
By Anbil Ramaswamy, President “Swami Desika Darsana Satsangam” (SDDS)

and Editor & publisher, “Sri Ranga Sri” (SRS) Electronic Journal



Our Swami was born in the Tirumalai Nallaan Chakravarti Vamsam which follows in letter and spirit the chores of Oupaasanam, Anna roopa VaiswadEvam and are “Brahmavidaam VarishTaas” as defined by Bashyakarar.

Sri Narasimha Tatachar and Smt. Ranganaayaki Ammaal were the blessed parents. Sri Narayanachar, (Swami’s elder brother) was born to them as the 2nd son on 15th August 1916 and our Swami was born as the 6th son to them on 12th December 1926 in Pazhzaveri Taluk, Villivalam village in North Arcot District in the year Akshaya month Kartigai and in the UttiraTTaadi Nakshatram.

Since, the Prakritam Jeeyar is very much available for verification and corroboration of the facts; I have to state the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I have also documentary evidence of exchange of letters with him to substantiate any claims.


` He graduated as “Nyaaya SirOmaNi” from the MadrasUniversity. securing a first class

· While at a junior level, he answered queries set by TirukOshTiyur Swami for senior level on “Yathaartha Jnaanam” as per Deepikai and Prakaasikai.

· During an inspection, DEvanaar viLaagam Swami was surprised at the precocious way he answered questions on “Chaturdasa LakshaNa” in Nyaaya Grantham.

· He earned the appreciation of Uttaraadi MuTT Swami when he explained a difficult topic on “Pancha LakshaNee”.

· He studied “Saamaanya Nivritti” under TirukkaLLam Krishnamachariar Swami and Maduraantakam Swami.

· He studied also under InjimETTu Swami, Naavalpakkam Ayyaa Devanaatha Swami, Mukkur Srinivasachariar Swami and his own elder brother, Sri Narayanachariar Swami.

· DEvanaar viLaagam Swami hailed his essay of just 10 pages on Sri Baashyam as a masterpiece.

· In the “MalOla Vidwat Sadas” at TiruvaLLur, he explained Jignanasa AdhikaraNa – Laghu Siddhaantam.


· He was Adhyaapaka at MaduraantakamCollege for about 6 months.

· Mukkur Azhagiya singhar appointed him as Aasthaana Vidwan.

· Taught at Paadur Paatasaala for sometime.

· D.T. Tatachariar Swami conferred on him the title of "Vidwan MaNi" at Sri Vedaanta Desika “Sudhaa Swaadini Sabha” at Tirupati.

· Uttamur Swami recorded his appreciation of his work as a model for others.

· Tirukkudanthai Andavan Swami, after hearing his exposition at "Padukaa Vihaara Vidwat Sadas" advised that he would make an ideal Sannyaasi.

· Andavan Swami blessed him at “Mannargudi Vidawat Sadas" where our Swami expatiated on “Vibhishana Saranaagathi”.

· Succeeded TirukkaLLam Swami as Associate Editor of Narasimhapriya journal.

· Has attended numerous Vidwat Sadas at Poundarikapuram Andavan Asramam and secured the blessings of successive Pontiffs there like Mannaargudi Andavan, Vennaatrankarai Andavan and Prakritam ParavaakkOTTai Andavan.

· Wrote "Sri VaishNava Sadaachaara Nirnayam"- his magnum opus - a reference manual with a commentary on Aasoucha Sathakam by Sri Melpaakkam Swami.


· UPANAYANAM: Sri Narayanachar Swami performed his Upanayanam at GarbhashTamam.

· SAMASRAYANAM: He had his Samaasrayanam at the hands of InjimETTu Azhagiya singhar in 1940.

· MARRIAGE: He married at age 18 (1944) the daughter of Vidwan Kaniyambaakkam Srinivaasacharya and had a happy married life of 46 years. He has three sons.

· BHARANYASAM: He had his BharaNyaasam at the hands of DEvanaar viLaagam Azhagiya Singhar on a Dwadasi day of Panguni month in the year Pingala.

· PRESHA MANTRA UPADESAM: Once, Mukkur Azhagiya Singhar called him for doing Araadhana while at AhObilam. When the Swami arrived, he asked our Swami to take up Sannyasa and administered "PrEsha Mantraas” along with his brother Sri Narayanacharya. Thus, he had his PrEsha mantra upadEsam at AhObilam where Aadhi Vann Satakopar had his PrEsha mantra upadEsam.

