North and West Argyll FEI Cluster Group

Monday 20th August 2012

at 4. 30 pm

Inveraray Primary School, Inveraray, Argyll

Present: Caroline Boyle, Fiona Hamilton, Aileen Watkins, Elaine Jamieson, Anne Paterson, Linda Leyland, DaleKupris

Apologies: Ross Preston


1. 'Information Updates and Future Planning'

2. FEI networking day


1. 'Information Updates and Future Planning'

We discussed the proposal Elaine has put together; there has been one note of interest so far although Stramash is intending to put in a tender for both proposals.

Sincere thanks go to Elaine for all the hard work she put into the proposal. The money for the two projects is in the FEI bank and will therefore be able to be paid out to the successful applicant. It is Stramash’s intention to tender for both proposals.

2. FEI networking days

Stramash has won the tender for this one; we should have a contract with them for this. Stramash is still awaiting funding from last year and has tried to contact Matthew Huddlestone but hasn’t heard anything.


All - if we find a ‘contract’ in our files, we should email it to Elaine.

EJ –email Bonnie and ask if she has any templates/ examples of contracts that we can use.

CB - ask Aileen about the final report on Forest School so we can have a copy.

AW – to email Elaine copies of the claim that she has

Two CPD events for teachers/ school staff/ FS trained people/ other facilitators who are involved in outdoor learning. The dates for these are:

November 3rd 2012

11th May 2013

If for A&B staff, it will be recognised that they have attended and 5 hours can be logged against their CPD hours.

Anne may be able to give some financial ie pay for the venue.



•To improve networking between practitioners

• To support staff who are doing outdoor learning and further develop their skills.

Ideas for the networking days:

• introduction to FEI from Bonnie; hear about the FEI and what they have achieved

•opportunity for a 3 workshops, perhaps choose three of these; 6 workshops

•possibility of free workshops

• practical ‘hands on’workshops

• Sam Harrison?

•evaluation at the end; where do we go from here?

• Nature/ nurture – emotional development

Ideas for workshops:

• campfire cooking including progression from nursery to secondary; hygiene

• risk assessment

• all providers should display their Risk Assessments and see what they are like

• Forest School (Penny) do a workshop

•Tree dressing

• painting stones and laying out the trail

• story telling – Creeping Toad?

Pip Weaser – winter willow decorations

Jane Allan – willow Christmas

Ideas from last meeting:

•health and safety/ risk assessment

•use of tools workshops

•campfire cooking

• tracking

• artwork from nature/ making jewellery

•knots/ working with rope

• storytelling

•musical instruments form nature

• willow work

• using the outdoors for emotional wellbeing/ tree hugging

• creating a ‘trim trial’/ outdoor gym

•green woodworking/ wood turning

• working with bark

Plan for the day ‘Let’s get outdoors together’

Everyone together for keynote speech, beaver trial, SNH - blurb first thing then workshops – one or two in morning and the same for the afternoon.

•willow – how to plant and then use the willow to make things

•Penny – see what she could offer

• Ross – forest school type workshop

Suggestion that it be in Inveraray Primary School be used as a central location.

Providers of workshops will be aware that their audience is from different sectors ie nursery to secondary and that their workshop needs to be appropriate to the different sectors.

We will charge £5 per head. Cheques go to Stramash with the booking form and this will be repaid to FEI.

Letter of agreement between Stramash and ourselves.

Stramash could take on the insurance to cover the providers.

Anne to book ICC for both dates and charge it to her budget. This will be reflected in the report at the end.

DONM: 25th October at 4. 30 pm