Name ______

Date ______

Period ______


By Elie Wiesel

Study Packet

English 2 – Mrs. Drain


Torah –

Talmud –

Cabbala –

synagogue –

surname –

betrothal –


bade –

interlude –

reprieve –

apathy –

humane –

grimace –

nocturnal –

pious –

morale –

interminable –

refuge –

oppressive –

profound –


Write at least two sentences about each character. Your descriptions should include physical traits, personality traits, and reasons why they are important to this story.

Narrator (Elie Wiesel) –

Elie’s Father –

Moshe the Beadle –

Madame Schachter –

Young Pipel –

Juliek –

Tibi and Yosi –

Dr. Josef Mengele –

Idek the Kapo –

Rabbi Eliahou –

Young French Girl—


In complete sentences, describe each place and why it is important to include in the story.

Sighet –

Birkenau –

Auschwitz –

Buna –

Buchenwald –


1. What did the Jews of Sighet know about the Holocaust before their

deportation? Why did they not believe Moshe the Beadle?

2. On what day of the week was Elie’s family expelled? Why is that


3. What does the arrival at Auschwitz mean for Wiesel? Consider this


“Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has

turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven

times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the

llittle faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths

of smoke …. Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my

faith forever. Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which

deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live.”

4. How were Jews dehumanized by the Nazis and their accomplices according

to Wiesel?

5. Describe Wiesel’s experiences in the camp. Which stood out to you the most?

6. What did Wiesel and his father have to do to survive? What special

characteristics set them apart from other inmates?

7. One of the few things Wiesel describes about his childhood and life before the

Holocaust is his faith. How does his faith change? Does the book change your

view of God?

8. Compare and contrast the father-son relationship you see at the end of this

memoir with the one you saw at he beginning.

9. Why do you think Wiesel titled the book “Night?” What does night


10. At the end of the book, Wiesel describes his image in the mirror as a

corpse. In what ways did Wiesel die during the Holocaust?

11. What would you have done in Wiesel’s situation? Could you have done

what was necessary to survive? Would you have resisted or tried to


12. Could something like the Holocaust happen today? Think of recent

genocides such as the situation in Rwanda of the Sudan. Does Night

teach us anything about how we can react to these atrocities?


Plot a timeline which includes at least 5 major events from the book.

Make sure to list events in chronological order. Include the location of the

event, people involved and how it affected Elie Wiesel.


Find at least one example of something happening in the world today that

You can relate to NIGHT. Glue your newspaper or magazine article here.