Why choose a career in Recreation?
Want a career where you will make a difference in people’s lives? Our nationally accredited Recreation Management program is the place for you! Explore courses related to parks, Recreation management, non-profit and youth serving agencies, special event management, and for-profit recreation enterprises. Additionally our outstanding recreation therapy concentration meets national and state certification requirements. Both specialty areas require a culminating internship experiencer where students will work full-time between 480 and 560 hours depending on the concentration chosen. This industry- recreation – is projected to grow 17-19% over the next seven years.
What career opportunities are available to recreation majors?
Community Recreation / Municipal Recreation
Event Management – Festivals and Special Events
Parks and Outdoor Recreation Management
Tourism Management
Cultural and Heritage Tourism
Campus Recreation and Student Programs
Recreation in Sports and Sporting Venues
Nonprofit and Volunteer Management
Youth Services
Below is a listing of professional organizations related to the recreation management field. These professional associations offer job postings, trainings and workshops and scholarships for students.
TheNational Recreation and Park Associationis dedicated to educating professionals and the public on the essential nature of parks and recreation.
Their website includes a job center with resources for job seekers and employers. Their career information primary addressed municipal recreation administration.
TheCalifornia Park & Recreation Societyprovides career development, networking, resources and is the public advocate for California park and recreation professionals. Their website also includes a job center.
Event Management – Festivals and Special Events
TheInternational Festivals and Events Association (IFEA)serves professionals who plan and coordinator festivals and events; includes job bulletin
The International Special Event Society (ISES) The International Special Events Society provides members and stakeholders: Collaborative networking, Education and professional development, Inspiration, Outward awareness and credibility to ensure a thriving global creative events profession.
TheResort and Commercial Recreation Associationis anorganization comprised of professionals, educators and students in resort and commercial related industries.
Parks and Outdoor Recreation Management
TheAmerican Camp Association (ACA)is a community of camp professionals sharing their knowledge and experience and to ensure the quality of camp programs. Their members include camp owners, directors, administrators and staff. The organization also has a program for camp accreditation. Their website also includes employment opportunities at camps.
TheAssociation for Experiential Education (AEE)is an organization for those who educate people through experience. Includes a wide variety of jobs (ropes course facilitators, wilderness trips, teachers, etc.). Resources for their members include a website of job listings.
http://www.aee.org/TheStudent Conservation Associationprovides internships and career information in outdoor recreation resource management, including internships in National Parks, State Parks, Forests, and Bureau of Land Management sites
TheAdventure Travel Trade Associationis an association dedicated to helping adventure tourism businesses and destinations worldwide succeed. Our members include tour operators, tourism boards, specialty travel agents, guides, accommodations, media and service providers.
TheNational Association for Interpretation (NAI)is a professional association for those involved in the interpretation of natural and cultural heritage resources in settings such as parks, zoos, museums, nature centers, aquaria, botanical gardens, and historical sites. Resources for their members include a job listings website.
TheWilderness Education Association (WEA)promotes the professionalism of outdoor leadership through establishment of national standards, curriculum design, implementation, advocacy, and research driven initiatives. Resources for their members include a job listings website.
TheNorth American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) is anorganization for those who educate people about environmental issues in both formal (classroom) and non-formal (nature centers, camps, etc.) settings.
TheInternational Ecotourism Society (TIES)is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting ecotourism.
TheGlobal Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)serves as the international body for fostering increased knowledge and understanding of sustainable tourism practices, promoting the adoption of universal sustainable tourism principles and building demand for sustainable travel.
TheNational Association of Student Personnel Administration (NASPA)is the leading association for the advancement, health, and sustainability of the student affairs profession. Resources on their website include career information and job opportunities.
TheNational Association for Campus Activities™ (NACA)advances campus activities in higher education through a business and learning partnership, creating educational and business opportunities for its school and professional members. National Association of College Activities Student activities professional organizations. Their website includes scholarship information.
TheAssociation of College Unions International(ACUI)is an organization that brings together college union and student activities professionals from hundreds of schools in seven countries.
Recreation in Sports and Sporting Venues
TheNational Intramural Recreation Sports Association (NIRSA)is the leading resource for professional and student development, education, and research in collegiate recreational sports. Their website includes job listings.
TheSports Association of Northern California Recreation Agencies / South Bay. “The Way To Play” A Public Sports Program Sponsored and Administered by Public Recreation Agencies
The Sports Association of Northern California Recreation Agencies / East Bay. There is no other organization as devoted to resolving the problems or concerns facing you as a Recreation Professional in promoting sports programs. The paramount reason for the existence of SANCRA is to assist you and those participants in the sports activities sponsored by your agency. http://sancraeastbay.yolasite.com/
Opportunity Knocksis a national online job site, HR resource, and career development destination focused exclusively on the nonprofit community. Recreation jobs are listed in this site.
Energize, Inc.is an international training, consulting and publishing firm specializing in volunteerism. Resources for professionals in volunteer management, including a job bulletin and internship opportunities. San Jose area intern and full-time positions are listed here.
Boys and Girls Club
To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Several bay area sites hire regularly our interns, and for part-time and full-time positions.
The YMCA in the United States
Today, the Y engages more than 10,000 neighborhoods across the U.S. As the nation’s leading nonprofit committed to helping people and communities to learn, grow and thrive, our contributions are both far-reaching and intimate—from influencing our nation’s culture during times of profound social change to the individual support we provide an adult learning to read.
By nurturing the potential of every child and teen, improving the nation’s health and well-being, and supporting and serving our neighbors, the Y ensures that everyone has the opportunity to become healthier, more confident, connected and secure. Several bay area branches are hiring for interns, part-time and full-time positions.