bibliographic record only has one copy eligible to fill the hold. Place the hold on the first title record for the best chance of filling the hold. However, if the hold is not filled by any libraries on the first title record, in order to request the copy held at IUPUI on the second bibliographic title record, this first hold should be removed and another hold placed on the second title record.
5. Fill in the pickup at field with your library name and make sure the Level/Range is set properly:
Level: Title
Range: Group
6. When staff are placing requests for multivolume sets they must place a separate hold for each volume. Whichever |z the staff selects from the Volume/Copy list will be used to fill the hold, but not any volume/copies that vary from this, e.g.
Oxford History of Britain (Volume/copy as they appear on the item record)
Fort Wayne
Call no …|z v. 1
Call no …|z v. 2
Call no …|z v. 1
Call no …|z v. 2
SBend South Bend volumes would notbe selected to fill the hold
Call no …|z vol. 1
Call no …|z vol. 2
NOTE: When a title level hold is placed in Workflows it looks like all copies are on hold, but the title does not appear on every available library’s pick list. It appears on one library’s list at a time. However, any available copy can satisfy the hold, so if a copy were checked out and returned, the system will trap the hold immediately even if the item is on another library’s Pick List. The library that traps the hold after it has already been trapped will get a “no holds” message in Unicorn. See Lending instructions.
Processing Materials
1. Staff need to pay attention to Unicorn messages when checking in library materials. Campuses may continue to use both staff-mediated title-level holdsthrough Unicorn and ILL through OCLC to obtain items from IU libraries. Items received through OCLC will need to be updated accordingly. This sounds confusing, but the system should prompt you to take the correct action. In addition, items sent to fill a hold request should have a transit slip and a bookmark from the lending library.
Sample Transit slip
ID:300000xxxxxxxxxPS3555.V2126 H5 1999
High Five
Evanovich, Janet
In transit to:
Smith, Jane
NOTE: See Appendix for sample bookmarks
2. For books received to fill a hold, use the Receive Items In Transit wizard to make items available to the user.
NOTE: If an item is put on the holds shelf without running it through the Receive Items In Transit wizard, the item will remain in unavailable status, a pickup notice will not be generated for the user, nor will My Account be updated to available.
3. Receiving items in transit produces a hold slipand two reports, the Check Holds Shelf and Hold Pickup Notice. The Check Holds Shelf is ready by 8:00 a.m. Monday-Friday Bloomington time. This report tells staff who will receive a Hold Pickup Noticeand for which items the notice will be generated. This report should be used to verify that items have been received and are available for the user to pickup.
Sample Holds slip
ID: 30000011111111PN1990.9.A88 H55 2000
Writing for Television
Hilliard, RobertL.
Route to: HOLDS
Doe, John
Sample Check Holds Shelf Report
Check HoldsShelfProduced Monday, May 5, 2003 at 5:57 AM
QL641 .G3 v.16 copy:1
Biology of the reptilia / edited by Carl Gans.
Gans, Carl, 1923
JONES, DAVID 200000XXXXXXXX 125 4/28/2003
QL641 .G3 v.14 Dev. A copy:1
Troopers West: military & Indiana affairs on the American frontier / Brandes
GREEN, JOHN EDWARD 200000XXXXXXXX 125 4/30/2003
E99.C53 A23 2000 copy:1
Women and warriors of the plains : the pioneer photography of Julia E. Tuell
/ Dan Aadland ; foreword by Peter John Powell.
Aadland, Dan.
SMITH, JANE ANN 200000XXXXXXXX 125 4/21/2003
4. Use the Check Holds Shelfreport to verify that the items for which the user will receive a Hold Pickup Notice are actually available for pickup.
5. If the Check Holds Shelf report lists an item that you do not have, first search carefully for the item, because it should be in your library at this point. However, if you cannot locate the item before the HoldPick up Notices are generated at noon,check the item out to a Missing from Holds department card. This will make the hold unavailable. When the item is found, check it back in. If no other library has filled the hold, this action will trap the hold and make it available. If another library has filled the hold in the meantime, the system will respond that there is no hold.
6. If you have a book that does not appear on the Check Holds Shelf, be sure it has been run through the Receive Items In Transit wizard which changes its status from unavailable to available. Make sure all books on the hold shelf have a hold slip, not just a transit slip.
Sample Hold Slip
7. The Hold Pickup Notice will run by noonBloomington time, and will be automatically sent e-mail to those users who have e-mail addresses in their patron record. Others will need to be printed and sent to the user.
Sample Hold Pickup Notice
Monday, May 5, 2003IPFW Helmke Library
The item you requested is available for pickup from the Library. This item will be held for you for 10 days from the date at the top of this notice.
Thank you
1 Job satisfaction : application, assessment, cause, and consequences /
Paul E. Spector.
Spector, Paul E.
call number:HF5549.5.J63 S635 1997 copy:1
Record the number of requests filled.
