7th Grade General Science

Policy Plan

St Joseph Catholic School

Greenville, Mississippi

James T. Hunter


Personal Email:


Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! I am very excited to have the opportunity to teach your child this year. We will be covering a lot of information and have a great time doing it.

I am a graduate of Saint Joseph High School. I loved this institution then and I am very excited to be part of the Saint Joseph Family once again. I also attended Mississippi State University. I graduated in 2011 with a Bachelors of Science through the College of Education.


This course is a general science course composed of three different branches of science; Physical Science, Life Science, and Earth Science. All three will be covered and discussed in three different units.

Physical Science will cover atoms, bonding of atoms, chemical reactions, acids, bases, solutions, machines, electricity, magnetism, and sound.

Life Science will cover living things, processes, genetics, ecosystems, biomes and living resources.

Earth Science will cover minerals, rocks, earth’s surface, oceans, and space.


Students successfully completing this course shall:

·  Understand why we study science and the role of scientists.

·  Know the elements, symbols, chemical reactions

·  Safety responsibilities in the lab

·  Processes of the cell in plants and animals

Teaching Strategies:

This course is lecture and laboratory based. Students will be responsible for keeping a notebook and taking notes during lectures. They will be required to turn in Lab Reports before any lab exercise or they will not be allowed to participate in the lab.

Required Texts:

Prentice Hall: Science Explorer

Examinations and Requirements:

There will be a minimum of 10 closed book examinations. The exams will be based on the lectures and assigned readings. The final exam will be comprehensive covering all units of the semester.

Make up exams will be allowed within three school days of the students return to school from an excused absence.

Homework assignments will be announced and posted in class as well as the Power School website. A three day make up period will be allowed with an excused absence.

Class Participation:

Roll will be taken each class meeting. Active class participation will be necessary and be taken as a classwork grade. Misbehavior will not be tolerated, as it is a hindrance to the learning process.


Course grades will follow the established policies of this institution as stated in the Parent and Student Handbook.

Tests: 60%

Quizzes/Labs: 20%

Homework/Classwork: 20%

Please make a copy of this for yourself, then sign and return to me.

Parent Signature: ______

Student Signature: ______