Troop 1321 - Event Planning Worksheet

Scout Event Planner

Adult Mentor


Event Date:

Event Location:

Planned Activities:

3 Months in Advance – Date

Items to be completed no later than the 3-month date.

Distribute Flyer

Post Sign Up Sheet

Confirm Event Date

Are any fees involved? Cost?

Is any equipment required that the Troop does not have?

  • List Equipment
  • Cost of Equipment

Prepare a tentative description of event activities

List rank advancements to be accomplished at event

Present event briefing to PLC for review and approval

Initiate Adult Mentor Checklist

2 Months in Advance – Date

Items to be completed no later than the 2-month date.

Assign the following Scout leadership positions as needed

  • SPL:
  • ASPL:
  • Patrol Leader:
  • Quartermaster:
  • GrubmasterPat 1 - Pat 2 -

Assign adult leadership for event

  • SM:
  • ASM:
  • Grubmaster:

Prepare tentative Event Daily Planner and present to PLC for review and comment

Prepare tentative trip cost details and present to PLC for review and comment

Review status of Adult Mentor Checklist

1 Month in Advance – Date

Items to be completed no later than the 1-month date.

Prepare final Event Daily Planner and present to PLC for approval.

Prepare final trip cost details and present to PLC for approval.

Verify reservation/registration forms have been submitted.

Finalize equipment needs

Send reminder that permission slips and money due by

Determine preliminary number of scout and adult attendees

Review Adult Mentor Checklist

Remind attendees that money and permission slips are due at the meeting 2 weeks before event.

Menus due for final approval by PLC

Brief PLC each week on status of event planning

2 Weeks in Advance – Date

Items to be completed no later than the 2-week date.

Finalize scout and adult attendee list

Permission slips and money due

Finalize Adult Mentor Checklist

We will need to plan some other activities so the scouts that are not actively DOING EVENT ______will be working on other things.

The options are:


1. Proposed Travel Itinerary (Departure time and location, Driving Route, Planned Stops, etc., etc. and return)

2. Proposed Travel Logistics (# and name of Drivers, list of scouts per driver, trailer - yes/no, etc., etc.)

3. Proposed Duty Roster

4. Proposed Schedule (times Saturday, Sunday, etc.)

5. Proposed other activities

Vehicle Load Plan:

Troop 1321 - Meal Plan

(Cost is $5.00 per Scout/Per Meal. $4.50 for the meal, 50 cents to the troop)

Campout Name and Date: ______

Grubmaster: ______

Number of Patrol Members attending campout: ______

Friday Evening: ______

Saturday Breakfast

Cook/s: ______

Meal: ______



Drinks: ______

Notes: ______



Saturday Lunch

Cook/s: ______

Meal: ______



Drinks: ______

Desert: ______

Notes: ______



Saturday Dinner

Cook/s: ______

Entrée: ______



Drinks: ______

Desert: ______

Notes: ______



Sunday Breakfast

Cook/s: ______

Entrée: ______



Drinks: ______

Notes: ______

SM Signature: ______

Date: ______

Troop 1321 - Patrol Duty Roster

Patrol Leader: ______Patrol Name: ______


Issue/Collect Gear
Chuck Box
Boundary & Gate
Fire Ring
Axe Yard
Colors: / AM: / PM:
Campfire Program











Police Call:

Check Tents:

Check Patrol Boxes:

Check Trailer:

Troop 1321 - Patrol Camp Sites

Patrol Leader: ______Patrol Name: ______

Campout Dates: ______Activity Type: ______

Tent 1
Tent 2
Tent 3
Tent 4
Tent 5
Tent 6
Tent 7
Tent 8
Tent 9
Tent 10

*Reminder – Troop 1321 Policy is 2 Scouts Per Tent”

Troop 1321 - Program Plan

Friday / Time: / Item / Notes
Meet at Church Parking Lot
Account for Scouts/Provide Drivers with Directions to Drivers / Provide Route Brief to Drivers
Estimated Arrival Time
Set Up
In Tents/Quiet Time
Saturday / Time: / Item / Notes
Reveille For SPL/ASPL and Grubmaster/Cooks
Morning Chow/Clean up/Eat as Patrols
0800 / Morning Colors/Announcements
0815 / Morning Program
Grubmaster/Cooks – Noon Chow
Lunch and Clean Up
Afternoon Program
Grubmaster/Cooks – Evening Chow
Chow/Clean Up
Free Time
Camp Fire Program
Quiet Time
Sunday / Time: / Item / Notes
Grubmaster/Cooks – Morning Chow – Remainder of Troop Pack up Gear
Morning Chow/Clean Up/Pack Patrol Box
Religious Service
Pack Trailer/Police Call
Account for Scouts/Depart Camp / Route Brief to Drivers
Arrive at Church


