Level 1 Spells


Level: 1

School: Conjuration

Range: Personal

Duration: 1 hour/level

Casting Time: 1 round

Area of Effect: Caster

Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the wizard creates a magical field of force that sets its base Armor Class to 6, the equivalent of scale mail armor. This improves by 1 AC for every four levels of the caster, up to a minimum base Armor Class of 1 at level 20. The Armor spell does not hinder movement, adds no weight or encumbrance, nor does it prevent spellcasting. It lasts until successfully dispelled or until the duration runs out.


Level: 1

School: Illusion

Range: Long

Duration: Permanent

Casting Time: 5

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: Spell negates

This first level spell permanently blinds its target. A saving throw is allowed, and if successful, there are no harmful effects. If a victim becomes blinded, he receives -10 to hit on his attack rolls and his visibility range is decreased. This blindness can be done away with by a Dispel Magic or Cure Disease spell.

Burning Hands

Level: 1

School: Evocation

Range: Short

Duration: Special

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: None

When the wizard casts this spell, a jet of searing flame shoots from his fingertips towards the target of the caster's choice. His hands must be held so as to send forth a fanlike sheet of flames: the wizard's thumbs must touch each other and fingers must be spread. The burning hands send out flames that do 1d4 points of fire damage and eventually set the target on fire. The victim will burn for one additional round for every two extra levels of experience (up to a maximum of five rounds), receiving 1d4 points of damage each round.

Charm Person

Level: 1

School: Enchantment

Range: Long

Duration: 5 rounds

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 person

Saving Throw: Spell negates

Charm Person affects any single person it is cast upon. The term person includes any bipedal human, demihuman, or humanoid of man-size or smaller, such as dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, and others. Thus, a 10th-level fighter could be charmed, but an ogre could not. If the recipient fails his saving throw vs. spell, he regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The caster may give him orders, and the charmed creature will carry them out as quickly as possible.

If the caster harms, or attempts to harm, the charmed creature by some overt action, or if a Dispel Magic spell is successfully cast upon the charmed creature, the charm spell is broken. If two or more charm effects simultaneously affect a creature, the most recent charm takes precedence.

Chill Touch

Level: 1

School: Necromancy

Range: Personal

Duration: 1 turn

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: Special

When the caster completes this spell, a blue glow encompasses his hand. This energy attacks the life force of any living creature upon which the wizard makes a successful melee attack. The touched creature suffers 1d6 points of cold damage and loses one point of strength for 1 hour (no ability drain if the victim saves vs. death). The wizard gains a +4 bonus to hit the target and his touch is considered to be of +6 enchantment to determine what it can hit.

Chromatic Orb

Level: 1

School: Alteration

Range: Long

Duration: Special

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: Spell partial

This spell causes a 2-foot-diameter sphere to appear in the caster's hand. When thrown, the sphere heads unerringly to its target. The sphere appears in a variety of colors, and is occasionally even multicolored. The sphere inflicts 1d8 points of damage, along with different effects depending on its color. The victim can save vs. spell against all special effects but gets no save against the damage. All special effects last for 5 rounds.

White - Light (Saving Throws: -4)

Red - Pain (-1 to Strength, Dexterity & THAC0)

Yellow - Blindness

Green - Poison (2hp/round)

Aquamarine - Magnetism (AC: -4)

Blue - Paralysis

Violet – Slow

Color Spray

Level: 1

School: Alteration

Range: Special

Duration: Special

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: Cone

Saving Throw: Spell negates

Upon casting this spell, the wizard causes a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from his hand. The spray is 30 feet in length and spread out in a horizontal arc of about 120 degrees in front of the wizard. The spell's effects depend on the caster - creatures with Hit Dice/levels less than or equal to the caster are knocked unconscious for 5 rounds, those with Hit Dice/levels one or two greater than the wizard are blinded for 3 rounds, and all others are stunned for 1 round. Creatures with more than 22 Hit Dice/levels will have to save only against the stun effect, regardless of the caster's level.

Find Familiar

Level: 1

School: Universal

Range: Short

Duration: Permanent

Casting Time: 1 round

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the caster to summon a familiar to act as his aide and companion. Familiars are typically small creatures. A creature acting as a familiar can benefit a wizard, conveying its sensory powers to its master, conversing with him, and serving as a guard/scout/spy as well. A wizard can have only one familiar at a time, and he has no control over what sort of creature answers the summoning, if any come at all. Note that this spell may only be cast by the protagonist.

The creature is always more intelligent than others of its type (typically by 2 or 3 intelligence points), and its bond with the wizard confers upon it an exceptionally long life. The wizard has an empathic link with the familiar and can issue it mental commands. The caster receives half the familiar's total hit points as bonus hit points. However, the caster must take care to treat his familiar well, for if the familiar should die, the caster will lose the bonus hit points and half the familiar's hit points again as damage. Also, when a familiar dies, the caster loses 1 point of constitution permanently.

Example: A mage has 15 hit points and casts Find Familiar. The imp summoned has 24 hit points, so the caster gets a bonus of 12 hit points. The caster now has 27 hit points. If the familiar dies, the caster will lose those additional 12 hit points (putting him back at 12), permanently lose 1 point of constitution (which may cause additional hit point loss), and take 12 damage.

