Private Yoga with NAME

Benefits of Private Yoga Classes

  • Get direct, 1-on-1 training to achieve your health goals with yoga
  • Practice based on your schedule, your availability
  • Learn more quickly, go deeper with personal attention & training

Class Packages

  • Single Class$125
  • 4 Class Pack (1 month) Save 20%$399
  • 12 Class Pack (3 months) Save 30%$999
  • 16 Class Pack (4 months)Save 40% $1,195

How it Works

Private individual (or small group) classes are usually held at your home, office or another organized practice area. Private practice is recommended a minimum of once per week, though some students prefer to practice 2-3x’s per week which is even better if you’re able to commit to that. Together,we’ll work specifically on your health goals using the best yoga practices to serve you. This is highly individualized and is designed to help you get the most benefits in the least amount of time possible.

Preparing for Class

  • Turn off mobile phone, remove from room if possible
  • Use a sticky yoga mat
  • Wear loose-fitting, athletic style clothing that you’re comfortable in
  • Try to arrange for an uninterrupted 60-minute block
  • Avoid eating 3 hours before practice

About [Your Name Here]

This is where you put a very short bio that is based on real-world experience and training. Avoid self-aggrandizing, keep it based on results and facts. Most students know very little about yoga, so this will give them confidence you are qualified and the right choice (or not).

Student Info, Terms & Agreement

Your Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State/Province: _____ Post/Zip Code: ______

Email Address: ______

Tel Number: ______

(1) Do you have any injuries or medical conditions? (please share in details)

(2) What is your primary interest in yoga today?

___ lose weight ___ increase flexibility ___ relieve stress

__ overcomeinjury ___ advance current yoga practice

(3) If this goes really well, what would you hope would be the outcome from our practice together?

TERMS & CONDITIONS - Please read and initial below.

__ Class size limited.Private class rates based on up to 3 students of my choice.For each additional student after 3, there is a $25 per student per class charge.

__ Start/end time.Classes are scheduled in 60 minute blocks of time. If class starts late due to student delay, teacher will need to end at scheduled time.

__ Cancellation policy. Classes can be rescheduled without penalty provided a minimum of 24 hours advanced notice is given. If less than 24 hours, then class will not be refundable or transferrable.

__ Liability waiver.Students take full responsibility for their own health and any illness or injury that may occur. Students cannot and will not hold instructors or any employers or affiliates responsible in the case of accident or illness during practice.


I have read and understand the terms and conditions of private yoga classes as outlined above.

Signed: ______Date ______