/ 4
No School / 5
Let’s go fishing
Children will make fishing poles and fish with magnets. We’ll eat a picnic lunch outside, and make s’mores by our “campfire”.
Visit from Humane Society (Max Mobile) / 6
Our Earth
As we explore nature, and the world around us, we will learn what we can do to take care of our Earth. We’ll practice wilderness safety, identify different trees, and learn what it means to be a Park Ranger. / 7
Animals in the Northwest
Children will go on a bird watching nature walk and scavenger hunt. / 8
Water Day
Children will explore their wild side with animal masks and animal charades. We will also explore different animal habitats.
Visit from Reptile Man
/ 11
Argh! There be pirates here!
We continue our adventure camp by diving into the world of superheroes and pirates.
Thistle Theater (Yo Ho Ho the Pirate Show) / 12
Children will explore ships. Why do they float? What are they made of, and who uses them? We will also go on a treasure hunt! / 13
Superheroes Day 1
Today, children will create their own superhero identity, and build their own secret lair. / 14
Superheroes Day 2
Our older children will create a superhero comic book and everyone will put together their own superhero costume. Be sure to pack an old
t-shirt with your child today. / 15
Water Day
A pirate or a superhero?
Children get to dress up as their favorite superhero, or be a pirate for a day. What will your little one choose?
Athlete / 18
What is your favorite sport?
As we begin our Athlete session of summer, we will explore a variety of sports. / 19
Soccer Day
Today, children will learn all about soccer. Where and how is it played? How far can you kick a soccer ball? / 20
Yoga Day
Children will bring towels to school to practice their yoga poses on. We’ll all take some time to stretch our bodies and think peaceful thoughts. / 21
At the Gym Day
Today children will learn about different ways to exercise their body. From weight lifting to jump rope, we will practice various ways to stay fit and healthy. / 22
Water Day
The Seahawks won’t be back in action for a while, but at Cedar Crest Academy our kiddos will get to start in on the fun of football a little early.
/ 25
Mini Golf Day
This is not your average Putt-Putt Golf. On Mini Golf day, your little ones will get to explore the world of golf by making their own golf course! / 26
Healthy Food Day
Children will learn about different types of food to eat to keep their bodies in good working order.
Astro Jump / 27
Healthy Bodies Day
How can we keep our bodies healthy? Children will learn about keeping their bodies healthy by keeping germs at bay. / 28
Field Day!
Children will spend the day playing relay races and other fun games outside. They will practice their best sportsman like behavior and earn a medal! / 29
Water Day
Children have worked hard all week, exercising their bodies and eating right. Today we add to the fun with a few new games to challenge our little ones.
Ice Cream Day!
/ 1
Crystal Experiment
Your little one will love becoming a scientist. To kick things off, children will begin growing their own crystals and observe how they develop over the next two weeks. / 2
Pennies Experiment
Green pennies? We can make it happen. Children will learn about chemical reactions. It may take some time, but scientists are patient.
Visit from Burke Museum / 3
Oobleck Day
Children will read “Bartholomew and the Oobleck” by Dr. Seuss and then make Oobleck of their own! / 4
Gak Day
Today children will make that delightful gooey substance known as Gak and see how it compares to Oobleck. / 5
Water Day
What better day to learn about the water cycle than on our water play day? Children will explore where water comes from, and why it’s important to conserve it.
/ 8
Children will have the opportunity to explore the world of volcanoes. They will make a model of a volcano and watch it erupt at the end of the week. / 9
Egg Experiment
What happens to a raw egg when it is soaked in vinegar? Our scientists will begin an experiment to find out.
Visit from Science Center / 10
What is a rainbow?
Today, children will get to make a rainbow in a jar and watch as we use baking soda, vinegar and food coloring to make erupting rainbows! / 11
Erupting Volcanoes
Today is the day! Our model volcanoes are dry and it is time to watch them erupt.
Visit From Imagine Children’s Museum (Super Summer). / 12
Water Day
One last experiment to finish out our week. Today, our scientists will explore what dissolves in water, and they will check in on their penny and crystal experiments from last week.
/ 15
Welcome to the Circus
Jump, tumble and play like acrobats in a circus! Kids will be introduced to the life of a circus performer.
Astro Jump / 16
Parade Day
Children will get to choose instruments and streamers and parade around the school making beautiful music. / 17
Circus Games Day
Pin the nose on the clown, toss the bean bag in the hoop and practice your hula skills with a hula-hoop. Your little one will surely enjoy our day of games. / 18
Imagination Day
Children will have their faces painted, enjoy some tasty popcorn, and get to make sock puppets as they put their imaginations to good use. / 19
Water Day
Children will use their sock puppets from Imagination Day and put on a puppet show for their teachers and friends.
Xakary the Magician
/ 22
Readers Theater Day
Children will read a story and act out the plot with their friends.
/ 23
Playwright Day
Our older students will come up with ideas and write a short play, while our preschoolers will practice songs for the performance on Friday! / 24
Costume Day
Children will wear costumes to school (think Halloween in August)! / 25
Theater Games Day
Children will play various theater games such as charades to get into the spirit of a Performer.
Tangerine Tales / 26
Water Day
Time to perform! All of their hard work will pay off today, as our students put on a show. Parents, come watch your little ones take to the stage!
Ice Cream Day!

Teacher Work Week
No School / 29 / 30 / 31 / 1 / 2