Harlequin Surgery

Patient Participation Report 2011/12

Produced for the Patient Participation DES 2011/2013


The purpose of the Patient Participation Directed Enhanced Service (DES) is to ensure that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided and, over time commissioned by their practice.

It aims to encourage and reward Practices routinely asking for and acting on the views of their patients. This included patients being involved in decisions that lead to changes to the services their practice provides or commissions, either directly or in its capacity as a gatekeeper to other services.

The DES aims to promote the pro-active engagement of patients through the use of effective Patients Reference Groups (commonly referred to as PRGs) to seek the views from Practice patients through the use of a local practice survey.

The outcomes of the engagement and the views of patients are then required to be published as a report on the practice website.

This report summaries development and outcomes of Harlequin Surgery Patient Reference Group (PRG) in 2011/12

It contains:

1. Establishing a Patient Reference Group (PRG)

A summary of the recruitment process used to ensure the PRGwas of sufficient size and representative of as much of the Practices’ population as possible.

2. Method and Process for Agreeing Priorities for a Local Practice Survey

The method the Practice adopted to seek the views of the PRG in determining the priority areas for it and the Practice to look at,for inclusion in a Local Practice Survey.

3. Details and Results of the Local Practice Survey

Adescription in detail of:How it was carried out and theResultsof the Local Practice Survey.

4. Discussing Survey Results with the Patient Reference Group (PRG)

Details of how the Practice consulted with the Patient Reference Group (PRG)

5. Agreeing an Action Plan with the Patient Reference Group (PRG)

Details of the agreed action plan setting out the proposals arising out of the local practice survey Results and how they can be implemented. Details of any issues that arose in the survey that cannot be addressed in the action plan andthe reasons why.

6. Publishing the Local Patient Participation Report

Details of where this Report has been published; the Practices opening hours and how patients can access services

7. Practice Declaration

Confirmation that the Local Patient Participation Report is: A true and accurate representation of the Work undertaken to fulfil the requirements of the Patient Participation DES 2011/13

Step 1. Establishing a Patient Participation Group

Component 1

As part of Component 1 of the DES, Practices are required to establish a Patient Reference Group comprising only of Registered Patients and use best endeavours to ensure their PRG is representative.

Recruiting to the:Patient Reference Group (PRG)

1.1 The Practice has recruited patients to the group using the following methods.

  • Posters displayed in Practice (Appendix1)
  • Information leaflets to all patients attending Practicewith a Registration Form (Appendix2)
  • Message added to prescriptions (Appendix3)
  • Information displayed on the Practice website (

1.2 The Practice is required to provide details of other methods used,to engage patients:

It was decided quite early to set up a “virtual” patient group using the Practice website to assist us in this work. The website providerhas been very good at supplying the automated forms and pages to promote the group to the Practice patients online; via posters and in the Reception Waiting Area and handouts at Reception.

New patients are given a Practice leaflet when registering that includes information on registering with our Patient Reference Group.

1.3 The Practice is required to provide a brief summary of the patient groups represented in the Practices PRG and describe what steps they have taken to understand their own demographics in order to construct a PRG using a representative sample of the population.

As of 1ST March 2012there were30 patients in the group;9 male & 21 females. All age groups are represented, apart from the under 16’s.(Appendix4).

As the PRG is currently not representative of thepractice population details have been forwarded to patients in minority groupsin an attempt to resolve this. (Appendix5.)

The issue will be continually monitored in both areas and hopefully, in time, be resolved.

Step 2. Method and Process for Agreeing Priorities for the Local Practice Survey

Component 2

As part of Component 2 of the DES, Practices are required to agree which issues is a priority and include these in a local Practice Survey.

The PRG and the Practice will shape the areas covered by the local practice survey. The areas covered in the local practice survey will therefore, need to be agreed jointly, based on key inputs including the identification of:

  • Patients priorities and issues
  • Practice priorities and issues including themes from complaints
  • Planned Practice changes
  • National GP and/or Local Patient Survey issues

2.1 The Practice is required to describe the process used by the Patient Reference Group in seeking the views of and identifying the priority areas for the Survey questions - i.e: via email, website etc.

PRG members were e-mailed a copy of GPAQ V3 Survey for their comments & feedback. The requested changes were made and amodified surveypublished 29th November 2011.(Appendix6).

2.2 The Practice is required to list the Priority Areas and confirm how these match those set out by the PRG.

It was agreed to set Priority Areas with the PRG on completion of the Survey.

Step 3. Details and Results of the Local Practice Survey

Component 3

As part of Component 3 of the DES, Practices are required to collate patients’ views through a local practice survey and inform the Patient Reference Group of the findings.