Here is a list of the familiars that the player receives according to alignment:


CHAOTIC GOOD: Fairy Dragon








Level: 1

School: Enchantment

Range: Personal

Duration: 5 turns

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: Caster

Saving Throw: None

A Friends spell increases the charisma of the wizard by 4 points. Those who view the caster tend to be very impressed with the spellcaster and make an effort to be his friends and help him, as appropriate to the situation. Officious bureaucrats might decide to become helpful; surly gate guards might wax informative; attacking orcs might spare the caster's life, taking him captive instead.


Level: 1

School: Conjuration

Range: Medium

Duration: 1 turn

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 10' radius

Saving Throw: Breath negates

A grease spell covers a material surface with a slippery layer of a fatty, greasy nature. Any creature caught in it when the spell is cast must save vs. breath or fall to the ground for one round. Those who enter the area or remain within it must make a save each round until they reach the nearest non-greased surface. A creature that succeeds on their saving throw can walk within or through the area of grease but will have their movements slowed considerably.


Level: 1

School: Divination

Range: Personal

Duration: Instant

Casting Time: Special

Area of Effect: 1 item

Saving Throw: None

When this spell is memorized, go to the history page of an unidentified item and press the identify button. The chance of identifying the item is 100%. The spell identifies the item's name, what it does, and if it is cursed.

Larloch's Minor Drain

Level: 1

School: Necromancy

Range: Long

Duration: Special

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: None

With this spell, the wizard drains the life force from a target and adds it to his own. The target creature suffers 1d4+2 damage, while the mage gains 1d4+2 hit points. If the mage goes over his maximum hit point total with this spell, he loses it after 1 turn.

Magic Missile

Level: 1

School: Evocation

Range: Long

Duration: Instant

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: None

Use of the Magic Missile spell, one of the most popular first level spells, creates up to five missiles of magical energy that dart forth from the wizard's fingertip and unerringly strike their target, which must be a creature of some sort. Each missile inflicts 1d4+1 points of damage. For every two extra levels of experience, the wizard gains an additional missile - he has two at 3rd level, three at 5th level, four at 7th level, and a maximum of five missiles at 9th level.

Nahal's Reckless Dweomer

Level: 1

School: Conjuration

Range: Personal

Duration: Special

Casting Time: 3

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: Special

This spell is the wild mage's ultimate last-resort spell. When cast, the mage releases a sudden flood of wild magical energy in the hope of seizing and shaping that energy into a desired spell effect. The attempt usually fails, but something almost always occurs in the process.

To use Reckless Dweomer, simply cast it and then choose from your list of known spells. A burst of magical energy is released, which the wild mage tries to manipulate into the desired form. The actual effect of the spell is determined randomly by a dice roll on the Wild Surge Table (found in your manual).

Because the release of energy is planned by the mage, his level is added to the dice roll. If the result indicates success, the mage has shaped the magical energy into the desired effect. More often than not, the effect is completely unexpected. The result may be beneficial to the mage or it may be completely disastrous; this is the risk the mage takes in casting Nahal's Reckless Dweomer.

Protection from Evil

Level: 1

School: Abjuration

Range: Touch

Duration: 2 rounds/level

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at a distance of one foot. The barrier moves with the recipient and has two major effects: first, all attacks made by evil or evilly enchanted creatures against the protected creature receive a -2 penalty to their attack roll, and second, any saving throws caused by such attacks are made by the protected creature with a +2 bonus.

Protection from Petrification

Level: 1

School: Abjuration

Range: Touch

Duration: 5 turns

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: None

This spell grants the recipient immunity to all petrification attacks. This includes basilisk and medusa gaze, cursed scrolls of petrification, etc.

Reflected Image

Level: 1

School: Illusion

Range: Personal

Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: Caster

Saving Throw: None

Upon casting this spell, the wizard creates one image of himself that will travel along beside him. The image will perform all of the actions that the wizard does so that if any enemies are trying to attack the wizard they will not know which one is real. There is a 50% chance that an attacker will attack the image and a 50% chance that he will attack the caster. The image will disappear with a successful dispel magic, when attacked, or when the spell duration runs out.


Level: 1

School: Evocation

Range: Personal

Duration: 5 turns

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: Caster

Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, an invisible barrier comes into being in front of the wizard, granting him immunity to the spell Magic Missile. Furthermore, the fluctuating force shield around the caster acts similarly to a regular shield, effectively increasing AC by 2 points (+4 vs. missile weapons). This effect lasts for the duration of the spell or until dispelled.

Shocking Grasp

Level: 1

School: Evocation

Range: Personal

Duration: Special

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: Special

When the wizard touches a creature while this spell is in effect, an electrical charge will deal 1d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 5d6) and stun the target for 1 round. If the target makes a successful saving throw vs. spell, he is not stunned. The spell expires once the wizard attempts a melee attack or after 10 rounds have passed. The wizard gains a +4 bonus to hit the target and his touch is considered to be of +6 enchantment to determine what it can hit.