"Democracy & Economy: How can the relationship between democracy and free market economy be conceptualized? "

The question in the title consists key-expressions (like democracy, free market economy), which should be defined in a more exact way, than usually. Creating/interpreting words/phenomena can also be seen as a mathematical problem. First of all, we need to declare objects (like countries). Based on public statistics (being able to describe potential of democracy and free market economy) it is necessary to be capable to rank the objects according their proven potential (like democracy, free market economy). However, these ranking models should be created as a type of anti-discrimination models: c.f. we should try to prove in an objective way, whether each country could have the same value of democracy and free market economy. If the democracy potential and/or the free market economy potential show hardly any changes for the observed objects, then we might not interpret further relationship between them. If the two phenomena have the particular ranks for countries, then it is to analyze, which type of relationship can be identified between phenomena, which could not never be measured in a direct way. Objects can be declared both in a static way (only one year or time-period) and in a dynamic way (more time-periods of countries). Based on facts and similarity analyses expression can always be simulated like human intuition.

In addition: democracy and free market economy are means of ensuring social sustainability (and never and in themselves). A relationship between democracy and free market economy can be conceptualized, if we are able to identify each lack of equilibrium (problems with sustainability). Sustainability is the artistry of dynamic equilibrium. Therefore attributes of countries, being able to describe the expression of democracy and/or free market economy can be interpreted in a process of cybernetic SWOT analysis. Finally, it can be detected, that arbitrary phenomena were over- or under-estimated in the past. There is hardly any overall verity according to sustainability expectation. There is mostly objective relativism. Unfortunately it can also be spoken both about far too much democracy/freedom and about insufficient volume of democracy and freedom...

The author is László Attila Csapó. Hegraduated asan economistin 2010. Thenin 2010became aPhD student in Hungary. Hisarea ofexpertisein information technology,and informationmanagement but heis interestedin allthe processcan be automated.

Krisztián Kisari is a co-author. Hegraduated asan economistin 2010, too. Then in that year became a PhD student. Heis an ITprofessional by an agriculturalenterprise but he is alsointerested in demographic research.

Csaba Szűcs is a co-author. He has been working as a teacher for ten years. His field of research is employment at micro-regional level.