Summaries submitted by Nominees
Full Member NomineesKathryn: I have been an FPP trustee since it was founded in 1997. In that time I have held the positions of honorary chair and secretary. Most recently, for several years, I have been FPP’s treasurer.
I have much knowledge and skills in the behind the scenes work necessary to ensure that FPP keeps its obligations and stays within the legal framework as a registered charity and charitable incorporated organisation. I am able to advise other trustees on the implications of any proposed actions in relation to how we are required to behave as a charity and CIO.
I am well known and respected in the wider field of complex dissociation in the
UK, and increasingly internationally which helps get FPP the recognition and respect it needs as an organisation.
My longevity as an FPP trustee means I can bring stability and continuity to the Board and the tasks it has to achieve.
Kim: I have enjoyed supporting FPP as a trustee and continue to fully support its mission, values and objectives. In particular the aim of making D.I.D and all other dissociative disorders better known and understood by the medical profession, statutory and voluntary organisations and the wider public. I would like to continue to support FPP’s excellent work in this area.
Presently I am co-authoring an article for the BMJ to clarify ME, a complex medical condition which is similarly often not well understood by a significant proportion of scientific, medical and lay people. I am able to evaluate/summarise complex scientific articles/research studies, using skills enhanced whilst studying towards a psychology degree, to present information in a clear, helpful way for a wide range of audiences: professionals in the mental health field; GPs and other clinicians; friends/family/carers. I believe that being able to make solid arguments to clinical services, other organisations and politicians, about the needs, appropriate treatments/supports for those with dissociative disorders is critical at a time of austerity and competing demands for funding.
I contributed to raising awareness of an FPP training course held in my area, and gave practical/technical support during the course. I was able to share relevant personal experience of the therapy that has helped me learn to live collaboratively and happily with my other parts. I would like to continue to do this as opportunity arises.
Previously I worked for a voluntary organisation for adult survivors of sexual abuse, also providing a training session highlighting ritualistic and organisational abuse. Currently I am a GP Patient Participation Group member. I volunteer with Sailability; enabling people with a variety of disabilities to access sailing, including those with mental health difficulties. I feel one of my strengths is in enabling people both on an individual basis and through organisational involvement.
Associate Member Nominee
Chris :I am currently an associate member of FPP, and have been on the board of Directors/Trustees for some time, more recently in the capacity of Secretary.
I have a considerable knowledge of Dissociation, Mind Control and Ritual abuse learnt over a period of more than 11 years and have in addition attended many Conferences and trainings on the subject.
I am fully committed to First Person Plural’s mission, values and objectives and willing to continue to take on the responsibility of being a charity trustee/director.
I have been a reliable attendee of meetings over the years and willing and able to ‘get on with all sorts’. I have experience of working on the committee and am known to existing committee team members.
I am capable of expressing my own thoughts and opinions whilst always hearing the view of others, and able to form my own opinions and views whilst reaching compromises and conceding to others when required and participate in all and varied topics
I am able to produce required documentations and have Minute taking skills and have minuted meetings for some time until very recently and have an understanding of financial matters whilst not an accountant.
It would be a privilege to be allowed to continue on the Board should you be kind enough to support me.