The Practice must undertake a local Practice survey at least once per year. Questions asked in the survey will be a matter for the Practice and the PRG to agree. They should be based on the priorities identified by the PRG and the Practice.

3.1 The Practice is required to confirm how it determined questions to be used in the survey?

PRG members were e-mailed requesting their participation in creation of the first survey. On receipt of a response it was usedto form a discussion with the GP’s and Practice Manager.

3.2 The Practice is required to confirm what methodswere used to enable patients to take part in the survey? I.e. Survey monkey, Paper survey, email, website link.

A website link, email and paper survey were available to all patients attending the practice.

3.3 The Practice is required to confirm how it collated the results

Our website provider, having the facility to detail responses received from the survey, uploaded them to the website for patients to view. They were also displayedfor patients in the Reception WaitingArea.

3.4 The Practice is required to confirm the dates when the survey was carried out and to provide a copy of it, demonstrating how the Practice reflected the priority areas in the questions used.

The PRG agreed to a slightly amended version of the GPAQ V3 Survey. It was circulated from the 29thNovember 2011 - 9th January 2012(Copy of survey at appendix6).

Step 4. Discussing Survey Results with the Patient Reference Group (PRG)

Component 4

As part of Component 4 of the DES, Practices are required to provide the PRG with an opportunity to comment and discuss findings of the local practice survey and:

  • Reach agreement with the PRGof changes in provision and manner of delivery of services.
  • Where the PRG does not agree significant changes, agree these with the PRG.

4.1 The Practice is required to describe how it sought the views of the PRG on the findings of the survey and of any proposed changes highlighted from it.

PRG were emailed all of the results and given time to respond in any areas they felt there was a need to be addressed.

Theirproposed changes are:


  • Online appointments
  • Appointments in advance
  • An appointment with clinician of their choice
  • Via the Telephone service

Step 5. Agreeing an Action Plan with the Patient Reference Group (PRG)

Component 5

As part of Component 5 of the DES, the Practice is required to agree with the PRG an Action Plan setting out priorities and proposals arising from the local patient survey. Agreement is required with the PRG to implement any changes and if necessary inform the Primary Care Trust (PCT).

5.1 The Practice is required to produce a clear Action Plan that relates to the survey results and attach a copy of the agreed Action Plan for 2011/12. (Appendix9).

The PRG will be responsible for identifying the topic of any survey (a majority decision will rule). All Survey results will be available for patients to view via the Harlequin Surgerywebsite. A hard copy will be displayed in the ReceptionWaiting Areafor patients without Personal Computer access.

Survey results will be used to form discussions within the team; to consider services provided and identify other outcomes from them.

PRG members will be sent an email following completion of each survey requesting feedback or comments on the results.

5.2 The Practice is required to confirm how it consulted with the PRG to agree the Action Plan and how it sought agreement from the PRG to implement any changes.

A Short Survey wassent to PRG members to agree a priority area to focus on(Appendix8) with the following result:

  • Booking an appointment in advance 5%
  • Booking an appointment with doctor of choice 35%
  • Telephone service, a priority area, saw an upgraded telephone system installed December 2011.

5.3 The Practice is required to advise whether any elements raised through the Survey have not been agreed as part of the Action Plan. If so, they should outline the reasons why.

A member of the PRG expressed concern about not having automatic doors on the surgery entrance. This has not been included in our action plan as funding cannot be identified at present.

5.4 The Practice is required to confirm any contractual changes being considered and give details; requiring PCT agreement.


Step 6. Publishing the Local Patient Participation Report

Component 6

Part of Component 6 of the DES,requires publication of the Local Patient Participation Report on the Practice website and to update the report on subsequent achievement.

The Practice should publicise the report as extensively as possible and ensure it appears on the Practice website by no later 31/03/2012.

6.1 The Practice is required to provide details of where the Local Participation Report has been published (including the link to the Practice website)

6.2 The Practice is required to provide any updates on progress against 2011/12 Action Plan

The first patient survey was created and distributed, withPRG agreement in November. The results were published on the Harlequin website and a hard copy displayedon the Practice Notice-board.

6.3 The Practice is required to confirm itsOpening Hours and give details on how Patients can access services during core hours (8am-6.30pm)

Patients can access services between our core hours, with out-of-hours services covering the practice between 6.30pm and 8.00am.

6.4 The Practice is required to provide details of any extended hours provided and details of access to Healthcare Professionals during this period.

‘The Practice does not offer extended hours’.

Step 7. Practice Declaration

The Practice confirms that the above report is a true and accurate reflection of the work undertaken as part of the Participation DES 2011/13 .