· 12th October 1991: Mukkur Swami took ill suddenly when our Swami was at Tirupati for a discourse. He immediately returned to Srirangam.

· 21st October 1991: Sannyasa Sweekaranam at Srirangam at the hands of Mukkur Azhagiya singhar and in the immediate presence and blessings of ParavaakkOTTai Andavan.

- 16th August 1992: Mukkur Azhagiyasinghar attained Paramapadam.

· 24th August 1992: PaTTaabhishEkam of our Swami as 45th Jeeyar duly blessed with PrOkshanam and recitation of Sri Rama PaTTaabisheka Mantram by his mentor and Yathisreshtar, ParavaakkOTTai Andavan, Sri GOpaala Desika Maha Desikan of Poundarika Puram Swami Asramam.


· As one witnesses the eye filling atmosphere in which our Swami performs Araadhana and the loving dedication of Upachaaras to the Upaasana murthis, one cannot fail to feel palpably being transported to the very Apraakrita Loka, while being in this Prakrita Loka itself.

· One will be astonished to see how our Swami untiringly observes his Anushtanams, Bhagavad Kainkaryams, and Bhaagavata Kainkaryams in addition to offering impromptu KaalskshEpam discourses and writing out deeply researched articles for Narasimhapriya Journal. He spends nearly 20 out of 24 hours with practically no rest and on strict starvation diet.

· Looking at all these, we wonder if we have returned to Krita Yugam itself transcending the Kali Yugam we are supposed to be in. In fact, it used to be said that within every Yuga an “Avaantaram” corresponding to 1250 years repeats itself. By this calculation, we have now crossed the first 5000 years consisting of Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kaliyuga Avantaras. Thus, we have set foot on the new “Kritayuga Avantara” as evidenced by the presence of such great and hoary Acharya Parampara, the diadem of which is our Azhagiyasinghar. We should really be proud that we are now coeval with this great Mahaan.


· None could exemplify the ideal Sishya as per “Nyaasa Vimsati” and “Sishya kritya Adhikaara” of Swami Desikan than our Swami.

· Whenever he talks about his Poorva Acharyas, you can notice a glint in his eyes blending his Bhakti, Gratitude and joy of nostalgia.

· I have seen how he used to stand as the very personification of utmost humility when he stood before 44th Jeeyar before, during and after becoming the Chinna Jeeyar.

· While doing Antharanga Kaashaaya Kainkaryam to InjimETTu Azhagiya Singhar, he learned all sookshma Anushtanams from him.

· Indeed, he represented a Triveni Sangamam imbibing in himself all the qualities of head and heart of the three Yathivaras whom he had the privilege to serve Viz. 42nd 43rd and 44th Azhagiya Singhars.


· While taking KaalskshEpam classes on Divya Prabhandams, he would teach us with the volumes published by Puttur Swami and refer to his works with great respect.

· He would unfailingly express his admiration of the way in which VELukkudi Vardaachaariar Swami attained Paramapadam after performing GhanTa SEva at the Sannidhi of Periya Perumal.


Like Sri Rama's yuvaraja PaTTaabhishEkam could not go on as planned, Sri Narayanachar's nomination to succeed 44th Jeeyar could not be fulfilled; But, Sri Narayanachar lives through his fame - true to the saying "Yasah Kaayena Jeevathi" because his brother assumed his name on acquiring Sannyaasa Ashramam. Right from ArulappaaDu, all honors are literally addressed to the name of Narayana Yateendra! Only the problems of administration have fallen to the lot of our Swami!

· Like Bharata who ruled in the name of Sri Rama, our Swami thinks and acts as if he were a regent of his brother.

· Bharata and Lakshmana were proud to call themselves as brothers of Sri Rama, not as princes in their own right. Similarly, our Swami feels proud of being the brother of Sri Narayanachar and has never failed to mention this publicly whenever an occasion arose.

· During the days when he grew up with his brother, he used to place all Sambhavanais he got at the feet of his brother.

· Sri Narayanachar wrote his commentary on “Para Matha Bhangam” of Swami Desika called "Desikaasaya Prakaasam". It is a rare case of Vairaaghyam when he refused to ask anyone for any financial assistance for publishing it. Sri Purisai Swami and others financed the project of releasing the first Part of the book. But, the Swami could not live to see the release of the Second Part. Our Swami, despite several odds, took great pains to get it printed, including proof reading of galley proof to the final one all by himself.

