1. PG Student E & TC Department. 2. Assist Prof. E & TC Department

3. Prof. & Head, E & TC Department, 4. Lecturer E & TC Department

[1][2][3][4] SSGM College of Engineering, Shegaon

Dist- Buldhana, (Maharashtra) India-444203

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ABSTRACT: 4-bit 5GS flash ADC in 0.18µm CMOS is presented. All the ADC sub blocks including the comparators and the encoder are implemented using current mode logic (CML) circuits. In addition to CML implementation comparator and encoder are fully pipelined to improve the conversion rate. Encoder is designed with 4 stage pipeline and single type of gate which adds to the reliability of the circuit. Furthermore, the logic functions in the encoder are reformulated to reduce wire crossings and delay and to equalize the wires lengths in the layout. ADC dissipates 60mW power from 1.8V supply. INL and DNL errors are 0.34LSB and 0.26LSB respectively and ENOB is 3.71 bits. Using cadence tool proposed flash ADC is simulated in 0.18µm CMOS technology with 1.8V supply. The simulation result of this flash ADC shows a significant improvement in terms of speed, power and area compared to those of previously reported ADC’s.

Index Terms-- current mode logic (CML), flash ADC, Four stage pipelined CML encoder, register averaging, metastability, intermediate gray coding

ISSN: 0975 –6779| NOV 09 TO OCT 10| Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 1



The ADC’s are the key building block in many high speed serial link and ultra wide band applications. The flash ADC architecture generally achieves the highest sampling rate, and comparator performance typically determines maximum sampling speed. A comparator’s sampling speed is mostly determined by its regeneration time constants, and regeneration time constant is inversely proportional to the square of gate length for a given CMOS technology.

We present a flash ADC architecture, implemented in digital 0.18µm CMOS, that achieves up to 5GS/s with a low measured rate of metastability. Speed of 5GS/s is achieved based on low swing operation in entire ADC. Two stage register offset averaging achieves ENOB of 3.71 bits. Hence no calibration is required. In this paper architecture of the proposed ADC is presented in section II. Comparator array is described in section III. Encoder design is discussed in section IV. Simulation results are given in section V. Advantages and disadvantages of ADC are described in section VI and VII Finally conclusion is drawn in section VIII.


Fig 1 shows the block diagram of proposed ADC. The CML implemented comparator array consist of 21 multi stage comparators, including 15 main and 3 over-range comparators at each end of the array. It compares the input signal with the reference voltages generated by the resistor ladder to produce a

thermometer-coded version of the input signal. Four stage pipelined CML encoder implemented with only one type of gate converts thermometer code to binary code through an intermediate gray code. Two stages of register averaging are used for reducing the effect of comparator offset. Distributed sampling is used in first latch of comparator array instead of front end track and hold.


Figure 2.a and 2.b shows the schematic of the preamplifier and latch. As in figure 1 first block of comparator array is preamplifier, second stage is the regenerative latch which works as distributed track and hold, and two additional latches are provided to achieve further amplification and differential low swing level at the comparator outputs. No clock is provided for preamplifier which gives continuous signal to the first latch

Fig 2.b: Schematic of a CML Latch

In the first latch, at high clock, circuit is in track mode and when clock goes low it is in latch mode and signal is sampled. 3 latching stages operates in pipelined manner and amplifies the differential output voltage to generate +/-0.4V swing at the comparators output.


In the Encoder presented in this section, a fully pipelined architecture is used to enhance the circuit speed. In this structure thermometer code is converted to binary with intermediate gray coding which reduces the effect of bubble errors in thermometer code. Metastability, or undefined state of a comparator, can cause error in the ADC outputs. If the thermometer code is converted to a Gray code, in case of a metastability state only one bit is affected in the Gray code. Converting the thermometer code to the Gray code gives the comparator outputs more time to resolve the metastability, while those signals are passing through the gates and pipelining latches in the encoder To further increase the speed and to handle the low-swing output signals of the comparators, the encoder is implemented using CML blocks. Special format of thermometer code facilitates the use of XOR gate instead of AND/NAND gate which are not symmetric in layout. Figure 3.a shows encoder block diagram and Figure 3.b shows schematic of the CML, XOR GATE.