Signed and submitted to the PCT and published on the Practice website on behalf of the Practice by:



Designation Manager Date:


Patient Participation Group

In order to improve the services we deliver, we are setting up a Patient Participation Group to ask for your views on a range of subjects relating to the surgery.

If you would like to be involved please ask a receptionist for a form so you can sign up.

This group is not being set up for you to complain about the services we provide or the treatment you are receiving. If you have a complaint about this please follow the usual practice complaint procedure.

What is Patient Participation Group?

This is a group of patient’s working with a practice to:

  • Contribute to the continuous improvement of services
  • Foster improved communication between the practice and its patients.
  • Help patients to take more responsibility for their health
  • Provide practical support and help to implement change
  • Each group determines its own activities according to the needs of the community and the practice itself
  • Patient participation Group's work by building a relationship between the practice and its patients that breaks down barriers and shares information
  • Patient Participation Group's can develop to influence the wider NHS

If you would like further information before signing up to this service please contact Josie Dainty on 0121 747 8291 or , you can also look at our website which also has a link for you to sign up to this group electronically.


Patient Participation Group

In order to improve the services we deliver, we are setting up a Patient Participation Group to occasionally ask for your views on a range of subjects relating to the surgery.

If you would like to be involved please complete this form and return it to reception. Alternatively you can contact Josie Dainty on 0121 747 8291 or email .

We would like to keep you informed via email so please supply a clear email address. If you do not have an email address please provide a valid phone number you can be contacted on.

It is important you understand that this group will not be a way of complaining about the services we provide or the treatment you are receiving.

Any views expressed will be anonymous and have no effect on your medical treatment or care provided by The Harlequin Surgery.

You may leave this group at anytime by notifying Josie Dainty. Your email address will NOT be shared with any other patients or outside organisations. If you have any queries regarding confidentiality, again please speak to Josie Dainty.

The information you supply us with will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

We thank you in advance for your involvement and will be in contact with you shortly.

The Harlequin Surgery

Signing Up For Our Patient Reference Group

If you are happy for us to contact you periodically by email please leave your details below and hand this form in at reception.

Name: / ………………………………………………………………….
Email Address: / ………………………………………………………………….
Postcode: / ………………………………………………………………….

The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.

Your Gender: / Male □ / Female □
Your Age: / Under 16 □
25 – 34 □
45 – 54 □
65 – 74 □ / 17 – 24 □
35 – 44 □
55 – 64 □
75 – 84 □
Over 84 □

The ethnic background with which you most closely identify is:

White / British Group □ / Irish □
Mixed / White & Black Caribbean□
White & Asian □ / White & Black African □
Asian or Asian British / Indian □
Bangladeshi □ / Pakistani □
Black or Black British / Caribbean□ / African □
Chinese or Other / Chinese □ / Any Other □

How would you describe how often you come to the practice?

Regularly □ / Occasionally □ / Very rarely □

Thank you

Please note that we will not respond to any medical information or questions received through the survey.

The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you, and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.



Patient Reference Group Distribution Report 14/03/2012




The Harlequin Surgery

A F C AinsworthMB ChBThe Harlequin Surgery

J H Heritage MRCGP160 Shard End Crescent

R Pankhania MRCGPShard End

V Vijaya MRCGPBirmingham B34 7BP

K Sivakumar MRCGP, DFFPTelephone 0121 747 8291

Fax 0121 749 5497



33 Millhaven Avenue



B30 2QH

08 March 2012

Dear MrMouse,

Our Patient Participation Group is encouraging patients to give their views about how the practice is doing. We would like to be able to ask the opinions of as many patients as possible and would like to ask if you would be happy to provide us with your email address so we can contact you by email every now and again to ask you a question or two.

Please can you fill in the attached form and hand it back in to reception or alternatively complete a sign up sheet from our website.

If you have any questions about this please don’t hesitate to contact me on 0121 747 8291.

Kind Regards,

Josie Dainty

Senior Administrator

Signing Up For Our Patient Reference Group

If you are happy for us to contact you periodically by email please leave your details below and hand this form in at reception.

Name: / ………………………………………………………………….
Email Address: / ………………………………………………………………….
Postcode: / ………………………………………………………………….

The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.

Your Gender: / Male □ / Female □
Your Age: / Under 16 □
25 – 34 □
45 – 54 □
65 – 74 □ / 17 – 24 □
35 – 44 □
55 – 64 □
75 – 84 □
Over 84 □

The ethnic background with which you most closely identify is:

White / British Group □ / Irish □
Mixed / White & Black Caribbean□
White & Asian □ / White & Black African □
Asian or Asian British / Indian □
Bangladeshi □ / Pakistani □
Black or Black British / Caribbean□ / African □
Chinese or Other / Chinese □ / Any Other □

How would you describe how often you come to the practice?