· Once an Advaitin (who chanced to peruse the proof that had been proofread by our Swami) challenged him on the use of the word "Prachanna Bouddhas" with reference to Advaitins. Our Swami had to convince him how and why the term was used.

[I have with me as a valuable treasure, a copy of this book presented to me by our Swami]


· If one needs to know how an ideal Achaarya would be, one only needs to look at our Acharya. He is a living example of the ideal Achaarya as defined in “Nyaasa Vimsati” and “Achaarya kritya Adhikaram” of Swami Desikan.

· In a sense, our Swami is greater than Bhagavaan himself. Do you know why? Bhagavaan knows both Anugraham (Reward) and Nigraham (Punishment). But, our Acharya (like Thaayaar) is "Agjnaatha Nigraha". Like Koorathalwan who recommended Moksham for Naaloor Aachaan though the latter was responsible for the loss of his eyesight, our Swami knows only Anugraham.

· What qualities differentiate an Achaarya from the rest? They are Jnaanam + Aachaaram + AnushTaanam + Bhakti + Vairaaghyam. Our Swami is a personification of all these and more.

· Our Swami is special in another sense viz. He takes the 8 lettered AshTaakshara name of Narayana as the 8th Achaarya out of the 45 pontiffs adorning the PeeTam of Azhagiya Singhars so far. He is Lord Narayana Himself!

[ I have a photo of Azhagiyasinghar's Mangalasasanam of Sri Andal taken at Srivilliputtur. Believe it or not, you can see the image of Lord Lakshminrisimha where Swami’s shadow is expected to fall on the wall at the Garbagraham. He is indeed Lord Lakshminrisimha Himself!]


· The very first question that our Acharya poses whenever one enters his presence is "Have you taken food?” The first advice he would give is to direct one to go and take food before visiting him again!

· Even though he has thousands of Sishyas, devotees and admirers, he remembers every one of them by name and every detail of their family backgrounds, their occupations, their connections etc with unerring accuracy. It is astonishing how he updates his database so well that even if one were to meet him once in a blue moon, he can recall to the minutest detail almost instantaneously! He is indeed a hi-tech electronic organizer!

· His Sishya Vaatsalyam is evident from the way he presents the subjects to them in terms of what Swami Desikan characterizes as "Anru eendha kanrukku irangi surakkum dEnuvaip pOl" (meaning) like the mother cow that lovingly gives milk to the just born calf. The way he teaches would confirm his aim to make everyone a Vidwaan like himself.

· He is honest in his approbation and lavish in his praise for his Sishyas- not that we deserve the same. Imperceptibly, by such praise he would encourage us to live up to his expectations!

· He would cherish every Sishya as if he were a close friend whose friendship he cannot afford to lose! Did not Swami Desika describe the Lord as "SaraNaagatha praNaya bhanga bheetho bhavaan" (meaning) that the Lord appeared as if he was afraid of losing the goodwill of the SaraNaagatha (one who had surrendered to Him)"?.

· Being an expert in VyaakaraNa Saastra as in every other branch of study, whether in speaking or in writing, there will be no grammatical error in any of his presentations. Indeed, he is like what Kamban described Anjaneya as "Sollin Selvan".

· Like each of the wives of Sage Soubhari who claimed that the Sage liked only her to the exclusion of all his other wives, every Sishya is made to feel that the Swami is dear to him / her only exclusively.

· Also, like each of the Gopis felt the love of KaNNan as her own exclusive privilege, every Sishya would feel exclusively close to the Swami. In this connection, it is interesting to note, that though his official name in his Poorvaasramam was Krishnamachari, his pet name at home was "KaNNan". No wonder, we feel like Gopis drawn to KaNNan! Such is the feeling of intimacy he instills in anyone who comes into contact with him. What Magic, what formula, what charisma he has, to so entice everyone thus is really beyond our comprehension.

· I have had several occasions when I asked him doubts both during KaalskshEpams and in private at his home. He has been ever ready and with convincing answers at all times whether orally or in writing. Since, he is on Sanchaaram nowadays, he has advised me to send my letters to his camp address where he was likely to stay for longer periods, lest my letters should fail to reach him.