After pipelining the propagation delay of the slowest pipelined stage constrains the operating frequency. Therefore, to implement an efficient pipelining scheme, it is desirable to have approximately the same delay in all stages. This is achieved in our case by implementing the encoder using CML gates. The similarity in the structure of CML gates simplifies the delay and power calculations for the encoder, especially when a common bias voltage is used for all the circuit blocks

Figure3.a: Implementation of encoder with four stage pipeline and only one type of gate.

Table 1 compares the CML implementation of the different encoders. Tgate is the propagation delay of the gates while Pgate is the power consumption of a gate or a latch (which are equal). Assuming TSH≅ Tgate, the speed and power of the three encoder implementations are compared The two-stage and four-stage pipelined encoders have 67% and 150% higher speed, at the cost of more power consumption.

Table 1: Comparison of different implementation of encoder after CML implementation

No pipelining
Critical path delay / 4Tgate + TSH
Power / 18Pgate
Two-stage pipelining
Critical path delay / 2Tgate+TSH
Power / 23Pgate
Four-stage pipelining
Critical path delay / Tgate + TSH
Power / 35Pgate


Figure4.a shows the ENOB (SNDR) performance versus the clock frequency. At the 2GHz, an ENOB of 3.93 bits is achieved. At 4GHz (5GHz), ENOB drops to 3.71(3.5) bits. Figure 4.b shows the measurement results for the ENOB performance versus the input frequency.

For a 3GHz clock signal, an ENOB of 3.14 is achieved for a 0.501GHz input signal. At 1.491GHz input (close to the Nyquist frequency), ENOB is still above 2.75.

Figure 4.c shows the DNL/INL performance for an 11.131MHz input signal sampled at 3GHz. They lie in the range of -0.34 to 0.34LSB and -0.26 to 0.26LSB, respectively. Table 2 gives the performance summary in comparison with other two ADCs in [1] and [2] as shown in this table, simulation predicts a speed of 5GS/s with power consumption of 60mW from 1.8V supply


1] All the stages of this ADC consist of differential pairs and none of tail current sources are turned off.

2] In addition to the CML implementation, the comparator array and the encoder are fully pipelined. As result, the flash ADC achieves a sampling rate of 5GS/s

3] All the signals in the circuit are differential and low swing. Differential operation results in higher immunity to the common-mode noise, while low swing operation leads to lower noise generation.

4] As all the clocked transistors in the circuit are differential pairs, low-swing differential clock signals (as well as sinusoidal clocks) can be used.

This low-swing operation is important, especially at high speeds.

This work / [1] / [2]
Technology / 0.18µm
CMOS / 0.18µm
CMOS / 0.18µm
Resolution / 4 bits / 4 bits / 4 bits
Sampling rate / 5GS/s / 4GS/s / 3.2GS/s
Supply / 1.8V / A:1.8V
D:2.1-2.5V / A:1.8V
( mw ) / 60 / ~619 / 131
DNL / ~0.35LSB / 0.15LSB / 0.4LSB
INL / 0.26LSB / 0.20LSB / 0.6LSB
ENOB / 3.5@5G, 10M / 3.89@4G,10M / G,10M
calibration / No / Yes / Yes, off chip
Architecture / Non time
interleaved / Yes / Non time

Table 2: summary of the measured performance and comparison with previously published work

7. Disadvantages OF PRAPOSED ADC

1] Due to the use of CML, this ADC is not suitable for low clock rate applications orthe applications with relatively large periods of standby mode.

2] If a good performance at high frequency inputs is required, a T/H should be added infront of the ADC. 3] The ADC requires a differential clock rather than a single-ended.

4] The ADC has low-swing differential outputs that are suitable for most high-speedapplications. However, some circuitry is required to convert them to full-swingsingle-ended outputs for other applications.

5] CML increases the ADC speed. However, it suffers from the static powerconsumption that makes the ADC power inefficient in low clock rates. Also, itrequires a power down circuitry for the standby mode.


A low-power single-channel 4-bit flash ADC in 0.18µm CMOS is presented in this paper. A speed of 5GS/s is achieved through utilizing CML circuits, pipelining the entire ADC including the comparators and the encoders, and reformulation of the encoder function. The idea of implementing the complete ADC using CML blocks, which allows all the signals in the analog and digital pairs of the ADC to operate as low-swing differential signals,results in improvements in speed and power consumption. Some reformulation techniques are considered to reduce wire crossings and delay and to equalize the wires lengths in the layout.Reformulation technique reduces the pipelining delay and improves the speed.


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ISSN: 0975 –6779| NOV 09 TO OCT 10 | Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 1