Troop 1321 - Troop Roster

Camp Site: ______

Trip ASM: ______Phone Number: ______

Trip SPL: ______Phone Number: ______

Scout Roster

Scout Name:




Contact Number:

Adult Roster





Contact Number:

Troop 1321 - Vehicle Load Plan

If Required – Identify Which Vehicle Will Pull The Trailer

Vehicle #1: (Number Seats - )Vehicle #2: (Number Seats - )

Vehicle #3: (Number Seats - )Vehicle #4: (Number Seats - )

Vehicle #5: (Number Seats - )Vehicle #6: (Number Seats - )

Vehicle #7: (Number Seats - )Vehicle #8: (Number Seats - )

Troop 1321 - Scoutmaster Checklist

Trip Location: ______

Trip Dates: ______

ASM In Charge: ______

SPL: ______


Determine Cost of Trip

Receive name for Event SPL From Troop SPL

Put out Permission Slips – Provide to SPL

Ensure SPL CollectsPermission Slips (Verify)

Maintain Money for Event – Work with SPL to verify

Tour Permit (If Required)

Medical Forms (From Troop Committee Chair)

Ensure all Scouts Have Passed BSA Swim Test (If Required)

Verify with SPL the Drivers for Event

Verify with SPL Who will Pull Troop Trailer

Verify Number of Seat Belts for Number of Scouts Attending

All Adults Appropriately Trained

Ensure SPL works with Patrols to Develop Event Program

Verify that Quartermaster has checked all equipment

Ensure SPL Checks Scout Personal Gear

Appropriate Supplies Required for Advancement/Merit Badges

Have Appropriate Blue Cards w/Signatures for Merit Badges

Publish plan to Parents and provide Contact Information

SPL Briefs plan to PLC. Plan is approved/adjusted as directed

SPL Briefs Scouts on any special gear/instructions required for trip

Check SPL Plan at appropriate times

Check Duty Roster, validate assignments (Grubmaster/Cooks/Q-Master)

All Adults attending have reviewed Program

Check SPL proposed Schedule – Make Adjustments as Required

Troop 1321 - Scoutmaster Post-Outing Checklist

Reconcile Trip Costs

Ensure Appropriate Information/Money/Receipts are Provided to Treasurer and Advancement Chair

Ensure Scout Books have been Appropriately and Accurately Signed

Ensure Blue Cards are Turned In to Advancement Chair

Boy Scout Troop 1321 Parental Permission Slip

Trip: ______

Dates: ______

I hereby give my child ______permission to attend.

I understand that electronic devices (cell phones, games & music devices etc.) are not allowed on scout outings. ______(initials)

Furthermore, I understand that the above scout will follow the directions given to him by the adult leaders and he will follow the scout oath and law and policies set forth by BSA. If the scout creates conditions that are an endangerment to himself or others, that the scout may be asked to leave the outing and picked up by a parent or guardian. The scout herein listed above has my permission to engage in all prescribed activities except those noted below by me.

I understand that participation in Scouting activities involves a certain degree of risk and can be physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding. I have carefully considered the risk involved and have given consent for myself or my child to participate in this activity. I also understand that participation in this activity isentirely voluntary and requires participants to abide by applicable rules and standards of conduct. I release the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with the activity from any and all claims or liability arisingout of this participation. In case of emergency involving my child, I understand every effort will be made tocontact me. In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the medical provider selected by the adult leader in charge to secure proper treatment, including hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery, or injections of medication for my child. Medical providers are authorized to disclose to the adult in chargeexamination findings, test results, and treatment provided for purposes of medical evaluation of the participant, follow-up and communication with the participant’s parents or guardian, and/or determination of the participant’s ability to continue in the program activities.

During this activity, I can be reached at the following phone number(s):

(_____) ______--______or (______) ______--______

Alternate contacts if I cannot be reached:

Name:______Phone (____) _____--______

Name:______Phone (____) _____--______

I hereby attest that the medical history information noted on the health history form submitted to my child’s scouting Unit is complete and correct, or the following changes to my child’s medical history should be noted:

List below any additional information or explanation of concerns: ______


By my signature below I hereby agree to the above:


Signature of Parent or GuardianDate

Revised 4/19/15