Patron Interaction
1. Check out items to users the same as any other check out.
2. Bring to their attention that this item has been loaned to them directly from another IU library. Point out the bookmark from the lending library which includes details about the lending library’s loan periods, renewal policies, and fine and fee policies.
3. Remind them to use My Account to renew these and other items as well.
Cleaning Holds Shelf
No Unicorn report generates to prompt removal of items from the hold shelf that have not been retrieved by the user. After 10 days items should be removed from the hold shelf. If the item is in the hold available status in WorkFlows, remove the hold and place the item in transit. The system will indicate where the item needs to be sent. If the item is still in the unavailable status, DO NOT REMOVE THE HOLD, because the user has not yet been notified that the hold is available. Run the item through the Receive Items in Transit wizard to make the hold available and generate a Hold Pickup Notice for the user.
Returned Materials
1. Staff need to pay attention to Unicorn messages when checking in library materials. Campuses may continue to use both staff-mediated title-level holdsthrough Unicorn and ILL through OCLC to obtain items from IU libraries. Items received through OCLC will need to be updated accordingly. Staff will begin to see items that have no band, wrapper, or label that alerts them that this item belongs to another IU library. They will have to be careful about routing materials to the appropriate unit for check in and processing back to the owning library.
2. When checking in Unicorn holds items the system will generate a Transit slip to the owning library.
There are a series of reports to help staff at the pickup library track holds that have not been filled in a timely manner so that further action can be taken to complete transactions as quickly as possible.
1. List Expired Holds report (Monday-Friday)
This report lists the title-level holds which expired on or before yesterday with their comments. Use this report to see holds placed by your users that have been expired by a participating library:
Sample List Expired Holds report
List Expired HoldsProduced Monday, May 5, 2003 at 4:58 AM
PN1995.9.M27 N63 2002 copy:1
Screen couple chemistry : the power of 2 / Martha P. Nochimson.
THOMPSON, SUSAN 20000000000000 125 5/1/2003 5/2/2003
NOS-BMA, last copy to fill hold
If a hold on this title record is not currently available, your library can:
- look up the title in WorkFlows to determine if there is another title record with available copies to fill the hold, if so remove the current hold and place a title-level hold on the other title record; or
- If there are no other available copies for the item, remove the hold and request via ILL/DDS; or
- If there are no other available copies for the item, let the item expire, see the Expired Holds Notices
NOTE: There are still a large number of duplicate records in IUCAT. In addition, the Ruth Lilly Medical Library and Dentistry library do not share a bibliographic record with the other participating libraries. Sometimes there will be an eligible copy to fill the hold on another title record.
2. Expired Holds Notices(Monday-Friday)
Three days after a hold has expired anExpired Holds Notice will be generated, if the hold has not already been removed (see above). Once the Expired Holds Notice is generated the hold will be purged from the system. This means staff have three days between receiving a List Expired Holds report during which they can remove the hold and work to fill the request another way and, an Expired Holds Notice is generated. At this point, staff can work to fill the request another way (if they have not already done so) or send the user the Expired Hold Notice, hopefully with an explanation and next steps the user can take to obtain the item.
Sample Expired Hold Notice
Monday, May 19, 2003IPFW Helmke Library
This item cannot be delivered. Please ask library staff for assistance.
1 Space, time, and archaeological landscapes / edited by Jacqueline
Rossignol and LuAnn Wandsnider.
Rossignol, Jacqueline.
call number:CC79.E85 S63 1992
Hold Reason:Hold has expired
3. List Old Holds report (Monday – Friday)
Lists title-level holds older than 7 days where no pickup notice has been sent. This report alerts staff to holds that are still unavailable seven days after requesting. These holds could be in transit, or they may never have been run through the Receive Items in Transit wizard which changes the status of the hold from unavailable to available, or they could just be languishing because they are not any available copies to fill the hold, but staff working on the hold never expired it in the system (see instructions for expiring holds for which there are no more available copies on the title record). Staff should investigate these holds and resolve them in some way.
NOTE: Holds will remain active indefinitely until they are filled or either expired or removed by staff.
Sample List Old Holds report
List Old HoldsProduced Monday, May 5, 2003 at 5:57 AM
QL641 .G3 v.16 copy:1
Biology of the reptilia / edited by Carl Gans.
Gans, Carl, 1923
JONES, DAVID 200000XXXXXXXX 125 4/28/2003
E83.866 .B817 copy:1
Troopers West: military & Indiana affairs on the American frontier / Brandes
GREEN, JOHN EDWARD 200000XXXXXXXX 125 4/30/2003
HF5549.5.J63 S635 1997 copy:1
Job satisfaction : application, assessment, cause, and consequences / Paul E.
Spector, Paul E.
NICHOLAS, ROGER 200000XXXXXXXX 125 4/29/2003
1. A variety of approaches are useful for troubleshooting holds problems. In addition to the instructions provided throughout this manual and the reports provided for maintenance, another wizard that is helpful is the Inventory Item wizard.