· In a sense, we are more blessed than our Acharya. Do you know why?

He worships Laksminarasimhan only; but, we are doubly fortunate since we worship not only Lakshmi Narasimhan, the 'Araadhya' but also our Swami who is the 'Araadhaka' of Lakshmi Nrasimhan!


· It was almost two decades ago, when in one of my visits to the Achaarya of my family, Prakritam pontiff of Poundarikapuram Swami Ashramam, he advised me to go to one Villivalam Krishnamachar Swami, (that was Swami’s poorvaasrama Tirunaamam) who was delivering KaalakshEpams in Adyar area itself and learn the Granta ChatushTayam. Immediately I made a beeline to his home and conveyed the direction of PP Andavan. Our Swami was so pleased that he literally drew up a timetable showing where, at what timings and on what subjects he was giving KaalakshEpams.

· From that moment onwards I followed him to all the homes - in Adyar, Besant nagar, Nehru nagar, Vannan thurai, Mylapore, Triplicane and so many other locations and at all times whenever and wherever he was handling classes. In short, like a shadow and like “Mary's little lamb” of the nursery rhyme fame-

"Everywhere that Swami went, I was sure to go".

- In each one of the locations, there would be say 20 to 25 Vidyaarthis attending. Our Swami and my humble self were the common factors, he - as the ' Vaktha' and myself - as 'SrOtha'. Our Swami, therefore, used to depute me to convey any messages he desired to be conveyed to all his students everywhere.

· At one place, he would be teaching Chapter # 1, in another Chapter # 11 and in yet another Chapter # 21 of say, SRTS, Bhagavad Gita or Tiruvoimozhi. That is how I could cover all the above within say 5 or 6 years, what would have taken about 15 + years to cover. (I had the opportunity of learning Sri Baashyam at the feet of Purisai Swami and AnushTaanams at the feet of Srivatankaachaariar Swami. This is besides the discourses of ParavaakkOTTai Andavan of Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam, which I had the privilege to attend.)

· Besides the formal KaalskshEpam classes, I had the privilege of visiting his house at West Mambalam frequently to clear my doubts in private.

· There was not a single occasion when he was not willing to entertain me, in spite of his busy schedule. And, never was there an occasion when Mami failed to offer me her characteristic warm welcome whenever I entered their home. Such was the affection showered on this worthless soul by the Swami and his Dharmapatni.

· It was because of this overwhelming sense of gratitude that I felt an inner urge to compose and dedicate a "Tanian" long, long before a formal Tanian was composed at the time of his Sannyasa Sweekaranam.

It reads as follows:

(i) Vignaatham Aathmaanam Vidyaa Vinaya Vibhooshitham

(ii) Viveka Vairaaghya AnushTaana Soulabhya Suseelam /

(iii) Asmath Darsana Sthaapaka VyaapakaaNaam VarishTam

(iv) Vande Gurum Villivalam Sri Krishnama Aachaarya SirO maNim //

(i)He used to say frequently that "One should know One's self ".

Here is one who had known his self. Hence,” Vignaatham Aathmaanam”

(ii)Vidya (Learning) and Vinaya (Humility) rarely go together.

Here is one who blends both and blends them so perfectly. Hence,' Vidyaa Vinaya Vibhooshitham'- Not merely ' Bhooshitham' but ' Vibhooshitham'.

(iii)There may be so many today that seek to establish our Darsana.

Here is one who is outstanding among them all. Hence, '”Staapaka Vyaapakaanaam VarishTam'

(iv)He is a Guru in the sense he dispels the darkness of ignorance.

He is Acharya because he throws light on the correct path. Hence, the use of the words

“Guru' and 'Acharya'- Not only that. He is also the diadem among Gurus and Acharyas. Hence, “SirO maNim”

· This Tanian was submitted at the Sadas held at Prof. V. Ramabadran's house. When it was read out and presented, our Swami was so moved and asked me how it came to be composed. I just quoted the stanza from Godha Sthuti where Swami Desikan says-

'" Mounaan Mukharayanti Gunaah Tvadheeyaah" (meaning) it was his qualities that made even a mute fellow like me to venture to compose. I also quoted Mahaakavi Bharatiyaar's words

"Nidhi Migunthavar Porkuvai Thaareer

Nidhi Kuraindavar Kaasugal Thaareer

Adhuvum Arravar Vai Choll AruLeer”